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31 Oct 2016, 3:53 pm

AspE wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Absolutely, there is no moral equivalence here. Bush killed thousands, maybe a million indirectly, and they scream about Benghazi? WTF.

Most scandals are more relevant if someone is running for office. Bush did a lot of harm- but he's not running, so republicans don't think it's a big deal unfortunately. Look at how much is out about Trump- most of the stuff that was said a month ago or even a week ago is generally ignored. The fact Trump has gone this long without releasing his taxes is sickening. Unless he releases them soon, he will be the first presidential candidate in a long time not to release. Trump the COWARD!

Also it should be noted- Bush had tons of emails deleted while in office (just like Clinton, as well as Trump- new details show he had emails deleted!). Hell.. I would bet most politicians (federal and state) have deleted emails of importance to cover their scandals.

Politics is corrupt and people are hypocrites a ton. If a democrat does something bad- republicans complain, even if their own party members did the same thing. If republicans do something bad- democrats complain, even if their party does the same thing. It's a bit sickening.

I honestly wish there was a reset button for politics in USA. I think rule number one should be- you take any kind of bribe and you are warned. It happens again- you must pay a fee. Third time- you are out of office, no excuses and no exceptions. Unfortunately nothing like this would ever happen. One party would find some way to add a loophole or something so they can get away with more stuff. :roll:


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31 Oct 2016, 8:29 pm

Should I post all the lies Trump told THIS WEEK?


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01 Nov 2016, 8:31 am

AspE wrote:
Should I post all the lies Trump told THIS WEEK?

Yes you should.


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01 Nov 2016, 10:11 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.


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01 Nov 2016, 10:34 am

The_Walrus wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

The correct answer is that the bolded bit is wrong or misleading, depending on exactly what you mean. More elected delegates had been pledged for Obama and he'd also secured enough superdelegates to guarantee him the nomination. Clinton potentially having slightly more raw votes is irrelevant because nominees aren't chosen on the popular vote. She'd been clinging on for months with no realistic chance of winning. Her lead in votes was because Obama did better at caucuses, and because he didn't contest Michigan for technical reasons.

No way the older candidate would drop out on the off chance she could get a useful endorsement in eight years. Too much uncertainty - what if Obama had lost in 2008 or 2012, or Clinton couldn't win the nomination in 2016, or 2016 was less favourable to the Dems?

:D :D Hi.

So you think that Obama appointing Hillary Secretary of State was just a coincidence? With all of the truly qualified candidates he then decided the most qualified was Hillary Clinton???? Do you think he was insane??? Perhaps you were just making a joke??? The only reason that makes sense was to let Hillary gain some "street cred" for her triumphant return to the race. Additionally I'm sure she used her time well to strengthen her foundation's financial picture and through "entangling connections."

My greatest fear is she's so greedy and filled with her own ambition Benghazi will be only a forerunner of our foreign troubles to come. I don't think she cares about the lives of others.

She's already shown us how she fails at everything. Trump may be despicable (or not) but I remember how Hillary's husband was being nailed by the press after his Oval Office rape job (you can call it what you like) and it was pointed out by the press, often, that Bill's exploits were more in line with those of major European leaders (past and present), but NOW the press says it's reason to deny the presidency to his (in many ways) identical twin, over similar allegations.

I have only one thought (also that of many famous on screen squirrels) "Protect your nuts!! !"


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01 Nov 2016, 3:00 pm

Oh noes, she raised money for charity? What a horrible person! She took a hard line with China? How dare she! Benghazi doesn't even qualify as a foreign trouble, get a sense of perspective.


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01 Nov 2016, 7:13 pm

Riddle: How do you know when a politician is lying? Answer: When his lips move...

Socrates' Last Words: I drank what!! !?????


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02 Nov 2016, 12:18 am

ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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02 Nov 2016, 10:27 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

Please don't fall for the phony argument that demonizes Trump for behaving exactly like any other businessperson under the same circumstances. The tax laws are designed to be very specific...they tell you what is legal and what is not. Trump is probably one of the most scrutinized persons, by the IRS, in this country. If he had done something wrong you would have heard about it long ago. It's just that sleaze-ball Hillary didn't have anything of substance to say so she thought she would accuse him of something many people do not understand, like yourself, and maybe some would forget about her email cover-up.

