EzraS wrote:
Sign me up too. But keep in mind that I'm also a KGB secret agent.
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
adifferentname wrote:
Defining centrists in terms of compromise is as asinine as it is inaccurate, let alone trying to apply such a narrow definition to an entire group of people - or, in other words, more identity politics.
People in the center, particularly anti-authoritarian center rather than neoliberal/neoconservative, tend to defend both the 1st and 2nd amendment for similar reasons; ie. the 2nd amendment is to make the odds of a tyrranical government much more remote and costly as a deterrent, the 1st amendment, in particular free speech, is the even more important protection we have against ever having society decay enough to have the 2nd amendment actually come to fruition. Sun Tzu actually said this quite clearly in the Art of War - ie. that war, ie. physical violence, is a sign of failure in every other category.
- The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
- Victorious warriors win first then go to war, defeated warriors go to war first then seek to win.
- The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.
- The wise warrior avoids the battle.
Antifa and their Progressive supporters would do well to remember the following:
- When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.
- If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.
Oh, and for GoT fans:
- In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
And of course, there are many, many more highly appropriate quotes I might have used.
When radicals say that speech is 'blahblahblahblahblah' and no action to help the oppressed they utterly forget that speech precedes flow of public will, flow of money, sponsorship, and most politicians lick their fingers to see which way the wind is blowing - ie. their integrity is only existent when it's supplemented by our integrity, and that supplementation takes a populace where the general climate promotes clear-thinking and reason. To that end it's like the radicals think that whatever's not immediately happening - now - is a fiction and anyone deferring gratification or trying to collect a more long-term and stable resolution to problems is some type of secret sycophant to the society's current ills. I see a massive bucket of evidence for that perception getting poured out all over the PPR and current events folders right now.
Quite so. As you allude to, it's both short-sighted and foolish.
There's also an element of moralistic bullying going on that I find entirely distasteful. Whilst I don't advocate for PPR to be a bubble-wrapped haven, there's a noticeable uptick in the number of posts whose authors have either forgotten where the line is drawn or, worse, choose to ignore it.