Creeping Sharia: The Islamisation of the West

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17 Apr 2016, 5:33 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Pidgeons are well know for their ability to produce copious amounts of poop.

Also, never play chess with one.


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17 Apr 2016, 5:34 pm

Mikah wrote:
Oh, so you only see a problem with the "87 % reach orgasm from rape" claim, and not - for instance - the "female liberation destroys civilization" claim?

Because for me, the latter *does* in fact discredit the entire video...

No, but you mentioned one statistic, I defended the reputation of one man. As for the theory that female liberation is the source of all woes and the end of civilisation, if you are really interested: it isn't one I am particularly fond of, there is much more going on. I can say I think there is something in his theory worth considering. You can ask anyone who works in politics about "the female vote", it is a real and separate thing that politicians must and do pander to. To pretend women voting has had zero effect on the course of democratic civilisation is silly.

Myself, I suspect that female "liberation" (emphasis on the airquotes) is a ever-recurring symptom of declining civilisations, not the cause. There are patterns to be observed from history, read the essay "The Fate of Empires" by John Glubb, one of these patterns he identifies with decline is women pushing their way into male spaces. These long dead empires for the most part weren't democratic, yet still women found some (relatively unusual for the time) measure of emancipation before the end, that suggests to me that these proto-feminists took advantage of a preexisting weakness, rather than brought about the change themselves through force of body or will of mind.

In other words, the consequences of living in a free society.

Sorry, but I'd rather be free and face the "decline of civilization" than have men lord over me.

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18 Apr 2016, 2:55 am

In other words, the consequences of living in a free society.

Sorry, but I'd rather be free and face the "decline of civilization" than have men lord over me.

Your freedom is illusory, no one is free, man or woman. The shackles have just changed hands. It's fair enough if you prefer these shackles to the old ones, but the price maybe much higher than you expect. Putting aside the violence and rape that often becomes epidemic towards the end of a nation and getting back to the topic again, will it have been worth it if the West is Islamised beyond recognition? However intolerable things were under "Christian Patriarchy" is the life of a woman under Islamic Patriarchy so much better?

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18 Apr 2016, 7:39 am

Mikah wrote:
In other words, the consequences of living in a free society.

Sorry, but I'd rather be free and face the "decline of civilization" than have men lord over me.

Your freedom is illusory, no one is free, man or woman. The shackles have just changed hands. It's fair enough if you prefer these shackles to the old ones, but the price maybe much higher than you expect. Putting aside the violence and rape that often becomes epidemic towards the end of a nation and getting back to the topic again, will it have been worth it if the West is Islamised beyond recognition? However intolerable things were under "Christian Patriarchy" is the life of a woman under Islamic Patriarchy so much better?

Let me make it clearer: I prefer being able to work and take care of myself.

If someone is honestly stupid enough to believe my "liberation" has anything to do with the "end of society," well, I'll just file that away with, "Vaccines Cause Autism," and, "The World is Secretly Run by Lizard People."

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18 Apr 2016, 8:49 am

Why would any sane woman want anything other than to be covered up, locked away, prevented from voting, denied a university education, impregnated yearly, and escorted everywhere by an adult male relative for her own "protection"?

:pig: I'm not being serious here.


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18 Apr 2016, 11:04 am

Fnord wrote:
Why would any sane woman want anything other than to be covered up, locked away, prevented from voting, denied a university education, impregnated yearly, and escorted everywhere by an adult male relative for her own "protection"?

:pig: I'm not being serious here.

Some women actually want to live that lifestyle.

You generally find them trying to get to Syria.


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18 Apr 2016, 11:17 am

Let me make it clearer: I prefer being able to work and take care of myself.

I wonder if you work in a profession formerly barred to women, there weren't actually that many. True there were some, usually jobs of high standing or those that were highly strenuous, but that wasn't really what kept women from working. If anything it was social pressure.
What has really changed in the last century is the stigma attached to women working, it was once seen as the last recourse of a woman who had failed to find a husband or for women born into extreme poverty. Now of course the shoe is on the other foot, full time motherhood is denigrated as a "waste". "Yes, Husband" has become "Yes, Boss" and bosses aren't morally or legally obligated to keep you for life. Some trade.

If someone is honestly stupid enough to believe my "liberation" has anything to do with the "end of society," well, I'll just file that away with, "Vaccines Cause Autism," and, "The World is Secretly Run by Lizard People."

