kraftiekortie wrote:
Sieg Heil, and the Nazi Salute are a symbol of what occurred in the concentration camps.
Just like an imitation of beheading somebody is a symbol of what ISIS does.
Like I said, the man shouldn't have been arrested--but the man really should not be allowed to do these sorts of things.
I don't care what people say about the "irrelevance" of the Nazis in today's society. The fact is: they killed millions of people simply because they were not of the "Aryan" race (whatever that means!)
I guess, personally, if I knew it was a parody of the Nazis, I might laugh, too.
But's misguided what the guy did.
Not anymore then the American salute is a symbol for the mass slaughter of the native Americans.
You're comparing a salut to a beheading. So a military procedural of organization to a violent murder. They'll not the same.
Imitations of gaming people maybe.
Pure blood ideological Germans that never existed. teutonic knights And the such. They spent lots of money and military expenses trying to dig up proof but couldn't find any. Manly himmler who actually bought into the lies and planned the genocide, he was a true fanatic. Hitler and many other high ranking were simply power hungry and used the propganda and hatred of Jews as a means to a end, if not the Jews it'd been some other minority.
Quite a shame, the nazis did good for German and could have done much more good if they had been power hungry.
Hitler himself could been. A great artist if not for being rejected, by a Jew I beleive, probably why he picked that minority.
Overall ww1 is to blame for the nazis. How many good possible leaders died in it. Then the punishment on Germany for merely defending its ally when they were attacked. Caused hatred towards the allies and thengerman government. Along with a depression, perfect for power claim. Everyone so filled of hat and confusion. They'd been lied and told the war was going great up til they surrendered.
Oh what could of been.