kraftiekortie wrote:
$51,000 per year is NOT a high salary in the US, by any means.....
Professors should not inject their own personal political beliefs into his instruction. That's considered a cardinal rule.
I've never taken sociology. I like the discipline---but many of the viewpoints, to me, are too dogmatically biased towards the "victims of oppression." Especially in "criminology," the perpetrator of the crime is given carte blanche, basically, and the victims are, at least, somewhat, blamed for the criminals' actions. Criminologists also frequently do not advocate incarceration for crimes committed; they sometimes even don't advocate any punishment at all. They advocate, in fullest terms, "rehabilitation."
I am for "rehabilitation," but I also believe the criminal should be held accountable for his/her actions, no matter how poverty stricken his/her upbringing was.
I once knew somebody who took sociology. I helped her with one of her papers. She told me that I must NOT put down an opinion contrary to the professor's opinions--otherwise, the professor will fail her. That's fascism, plain and simple.
As a far leftist, I agree 100%. Crime can be attributed to social and economic conditions to a point, but it gets absurd when plain selfish, manipulative, greedy, reckless, and malicious behaviour is explained away as a result of oppression. For example, poverty, discrimination, and broken homes do not explain firing a gun into a crowd just to get one person.
On a side note, I just saw a video of The Young Turks about the incident where a white dude was attacked by a black girl over his dreadlocks and Ana was the only one who had the sense not to laugh at it. No wonder they're called The Young Turds. At the same time, it is also disgraceful that it has incited racist backlash, like "If whites can't have dreadlocks, then blacks can't have (insert bare necessity or luxury here)".