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12 Nov 2016, 8:19 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
It is blatantly false that all terrorists are muslims.

I would assume that every Irish Catholic in the IRA, every Basque separatist, and every American white nationalist who has committed acts of violence would take umbrage at being called Muslims.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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12 Nov 2016, 8:31 pm

Wikipedia says Timothy McVeigh was an American of Irish ethnicity--he's the guy who did the Oklahoma city bombing in case you are too young to remember. I suppose it is silly to worry about it happening again once Trump is in charge.


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12 Nov 2016, 10:06 pm

fluter wrote:
Why would anyone on this site vote for Trump when the Clinton administration had 21+ on their agenda and Trump blatantly mocked somebody stimming?

Oh wait please don't answer that. I am so sick of the excuses.

Because we support enough of trumps ideals and find clintons ideas and her as a person horrible.

She doesn't care about us or black people. She cared about votes and the money she gets from Wall Street and the Middle East.

Aspies aren't all one people we all have different situations that would be effected differently. We republicans, independents or democrats.


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12 Nov 2016, 10:22 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
adifferentname wrote:
fluter wrote:
We don't need to put ourselves in anyone else's shoes to understand how it feels to be marginalized. We are already marginalized.

But haven't you heard? I'm a straight, "cis", white male! That trumps every hardship and obstacle I've ever encountered! Of course, they forgot to inform me of the rules and neglected to provide me with my straight, white man pass...

On a serious note. I wonder if people are going to learn that this shaming narrative doesn't work, or if they'll double down and give Trump a second term?

I wonder if anti-feminists will ever form coherent arguments that don't use ridiculous straw men... :roll:

What you talkin' 'bout, Walrus?

If it's such a ridiculous strawman, what gives you the impression I'm talking about feminists?

You also appear to have ignored the point where I suggested I was being other than serious. Since when were jokes considered to be strawmen?

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12 Nov 2016, 10:47 pm

I guess I'm not part of that "we" then because I am so hyperempathic that when there was a protest on my campus I had a meltdown just from the emotion. I was far enough away that the noise wasn't an issue, but I was absorbing everybody's anger and it was too much.

I voted for Trump because my intuition told me that there was something seriously off about Clinton. Having grown up surrounded by abusive people, I've learned that I'm usually right when I say that somebody seems shady. Trump comes across, to me, as full of himself, insensitive, but not an abuser.

So it was my empathy that influenced my vote. I do not watch the news. I've only seen the debates. And of course I did my research about the candidates' platforms as well. But in this particular election, I had a very strong gut feeling that Clinton was to be avoided.

@fluter: The reporter in that example doesn't even have autism. He has a joint condition. Not everybody who makes repetitive motions is stimming.


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13 Nov 2016, 2:00 am

rats_and_cats wrote:
I guess I'm not part of that "we" then because I am so hyperempathic that when there was a protest on my campus I had a meltdown just from the emotion. I was far enough away that the noise wasn't an issue, but I was absorbing everybody's anger and it was too much.

I voted for Trump because my intuition told me that there was something seriously off about Clinton. Having grown up surrounded by abusive people, I've learned that I'm usually right when I say that somebody seems shady. Trump comes across, to me, as full of himself, insensitive, but not an abuser.

So it was my empathy that influenced my vote. I do not watch the news. I've only seen the debates. And of course I did my research about the candidates' platforms as well. But in this particular election, I had a very strong gut feeling that Clinton was to be avoided.

@fluter: The reporter in that example doesn't even have autism. He has a joint condition. Not everybody who makes repetitive motions is stimming.

Regardless if that reporter was stimming or not, Trump was ridiculing a man's disability.
Incidentally, that alone makes Trump seem at the very least mentally and emotionally abusive to me.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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13 Nov 2016, 7:37 am

Trump's character is definitely a web of contradictions.

On one hand it sounds like he's alleged to have been visiting millionaire/billionaire orgies, on the other hand it's on the record that he's as sober as an LDS and in an interview late last year or early this year he talked about that as the world being too competitive for a person to give their edge up to drugs and alcohol. It seems to be confirmed in a lot of places that he's either never touched alcohol in his life or never taken up even casual drinking.

What confuses me is that for the person you see, who seems to exhibit in most people's minds next to no self control, he seems to hold the axioms of self control (and imagine a bunch of friends as lewd as he is egging him on to drink with them and they don't get anywhere with it) so the two images of him running around a debate stage like some kind of Rowan Atkinson creation vs. a guy who seems to reflect that habits make or break you - something doesn't quite add up.

My hunch is that he's going to be a lot less interesting in the chaotic sense than most people think. My guess is that he was just raised around enough crass people that this was conveyed to him as alpha male behavior and it's just one thing of many that he's incorporated as a tool. In that sense, if it is an act, it may not inform his more important moral decisions. I'm in no way suggesting he's a saint under the veneer, just that I don't think his act is telling people quite as much about who he is - both for good or for bad - as people might tend to think.

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13 Nov 2016, 9:19 am

Trump is no Aspie. But then again 99 percent of the population are not Aspies either.

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13 Nov 2016, 11:29 am

BaalChatzaf wrote:
Trump is no Aspie. But then again 99 percent of the population are not Aspies either.

I'll drink coffee to that (because I'm drinking coffee as I write this).

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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13 Nov 2016, 12:07 pm

Trump has only mocked disabled people once, and he was unaware that the reporter had a disability and apologized. It's still wrong and very infantile, but he hasn't done it again.

