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19 Aug 2017, 3:08 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Is Tim Allen A Troll Or An Idiot?

Depends. If he does nothing but post "memes" to belittle people then attempts to derail the thread as quickly and often as possible with more memes and insults then he's probably a troll. If not then maybe an idiot.


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19 Aug 2017, 3:09 pm

I don't care if we're apes or not. I have no aversion to being an ape. But we are not apes.

We're in a separate family from the Great Apes. We are all primates, though. We did have a common ancestor. We separated, according to present theory, about 6 million years ago.

The genus Homo seemed to have emerged about 2 million years ago. We were actually bipedal before then, when we were Australopithecines.

The 300,000 year figure is for Homo sapiens.


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19 Aug 2017, 3:25 pm

Humans are apes.Apes with deodorant.

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19 Aug 2017, 4:12 pm

They're still looking for that "common ancestor".


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19 Aug 2017, 4:17 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Creationism literally makes no sense.

Animals that do not fit with their environment die before they reach sexual maturity. That leads to small genetic changes over millions of years.

That's like saying "Hey! Did you know that two plus two equals four?"

Flowering plants need bees to pollinate.

Bees need flowering plants to survive.

Which "evolved" first?

Charles Darwin himself said the real proof of Evolution would be constant changes evident in the fossil record, yet these innumerable fossilized "missing links" do not exist. Species come and go, with little to no proof of one magically transforming into another. The fact is, the same genetic code runs through all living organisms on Earth. That's evidence of a singular fabric or template, but hardly a linear progression.

The failure of Evolution as a theory doesn't necessarily prove Biblical creationism, but it does prove that smug twits like you don't have all the answers. In your defense, of course, you never came up with a single "scientific" idea you didn't parrot from someone else, so you can hardly be fully responsible for your own ignorance. Your belligerence, OTOH, you own that.

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Why did God create predators? Why would a loving God create such brutality?

There is no God. We don't live in a just world[/url]. There is no karma. Bad things happen to good people and harmless animals. We live in a brutal world. Fairness only exists when we fight for it.

"Fairness" doesn't exist at all, it's merely a point of view, and a rather childish one at that.

As for predators and brutality, you're assuming that things that frighten or intimidate you are automatically bad. Predators gotta eat, too, ya know.

Step outside your Left-Wing programming "victim mentality" for a moment and try to imagine things from the point of view of an entity unaffected by spacetime, creating from pure thought. Dimensionality is irrelevant, there's no up, no down, no pain, no pleasure, no life, no death...

So you imagine these things. And there they are - but where? You're not sculpting with Play-Doh. It's all right here, inside yourself, your "mind" as it were. But you are only mind. And now you are a universe. Or many. Or an infinity.

Good and evil, life and death, joy and agony - these are all constructs limited to a four-dimensional world - the crucial dimension being TIME, for without that, none of these experiences could be savored. Outside of that world, they simply don't matter. They aren't real. They're just IDEAS.

So, as you continue to create and imagine, and bring these creations to sentient life, it is necessary that they experience both the positive and the negative in varying degrees, in order to be truly alive (as well as have free will). If their living experience is one-dimensional, then they aren't fully participating in the play. The game's no fun if there is no jeopardy. Is that cruel? Of course not, because THIS WORLD ISN'T REAL.

Wake up, Darth - your imagination is severely limited. You will never achieve enlightenment if your personal bitterness traps you in immaturity. If you think humanity is now at the pinnacle of it's knowledge, therefore YOU, by espousing CURRENTLY ACCEPTED CONSENSUS "knowledge," are an advanced, superior being, you're every bit as pompous a fool as the scientist of the 1800s, convinced that "if man were meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings." In it's day, that was perfectly rational thinking, but also perfectly wrong.

I'm sorry finding out that Santa isn't real was so traumatic that you now distrust anything you can't prove, but even "scientific proof" isn't always the final word, because academic consensus is not FACT.

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19 Aug 2017, 5:10 pm

So are Jews and Muslims idiots?


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19 Aug 2017, 5:13 pm

I'm not keen on Sharia Law---but many Muslims are good people. Their religion is quite similar to Judaism and Christianity. It's the radical nuts who gives them a bad name.

I'm a Jew. They have a glorious history. There are idiot Jews, just like there idiot leftists and rightists.


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19 Aug 2017, 5:19 pm

The guy who voiced Anger in Inside Out gets it.

I will give Kent Hovind some credit. I don't think he ever used the "How come there are still monkeys?" argument. Even he is too smart for that.

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19 Aug 2017, 5:25 pm

EzraS wrote:
So are Jews and Muslims idiots?

Most Jews, and most educated Muslims, like most educated Christians, are not Biblical literalists.

So like most Christians they would not agree with Tim Allen's tweet... if that's what you're asking.


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19 Aug 2017, 5:28 pm

Bees and flowers?

Tape worms can't survive without the existence of the human intestine.

So I guess that proves that God specially created the tape worm as well!


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19 Aug 2017, 6:28 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Tape worms can't survive without the existence of the human intestine.

Just did a quick google on that and the medical sites say they exist in uncooked meat.


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19 Aug 2017, 6:30 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Tape worms can't survive without the existence of the human intestine.

Just did a quick google on that and the medical sites say they exist in uncooked meat.

So God created uncooked meat and tapeworms at the same moment?


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19 Aug 2017, 6:34 pm

And dogs.Just wormed mine for tapeworm.They were all created at the same time.The dogs were happy about the meat.

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19 Aug 2017, 7:26 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
EzraS wrote:
So are Jews and Muslims idiots?

Most Jews, and most educated Muslims, like most educated Christians, are not Biblical literalists.

So like most Christians they would not agree with Tim Allen's tweet... if that's what you're asking.

I think most practising Christians, Jews ad Muslims are educated and most to not have a secular view that the Bible, Torah, Quran are just figurative writings. That's not what is taught in most churchs, synagogues and mosques.

How prevalent do you actually think the teaching of evolution is in Islam?

If people are going to say creationists are idiots, they are saying the vast majority of Judaism and Islam is comprised of idiots.

Last edited by EzraS on 19 Aug 2017, 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Aug 2017, 7:27 pm


...Speaking of being an
bad actor, how is he able to vote (He's Republican) with his felony cocaine rap? Not against ex-cons regaining the franchice, but...

"XFilesGeek"]Tim Allen is just a bad actor.[/quote]

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
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19 Aug 2017, 7:37 pm

EzraS wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
EzraS wrote:
So are Jews and Muslims idiots?

Most Jews, and most educated Muslims, like most educated Christians, are not Biblical literalists.

So like most Christians they would not agree with Tim Allen's tweet... if that's what you're asking.

I think most Christians, Jews ad Muslims are educated and most to not have a secular view that the Bible, Torah, Quran are just figurative writings. That's not what is taught in most churchs, synagogues and mosques.

Most people in general are not very educated. That's why religious literalism is still very common.
Of course, there are economic reasons for this.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.