How about having her answer the questions the new emails poise? Instead she can only say ".. and look how bad Trump is." What a thieving liar. And this is your choice for President??? This is the family that was "broke" when they left the White House and now have personal assets between $250 million and $400 million (that we know about); but I'm sure they NEVER took any legal Trump did...BS.

As Trump said: If there was anything wrong with the tax code why didn't Hillary say/do something about it when she had a chance? Is Hillary now condemning ALL business people for taking their deductions, or is this just another BS charge thrown only at Trump so Hillary can continue to evade questions about her stolen/destroyed emails?

The difference (between candidates) that catches my attention is Hillary's persona is built entirely on lies and deception (she has NO successes in her past I'm aware of)...this business of cover-up, exemplified by the email scandal, show exactly what type of person she is.

On the other hand we have Trump, who has been successful in business, while staying within the law (as opposed to you-know-who) and who promises to use his business acumen to become an effective Chief of State. No trying to hide any terrible deeds, as Hillary continues to do.

The choice is clear as to who could become the more effective CiC, although I refuse to vote for either.


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02 Nov 2016, 10:55 am

adifferentname wrote:
Thread Title wrote:
Obama Is A Liar

Obama is a politician.

That's even worse! :lol:

The cutest most lovable little rob0t on Earth! (^.^)


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02 Nov 2016, 6:31 pm

ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

Please don't fall for the phony argument that demonizes Trump for behaving exactly like any other businessperson under the same circumstances. The tax laws are designed to be very specific...they tell you what is legal and what is not. Trump is probably one of the most scrutinized persons, by the IRS, in this country. If he had done something wrong you would have heard about it long ago. It's just that sleaze-ball Hillary didn't have anything of substance to say so she thought she would accuse him of something many people do not understand, like yourself, and maybe some would forget about her email cover-up.

How about having her answer the questions the new emails poise? Instead she can only say ".. and look how bad Trump is." What a thieving liar. And this is your choice for President??? This is the family that was "broke" when they left the White House and now have personal assets between $250 million and $400 million (that we know about); but I'm sure they NEVER took any legal Trump did...BS.

As Trump said: If there was anything wrong with the tax code why didn't Hillary say/do something about it when she had a chance? Is Hillary now condemning ALL business people for taking their deductions, or is this just another BS charge thrown only at Trump so Hillary can continue to evade questions about her stolen/destroyed emails?

The difference (between candidates) that catches my attention is Hillary's persona is built entirely on lies and deception (she has NO successes in her past I'm aware of)...this business of cover-up, exemplified by the email scandal, show exactly what type of person she is.

On the other hand we have Trump, who has been successful in business, while staying within the law (as opposed to you-know-who) and who promises to use his business acumen to become an effective Chief of State. No trying to hide any terrible deeds, as Hillary continues to do.

The choice is clear as to who could become the more effective CiC, although I refuse to vote for either.

You said Trump is a successful businessman. No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars. A successful businessman is more concerned with being hard at work at his business, not indulging in constant self promotion. A successful businessman doesn't use and lose millions of other people's money. A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors and workers, with the excuse that they had done bad work... or at least an honest one doesn't.
And on the matters of honesty: this is the guy who had boasted how he had payed for Ryan White' AIDS treatments, when his mother has since come forward to say that Trump had paid for jack sh*t. Or how he denied recently how he doesn't know Putin, when in fact a year ago, he had been ballyhooing how he and Putin were buds. And as for taxes, Trump later got out of paying taxes by losing other people's money; a scheme his tax lawyers had warned him was hardly legal. I, or anyone else, could go on and on. Compared to all that, I could care less about Clinton's emails.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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03 Nov 2016, 11:11 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

Please don't fall for the phony argument that demonizes Trump for behaving exactly like any other businessperson under the same circumstances. The tax laws are designed to be very specific...they tell you what is legal and what is not. Trump is probably one of the most scrutinized persons, by the IRS, in this country. If he had done something wrong you would have heard about it long ago. It's just that sleaze-ball Hillary didn't have anything of substance to say so she thought she would accuse him of something many people do not understand, like yourself, and maybe some would forget about her email cover-up.

