sly279 wrote:
I was reading the advice channel video comments and see a lot of that. As well as saying blacks are superior race, the chosen race. That all blacks were native to America before whites every came.0.o but they also claim they need reparations for being anducted from Africa. Racist are so confusing. This all just proves racism isn’t a white only thing.
There’s quite a bit of racist blacks. Hatred feeds hatred. I’m sure the kkk feed off black racism as to why they are right, and vice versa. Then there others who read their comments and so hate whites or blacks. What good comes from hating another race? Why do people need to feel superior to others?
Neandethals no longer exist so there is no basis to claim they were/are superior to any modern human.
There were many migrations out of Africa and these migrations are thought to have populated parts of south Asia (Andamans), south east Asia (Negritos), polynesia (Melanesians), Australia and Tasmania. These migrations may have contributed some genetic material to the indigenous people of Japan such as the Ainu, and there is a theory that some of these migrations made it to south America but were overtaken by more recent arrivals from the north.
Andaman Islanders
Tasmanian Aboriginals (purely indigenous individuals no longer exist, she was the last)
Australian Aboriginals
The important thing to understand though is, these groups left Africa as long as 60,000 years ago and have less in common genetically with modern sub-Saharan Africans than Caucasians do.
In other words, sub-Saharan Africans are more closely related to Caucasians than they are to any of the groups mentioned above, even though they have more in common with them phenotypically.
Sub-Saharan Africans actually have a significant degree of genetic diversity themselves.
The Khoisan people (The most genetically diverse group of people on the planet, also called "the mother race")
Sudanese (Northern)
Sudanese (southern "Darfurians")
(Pygmies next to a Caucasian man for reference but even non-Pygmie Congolese are short)
Most African Americans descend from people from the west coast of Africa, such as Beninese and Ivorians.