Didn't say it was incorrigible. Merely said that this suggested solution will not produce the desired result. Wishing it away is merely the first step, but the subsequent steps must come from women, for the trend seems to take some level of offense when the explanation comes from men. ("something something mansplaining"). Everyone reading this, do check out HBR's channel, linked above. They're a group of mostly women giving some rather poignant insights on topics like this. In my submission, what is needed is not for men to reach into the feminine and almost ritualistically offer up their support and acknowledgement to either any particular woman or to women as some abstract entity with insights that are just beyond and outside what a male could possibly understand. Rather, what is more needed is for more women to grow a thicker skin and apply a more "male" approach to things like facts and data. For a crude example, look back and the interview/"debate".
CN: "The pay gap exists, and it's unfair!"
JP: "Well, here's why it exists."
CN: "Nevermind why it exists. It exists and it's unfair!"
Surface-level observation followed immediately by judgement and outrage. She'd no doubt follow the same template with any number of gender politics talking points, even though the majority of those are either easily explained by non-discriminatory factors or outright fabrications, both of which would soon be apparent with some careful and detached data analysis, the sort of thing that would no doubt be termed "male thinking". The "female way of knowing" in this case reaches a self-reinforcing consensus and makes a quick value-judgement of what is at best a half-truth into an accepted fact. This probably has a sound evolutionary explanation; back in tribal times women formed the social backbone of any tribe, so consensus and "common knowledge" was more important for group cohesion than was strictly being correct, whilst the men were out data analyzing mammoths into spike pits, so detached cooperation to reach a common goal was more important than interpersonal matters.
Apologies if this post is rambling and incoherent; much wine and sidetracking happened.
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.