How about having her answer the questions the new emails poise? Instead she can only say ".. and look how bad Trump is." What a thieving liar. And this is your choice for President??? This is the family that was "broke" when they left the White House and now have personal assets between $250 million and $400 million (that we know about); but I'm sure they NEVER took any legal Trump did...BS.

As Trump said: If there was anything wrong with the tax code why didn't Hillary say/do something about it when she had a chance? Is Hillary now condemning ALL business people for taking their deductions, or is this just another BS charge thrown only at Trump so Hillary can continue to evade questions about her stolen/destroyed emails?

The difference (between candidates) that catches my attention is Hillary's persona is built entirely on lies and deception (she has NO successes in her past I'm aware of)...this business of cover-up, exemplified by the email scandal, show exactly what type of person she is.

On the other hand we have Trump, who has been successful in business, while staying within the law (as opposed to you-know-who) and who promises to use his business acumen to become an effective Chief of State. No trying to hide any terrible deeds, as Hillary continues to do.

The choice is clear as to who could become the more effective CiC, although I refuse to vote for either.

You said Trump is a successful businessman. No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars. A successful businessman is more concerned with being hard at work at his business, not indulging in constant self promotion. A successful businessman doesn't use and lose millions of other people's money. A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors and workers, with the excuse that they had done bad work... or at least an honest one doesn't.
And on the matters of honesty: this is the guy who had boasted how he had payed for Ryan White' AIDS treatments, when his mother has since come forward to say that Trump had paid for jack sh*t. Or how he denied recently how he doesn't know Putin, when in fact a year ago, he had been ballyhooing how he and Putin were buds. And as for taxes, Trump later got out of paying taxes by losing other people's money; a scheme his tax lawyers had warned him was hardly legal. I, or anyone else, could go on and on. Compared to all that, I could care less about Clinton's emails.

I see we still disagree over some points. You say:

"No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars." I'm not sure what you base your statement upon but my experience in business says otherwise. Just because you don't understand the reasons behind a complex business decision doesn't make it wrong. There are certainly many reasons why a solid business person would do these things...despite what his accountants (not business people themselves) advise. It turned out perfectly legal and Trump made a bundle of money...brilliant.

And then you go on to repeat more of Hillary's rhetoric: " A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors ..." when it's obvious these are unsupported and unproven statements. Trump explained his reasons for his actions and your/Hillary's camp has not/can not refute left out that little part. But you're not alone. These lies are repeated over and over by Hillary's group every day.

And then you go on to say Trump likes to pour out piles of BS. And I agree. Most politicians do....wouldn't you agree???

But then you say Hillary's actions and inactions which resulted in people being killed and countries thrown into war is less offensive to you than Trump's BS???? And you don't care about the truth of their Foundation plundering??? I'm sure you didn't mean that...but that's exactly what you're saying.

I'm not saying Trump isn't a selfish cheating this manner the two are almost identical....but I AM saying his actions haven't lead to the deaths and destruction Hillary's actions have. At least with him we have a chance...with her the chance was lost long ago. How could I possibly vote for someone I know will make things worse for our country?


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03 Nov 2016, 11:34 am

Hates bush for his Wall Street friend, supports Hilary despite her being more connected to wall streeet friends then bush every was.

Also didn't see Obama stop the wars, instead he doubled down and started using drone strikes on civilians and got us into a war in Syria and now all this drama with Russia, turkey, other middle eastern nations over it. Who gives a f**k about Syria. Are they better off with our meddling? 5 years and going of a blood civil war kept going solely due to us supporting those fighting the dictator even though their our enemy too and would like nothing more then to behead all Americans for their god. Yeah let's give those guys guns and money, oops they created isis and invaded Iraq , well new plan we boom them in Iraq and give them supplies in Syria.
Seems they were better off under the stable dictator.
Libal was too now they exist in a horrible condition. Obama is just as bad as the Cold War presidents that f****d up vietnam and most the central and south americas.