Only fools ignore the rhymes of history and it seems most of us are fools, since humanity never learns the lessons of the past. The rhymes say that patriarchal, religious, marriage-oriented cultures always win out in the end. Those who said that history had ended with the fall of the Soviet empire were very very wrong. The next great war for civilisation will be between ultraconservative Islam and the soppy weak mess that is the West. Your illusory freedom is coming to an end, likely within your lifetime, one way or another.

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18 Apr 2016, 11:18 am

"Creeping Sharia" sounds like some sort of ground cover plant.Or a skin disease.Or maybe a creepy stalker girl called Sharia.

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18 Apr 2016, 11:37 am

Mikah wrote:
Another Black Pigeon tirade.

Video summary for GGPViper:

Goodbye Western civilisation, we hardly knew ye.

War is coming.

Trump is right.

Islam is not like other religions. It does not integrate, it only conquers. This will not end well.

The Muslim population continues to increase in Western countries, both through uncontrolled immigration and by the difference in birth rates. The level of violence and instability in a country increases along side the relative population of Muslims it contains. The war of Islam vs everyone else that started 1400 years ago, never ended, there was just a temporary tactical peace treaty in place, that has now been annulled.

In the long run we have three choices: Submission, civil war, or preemptive deportation.
Western governments and their media arms have already made their choice: they are already submitting to the wishes of the minority, hence "creeping Sharia"

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23 Apr 2016, 2:47 am

There's nothing wrong with Muslim immigration. What we are witnessing right now is simply an evolution in western culture, like the one that happened in the middle ages with the advent of Christianity. Christianity, too, is a religion foreign to the west; and Europe's pagan ancestors were very hostile to its spread. Christian immigrants fought for the right to exist. Some were violent, some were victims of violence; but eventually the obstinate pagans had to accept their new neighbors. Within a century it was as if Christianity had always been there.

Moral of the story? You got used to Christianity. You'll get used to Islam.


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23 Apr 2016, 2:56 am

Christianity moderated itself.

Islam is a stain on every country that has a presence.

It is a colonising religion.

Muhammad was a criminal.


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23 Apr 2016, 3:20 am

Moral of the story? You got used to Christianity. You'll get used to Islam.

Which side will "get used" to the other as you euphemistically put it, is not set in stone yet.

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23 Apr 2016, 5:46 am

Mikah wrote:
Let me make it clearer: I prefer being able to work and take care of myself.

I wonder if you work in a profession formerly barred to women, there weren't actually that many. True there were some, usually jobs of high standing or those that were highly strenuous, but that wasn't really what kept women from working. If anything it was social pressure.
What has really changed in the last century is the stigma attached to women working, it was once seen as the last recourse of a woman who had failed to find a husband or for women born into extreme poverty. Now of course the shoe is on the other foot, full time motherhood is denigrated as a "waste". "Yes, Husband" has become "Yes, Boss" and bosses aren't morally or legally obligated to keep you for life. Some trade.

If someone is honestly stupid enough to believe my "liberation" has anything to do with the "end of society," well, I'll just file that away with, "Vaccines Cause Autism," and, "The World is Secretly Run by Lizard People."

Only fools ignore the rhymes of history and it seems most of us are fools, since humanity never learns the lessons of the past. The rhymes say that patriarchal, religious, marriage-oriented cultures always win out in the end. Those who said that history had ended with the fall of the Soviet empire were very very wrong. The next great war for civilisation will be between ultraconservative Islam and the soppy weak mess that is the West. Your illusory freedom is coming to an end, likely within your lifetime, one way or another.

Uhm, doesn't all that mean you should be celebrating the arrival of Sharia yourself?

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23 Apr 2016, 8:30 am

Uhm, doesn't all that mean you should be celebrating the arrival of Sharia yourself?

Not all cultures are equal, I'd prefer a conservative Christian country to a conservative Islamic one.

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23 Apr 2016, 9:04 am

Barchan wrote:
There's nothing wrong with Muslim immigration. What we are witnessing right now is simply an evolution in western culture, like the one that happened in the middle ages with the advent of Christianity. Christianity, too, is a religion foreign to the west; and Europe's pagan ancestors were very hostile to its spread. Christian immigrants fought for the right to exist. Some were violent, some were victims of violence; but eventually the obstinate pagans had to accept their new neighbors. Within a century it was as if Christianity had always been there.