And abuse is different than just being insensitive. Insensitivity means that one is ignorant to how much their actions hurt. Abuse is intentionally trying to bring people down through repeated acts that are meant to hurt them and take away their power.


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13 Nov 2016, 1:04 pm

rats_and_cats wrote:
Trump has only mocked disabled people once, and he was unaware that the reporter had a disability and apologized. It's still wrong and very infantile, but he hasn't done it again.

And abuse is different than just being insensitive. Insensitivity means that one is ignorant to how much their actions hurt. Abuse is intentionally trying to bring people down through repeated acts that are meant to hurt them and take away their power.

I don't think it matters if something it intentional or not, if it's repeated behavior and the person has no awareness how bad it is for their victim, it's still abuse even if they don't realize how their actions are affecting them. That is probably why kids don't get labeled as being abusive when they constantly pick on a kid about their speech or accent or what they wear or their language delay, etc. but yet they would for an adult because they should know better while a kid's empathy isn't fully developed so that is why they are mean but yet are considered innocent. But the behavior still affects the child because of the abuse from other kids.

But yet there are adults out there who do have impaired empathy because theirs doesn't work and they are still labeled as abusive and not innocent like kids are because of their abuse so I have learned it doesn't have to be intentional for it to be abuse. There are actually people out there who lack self awareness so they don't even realize how bad their actions are for other people and how badly they treat others and they tend to see themselves as a victim and the victims as the bad guys who are insulting them and trying to hurt them, they are their own worst enemy but it still doesn't change anything about how their victims feel about them, they still view them as an abuser. Even some abusers don't see themselves as an abuser so they deny deny. It seems like many of them are that way. I still have yet to see one admit to the stuff they have done.

But I will agree that a one time thing shouldn't make someone an abuser because it has to be repeated actions. If Donald Trump did it over and over and over, then he will be a bully and an abuser. But he still shouldn't mock anyone period just because that person seems a little off or strange. If he was able to mock one person, how would any of us know he isn't that kind of person to do it all the time or on a regular basis because of his ignorance?

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13 Nov 2016, 1:04 pm

It always boggles my mind when people say stuff about how most or all terrorists are Muslim. Thats funny, are we just going to ignore the rash of domestic terrorism from white male Christians in the last few years alone? Oh wait, I forgot, we only classify terroristic actions as terrorism when the perps are brown.

Herein You Will Find Various And Numerous And Innumerable Hexes, Curses, Words In The Old Tongue To Cleave A’Twain Friend, Foe, Family Alike. If You So Choose. Money Hates Me, God Hates Me, My Wife Hates Me, My Own Hands Hate Me. But Thats All Beside The Point. The Point Is That My Time Here On Earth Runs Short. Im Not Dying But You All Are. Im A Glass Of Wine. Nothing Beats A Glass Of Wine. When The Kids Arent Home And Your A Mother Theres A Glass Of Wine There. A Glass Coffee Table And I’m A Glass Of Wine. Stressful Day When The Kids And you're Husband Then Glass Of Wine. Dark Chocolate Indulge. Petty Indulgences. When you're A Glass Of Wine And Let The Body’s Hit The Floor. When Your Glass Of Wine Is Running Short And You Say Heck What Of It. Why Dont I Have Another. Bartender I Am A Glass Of Wine. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs. The Bartender Remembers When It Happened. They All Remember When It Happened And If They Knew That You Dont Remember Then They Would Know That Something Is Awry Here Or So They Would Think. Something Would Be Amiss Or Smells Fishy. So Theyre All Relating There Stories Of Where They Were When That Event Happened And The Eyes Move Clockwise About The Room Where We All Share Our Glass Of Wine And Suddenly The Clock Ticks To You And They Ask The Fatal Question That Destroys Your Reputation, The Question You Could Never Answer, The Dead Giveaway: Where Were You When The Bodies Hit The Floor


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13 Nov 2016, 5:02 pm

Kids who bully know that they are hurting others. They don't stop if the victim says "Stop it, that hurts my feelings," despite what they teach in elementary school. They need to bring others down to feel powerful. Bullies are not ignorant. If they were, they would stop what they were doing when they realized it was mean, apologize, and try to do better in the future.


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13 Nov 2016, 5:06 pm

I don't think he has Aspergers. Most people with aspergers actually feel terrible if they realize they have offended someone by accident (assuming not dually diagnosed) For people who think abuser is too strong a word we can still call him a bully.

I honestly don't think a true aspie could win an election. We aren't evolved enough yet to allow it. Campaigning is all about charm and emotional appeals which is why many people like myself (maybe not aspie but socially awkward) see through it so easily. He is perfectly charming when he wants to be This shows to me that he has very good social skills.


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13 Nov 2016, 5:16 pm

anoneurogamer wrote:
Yes we have emotions. I didn't mean to say we didn't. What we don't have is empathy.

I don't put myself in the shoes of a Muslim or Mexican, because that's something I (or we) just don't do.

I'm autistic and I have empathy--I have spent many years carefully cultivating my cognitive empathy especially to compensate for my difficulties with the intuitive kind. You are making false generalisations about autistic people and promoting misinformation about what autism is. Don't speak for me as an autistic person, please.

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13 Nov 2016, 5:18 pm

rats_and_cats wrote:
Kids who bully know that they are hurting others. They don't stop if the victim says "Stop it, that hurts my feelings," despite what they teach in elementary school. They need to bring others down to feel powerful. Bullies are not ignorant. If they were, they would stop what they were doing when they realized it was mean, apologize, and try to do better in the future.

Bullies are pretty much the business-end of natural selection and social hierarchy.

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