Hilary plans to keep this strategy as long with pushing and picking Russia and china until ww3 breaks out. We need to smooth over relations with them not make them more tense.


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03 Nov 2016, 12:57 pm

It's not that a Bernie supporter like me is crazy about Hillary's connections to Wall Street, it's that Trump is no alternative. Voting for Trump would be like trying to lower your blood pressure by slitting your wrists. I think his temperament is far more explosive, look at how he makes his petty grudges public and sues everyone. If a president Trump ignores our current wars, it's not like those problems go away. I'm pretty satisfied with Obama's approach to the war on terrorism. I much prefer drones than sending in American soldiers, we didn't really have that option in Vietnam. I don't think we should support dictators. Trump loves them so much he wants to be one.


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03 Nov 2016, 2:44 pm

ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

Please don't fall for the phony argument that demonizes Trump for behaving exactly like any other businessperson under the same circumstances. The tax laws are designed to be very specific...they tell you what is legal and what is not. Trump is probably one of the most scrutinized persons, by the IRS, in this country. If he had done something wrong you would have heard about it long ago. It's just that sleaze-ball Hillary didn't have anything of substance to say so she thought she would accuse him of something many people do not understand, like yourself, and maybe some would forget about her email cover-up.

How about having her answer the questions the new emails poise? Instead she can only say ".. and look how bad Trump is." What a thieving liar. And this is your choice for President??? This is the family that was "broke" when they left the White House and now have personal assets between $250 million and $400 million (that we know about); but I'm sure they NEVER took any legal Trump did...BS.

As Trump said: If there was anything wrong with the tax code why didn't Hillary say/do something about it when she had a chance? Is Hillary now condemning ALL business people for taking their deductions, or is this just another BS charge thrown only at Trump so Hillary can continue to evade questions about her stolen/destroyed emails?

The difference (between candidates) that catches my attention is Hillary's persona is built entirely on lies and deception (she has NO successes in her past I'm aware of)...this business of cover-up, exemplified by the email scandal, show exactly what type of person she is.

On the other hand we have Trump, who has been successful in business, while staying within the law (as opposed to you-know-who) and who promises to use his business acumen to become an effective Chief of State. No trying to hide any terrible deeds, as Hillary continues to do.

The choice is clear as to who could become the more effective CiC, although I refuse to vote for either.

You said Trump is a successful businessman. No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars. A successful businessman is more concerned with being hard at work at his business, not indulging in constant self promotion. A successful businessman doesn't use and lose millions of other people's money. A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors and workers, with the excuse that they had done bad work... or at least an honest one doesn't.
And on the matters of honesty: this is the guy who had boasted how he had payed for Ryan White' AIDS treatments, when his mother has since come forward to say that Trump had paid for jack sh*t. Or how he denied recently how he doesn't know Putin, when in fact a year ago, he had been ballyhooing how he and Putin were buds. And as for taxes, Trump later got out of paying taxes by losing other people's money; a scheme his tax lawyers had warned him was hardly legal. I, or anyone else, could go on and on. Compared to all that, I could care less about Clinton's emails.

I see we still disagree over some points. You say:

"No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars." I'm not sure what you base your statement upon but my experience in business says otherwise. Just because you don't understand the reasons behind a complex business decision doesn't make it wrong. There are certainly many reasons why a solid business person would do these things...despite what his accountants (not business people themselves) advise. It turned out perfectly legal and Trump made a bundle of money...brilliant.

And then you go on to repeat more of Hillary's rhetoric: " A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors ..." when it's obvious these are unsupported and unproven statements. Trump explained his reasons for his actions and your/Hillary's camp has not/can not refute left out that little part. But you're not alone. These lies are repeated over and over by Hillary's group every day.

And then you go on to say Trump likes to pour out piles of BS. And I agree. Most politicians do....wouldn't you agree???

But then you say Hillary's actions and inactions which resulted in people being killed and countries thrown into war is less offensive to you than Trump's BS???? And you don't care about the truth of their Foundation plundering??? I'm sure you didn't mean that...but that's exactly what you're saying.