Moral of the story? You got used to Christianity. You'll get used to Islam.

Why does the West need to 'get used' to Islam? If they want to be guests in our countries then they should respect our culture, we shouldn't be bending over backwards in ways for these people that they wouldn't even fathom back in their home countries. If you don't want to give up observant Islam then stay in observant Islamic countries, the West is totally stupid giving these third worlders welfare benefits when it can't even take care of its own people and we're told that this is a net positive to the country? Give me a break. Frau Merkel is the 2nd worst German Chancellor in history, she has done so much damage to that country and the entire continent.

The problem is that Islam WANTS a clash a civilizations, that is written right into the book. They want to conquer, they want to spread Islam all around the globe and with violence if need be, a world wide caliphate is the true Islam. It's called the religion of the sword for a reason. Islam is not giving up any concessions, it has in fact only gotten more extreme and violent in it's religious interpretations in the proceeding decades of mass immigration to the west with the children of these immigrants probably being the most anti-Western on the planet. Europe will be destroyed, the entire history of Western Civilization will be wiped away, Gaddafi wasn't stupid and neither are these Muslims. They all know the end game. These are Muslim colonists, not "migrants" or refugees.

Look at Europe now, it has a permanent fifth column that will create a security situation justifying the creation of the police state on top of the unsustainable welfare state that can't even take care of its own people let alone a bunch of anti-western refugees. The Arabs need to take care of this problem in the middle east as they are the ones that created it, if the Saudis or the Qataris or the Emiratis aren't so generous then maybe they should knock down their walls. I don't think Saudi Arabia has taken 1 refugee and they more than anybody are responsible for this situation. The Sauds are the true enemy of the United States, the redacted 28 pages will confirm this, Iran is a much preferable ally to the terrorist state of Saudi Arabia and their weaponized form of Islam called Wahbbism.

Now the always authoritarian borderline fascist Turks have been trending Islamist, they will set themselves up the power broker over Europe and it's Muslim population. Turkey is a MUCH MUCH bigger threat to Europe than Russia is, when was the last time Putin got somebody prosecuted in a western country for 'insulting' him? Turk immigrants in Europe are told to report insults made about President Erdogan, there have been tons of riots between Turk and Kurdish migrants in these refugee camps and on the streets of Europe. Merkel will prosecute the German comic for insulting the Turkish Sultan, soon they will prosecute all those that 'insult' Islam which the implicit threat of violence and death already hangs over. Women in Germany are told to cover up, Oktoberfest and open drinking is being deemed offensive to Muslims, as well as food with pig product, we have to bend to their will and give absolutely nothing. Why should we want these people here if they will not integrate and demand we heed to their beliefs or else?


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23 Apr 2016, 9:19 am

Barchan wrote:
There's nothing wrong with Muslim immigration. What we are witnessing right now is simply an evolution in western culture, like the one that happened in the middle ages with the advent of Christianity. Christianity, too, is a religion foreign to the west; and Europe's pagan ancestors were very hostile to its spread. Christian immigrants fought for the right to exist. Some were violent, some were victims of violence; but eventually the obstinate pagans had to accept their new neighbors. Within a century it was as if Christianity had always been there.

Moral of the story? You got used to Christianity. You'll get used to Islam.

I agree to a certain extent with what you've said, however, Christianity was essentially imposed on Europeans from the top down. Those who refused to convert to Christianity were either killed outright, or tortured until they either converted or died. --Many of the old European cathedrals are built upon Pagan worship sites.

Islam really is not that strange to Western Europe. The Iberian peninsula as you know was Islamic for a couple hundred years, and the Spanish language has borrowed from Arabic.

Also, the Protestant Reformation partly curtailed the spread of Islam in western Europe due to the fact that many concepts in Protestantism seem to parallell concepts in Islam. --Remember, right around the time of Martin Luther's reforms, the Ottoman Empire was attempting to take out the Hapsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire. --While there was conflict between the Protestants and Ottomans, there were many Protestants who also fled the Holy Roman Empire and lived in the Ottoman empire under Islamic rule.

Sharia law is really nothing new to Europeans, as many have also lived in areas where Sharia was the law under the Ottoman Empire. What is new, and and quite disconcerting to Europeans as well as the people of North America is the fact that the the Sharia Law enforced by the Wahhabi's and Salafis is much more intolerant and totalitarian than that of the Ottomans, or other more lenient forms of Islam.

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