In what ways do you disagree with your party/ideology?
I wish there was a party devoted to defending individual rights, including property rights. But of course there isn't.
The Libertarians come closest, but I think their idea of foreign policy sometimes borders on suicidal. So, meh.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission – which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." – Ayn Rand
I never was really "Party"
I started Democrat.. because family
I became Republican because Reagan
I stayed Republican because I have always been transient between family military history and my own and wanted to vote absentee in my chosen homestate of Arizona (since 1985)
I am Independent 4ever after 2016
I vote party more often in Presidential election. But I watch my local elected very close and often vote from outside party if the candidate is good
I can't even pinpoint what either party ideology for at least 2 decades.
I am Staunch RABID constitutionalist on the first 10 amendments and disapprove of any amendments that weaken the original 10
I want fiscal responsibility and transparency for every tax penny spent. And voter ability to object to certain programs.
With Transparency , I want our Reps to present Bills that are SINGULAR. each issue even if subrelated to be separate. Seems a lot but would go so much quicker. Probably have more agreements when riders are not added to a bill that otherwise would be bipartisan. If idea has merit it can stand alone.
I want controlled borders and controlled immigration
I want immigration reform to reward potential good future citizens, I also want to go to Australia style system and citizenship mean assimilation. Not setting up a foreign nation state within our border. And ENGLISH only thanks. If chinese can learn english, less alien languages sure can. Specially for citizenship.
I want smart international trade policy and no more outsourcing. American company moves off shore, they get taxed like any other outside body.
I want legislating from the bench to stop and be punished as the unconstitutional act that it is.
I do not want the govt to legislate morality nor enforce the the opposite
I want a strong military but EFFICIENT. Meaning a very large inactive component on ready. Also heavy scrutiny to civilian contracts. No "million dollar" hammers.
Smaller less centralized govt (less central *sigh* that is wishful thinking. The civil war was all about a power grab. It would take another to truly give state rights or present day international recognition of States being entities of their own ...not "counties" belonging to one big country. I don't see how it could happen)
I wish... we had old system back where VP was the runner up of second strongest party (heh, first term like that would be bloody >_<)
Despite my foamy mouth 10 amendment defensive posture, I do not believe in sink or swim.
But I want a system that give hand up-not hand out. I want the current social benefit system abolished after a good replacement planned. There has to be away to prevent abuse of the safety net. There are less and working less middle class to pay into it. If we don't act now it will get implode at wrong time.
Help with transition to work force for healthy individuals. Instead of addicting benefits, sliding scale assistance, and daycare vouchers.
I also support school vouchers
Equal time give to all candidates. No more huge Primary circuses. I don't like these PACs, but not sure how to legally and fairly get rid of them. Lobbying should be made transparent in some type of bi annual forum style session that public can attend. and not allowed to step foot alone in these offices, ever. Be arrested for loitering.
All and all I am pretty conservative I guess. My empathy for human condition makes me more progressive socially if it can be supported fiscally. But Republicans are not a perfect fit. Democrats have become to Socialistic.
When all else fails I lean toward open viewed authoritarian.
Both the major parties are devious and in cahoots. Same coin presenting a different side, but when spent is still .25
Some should be doable. Some .. I am not sure. But that is my base view aside from my religions beliefs.
I just pray for a meteor to strike DC when "they" are there
FFFFF Captchas.
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