I'm not saying Trump isn't a selfish cheating this manner the two are almost identical....but I AM saying his actions haven't lead to the deaths and destruction Hillary's actions have. At least with him we have a chance...with her the chance was lost long ago. How could I possibly vote for someone I know will make things worse for our country?

I like AspE's statement in answering all that.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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04 Nov 2016, 10:45 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ZenDen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Even if the President is hiding prior knowledge about what server Clinton had used, it pales in comparison to how his predecessor had lied us into a disastrous war, and had allowed his Wall Street buddies to nearly wreck the economy. All this server talk is just small potatoes, and hardly qualifies as being anywhere near the stature of Watergate.

Hi K,

Just had to throw in my typically uninformed opinion here.

The way I see it Clinton colluded with Obama from the start. She had more electoral votes at the time she endorsed Obama for President, WHY WOULD SHE DROP OUT???

The obvious answer is because she would be gifted with the title of Sec. of State and then have HIS endorsement for just seems so obvious because this is exactly what happened.

She's had 8 years to scheme and plan and plot (and f-up the Sec. job horribly) and now comes the result of all her scheming and plotting over the last eight years. She will deliver a horrible blow to our country. She should be stopped, and recent events lend a glimmer of hope. YAY!! !

Considering the alternative, I'll feel safer with Clinton.

Really??? I'm surprised.

My thought was: Who is capable of harming the U.S. the most? My thought was Clinton is...without a doubt. She's already demonstrated what she can do on a smaller scale...that of Sec. of State. She has arranged for their "foundation" to take the plunder and who knows what she'll fu in her own inimitable fashion....remember the report back from China when the newly minted Secretary went there to tell them "she" was in control now and they'd better "tow the line?" Their official comment was: "She's very funny!" And she will be our leader?

As president Hillary would now go back and let them (and everyone else she doesn't like) know "she" is in charge again. She may be the most empty headed, selfish person I believe I've ever seen in politics. Her ambition overwhelms everything else. Too dangerous to be president I feel.

Trump has no huge political system in place to cause that kind of trouble. He will be more scrutinized than any other sitting president. Should he step a toe out-of-line we'll hear about it. I don't believe he's capable of the damage Clinton could do.

That is my only hope for the f'ing pathetic that sounds. More like being in Korea or China.

No, Trump couldn't do the damage Clinton could do. He'd do a lot worse! Remember, this was the guy who weaseled out of paying taxes by losing over ninety million dollars. That, and how he tried to offset his later losses by losing other people's millions.
And I strongly disagree - Trump is far more selfish and empty headed than Clinton could ever be on her worst day.

Please don't fall for the phony argument that demonizes Trump for behaving exactly like any other businessperson under the same circumstances. The tax laws are designed to be very specific...they tell you what is legal and what is not. Trump is probably one of the most scrutinized persons, by the IRS, in this country. If he had done something wrong you would have heard about it long ago. It's just that sleaze-ball Hillary didn't have anything of substance to say so she thought she would accuse him of something many people do not understand, like yourself, and maybe some would forget about her email cover-up.

How about having her answer the questions the new emails poise? Instead she can only say ".. and look how bad Trump is." What a thieving liar. And this is your choice for President??? This is the family that was "broke" when they left the White House and now have personal assets between $250 million and $400 million (that we know about); but I'm sure they NEVER took any legal Trump did...BS.

As Trump said: If there was anything wrong with the tax code why didn't Hillary say/do something about it when she had a chance? Is Hillary now condemning ALL business people for taking their deductions, or is this just another BS charge thrown only at Trump so Hillary can continue to evade questions about her stolen/destroyed emails?

The difference (between candidates) that catches my attention is Hillary's persona is built entirely on lies and deception (she has NO successes in her past I'm aware of)...this business of cover-up, exemplified by the email scandal, show exactly what type of person she is.

On the other hand we have Trump, who has been successful in business, while staying within the law (as opposed to you-know-who) and who promises to use his business acumen to become an effective Chief of State. No trying to hide any terrible deeds, as Hillary continues to do.

The choice is clear as to who could become the more effective CiC, although I refuse to vote for either.

You said Trump is a successful businessman. No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars. A successful businessman is more concerned with being hard at work at his business, not indulging in constant self promotion. A successful businessman doesn't use and lose millions of other people's money. A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors and workers, with the excuse that they had done bad work... or at least an honest one doesn't.
And on the matters of honesty: this is the guy who had boasted how he had payed for Ryan White' AIDS treatments, when his mother has since come forward to say that Trump had paid for jack sh*t. Or how he denied recently how he doesn't know Putin, when in fact a year ago, he had been ballyhooing how he and Putin were buds. And as for taxes, Trump later got out of paying taxes by losing other people's money; a scheme his tax lawyers had warned him was hardly legal. I, or anyone else, could go on and on. Compared to all that, I could care less about Clinton's emails.

I see we still disagree over some points. You say:

"No, a successful businessman doesn't lose over ninety million dollars." I'm not sure what you base your statement upon but my experience in business says otherwise. Just because you don't understand the reasons behind a complex business decision doesn't make it wrong. There are certainly many reasons why a solid business person would do these things...despite what his accountants (not business people themselves) advise. It turned out perfectly legal and Trump made a bundle of money...brilliant.

And then you go on to repeat more of Hillary's rhetoric: " A successful businessman doesn't shaft his contractors ..." when it's obvious these are unsupported and unproven statements. Trump explained his reasons for his actions and your/Hillary's camp has not/can not refute left out that little part. But you're not alone. These lies are repeated over and over by Hillary's group every day.

And then you go on to say Trump likes to pour out piles of BS. And I agree. Most politicians do....wouldn't you agree???

But then you say Hillary's actions and inactions which resulted in people being killed and countries thrown into war is less offensive to you than Trump's BS???? And you don't care about the truth of their Foundation plundering??? I'm sure you didn't mean that...but that's exactly what you're saying.

I'm not saying Trump isn't a selfish cheating this manner the two are almost identical....but I AM saying his actions haven't lead to the deaths and destruction Hillary's actions have. At least with him we have a chance...with her the chance was lost long ago. How could I possibly vote for someone I know will make things worse for our country?

I like AspE's statement in answering all that.

"I like AspE's statement in answering all that."

Well that sure saves a lot of typing. :D :D :D

So I guess I'll quote him.

"It's not that a Bernie supporter like me is crazy about Hillary's connections to Wall Street, it's that Trump is no alternative. Voting for Trump would be like trying to lower your blood pressure by slitting your wrists. I think his temperament is far more explosive, look at how he makes his petty grudges public and sues everyone. If a president Trump ignores our current wars, it's not like those problems go away. I'm pretty satisfied with Obama's approach to the war on terrorism. I much prefer drones than sending in American soldiers, we didn't really have that option in Vietnam. I don't think we should support dictators. Trump loves them so much he wants to be one."

You say" "Voting for Trump would be like trying to lower your blood pressure by slitting your wrists."
Yes, yes, yes...and voting for her would be like Obama's draining of the country's resources only she would open the drain all the way...... Makes as much sense as your statement doesn't it? Please save your home grown wisdom for another less important issue?

You say: "I'm pretty satisfied with Obama's approach to the war on terrorism." Would this mean you're also satisfied with the deaths of our American soldiers?? Isn't this what you're saying?

I'm not satisfied with anything that promotes wars...including the ones we are involved in NOW. What happened to all the peace making that he's had 8 years to work on? It just gets worse...there's no end in sight; and this is what you ADMIRE???? And NOW you want 8 more years of death???? I hardly believe this is your true thought...either of you.

But maybe I'm say "I much prefer drones..." Would you say you prefer flamethrowers instead of hand grenades..etc. because they're safer for our troops to use??? want to continue dropping bombs on the heads of innocent civilians (and claim that any families living in terrorist controlled areas are terrorists and it's OK to kill them...especially the children?)?????...this IS what you're saying. Any politician that promotes this killing is insane...Obama is for sure. Trump is, and always has been, a master negotiator; with him there's still a chance.

I'd think you'd be ashamed to promote such actions and such people.