Trumps accomplishments
I would love to cite the president's accomplishments, but I don't think he wants me to do that. His base gets excited when we liberals put him down, therefore he has designed his policies and his campaign rhetoric so liberals like me will disagree with him. LoveNotHate even said as much.
1. Schadenfreude - Trump is not PC, makes people hostile, MAGA makes people hostile, thus, lots of fun at other people's anger. It's fun to see people get bent out of shape over their politics.
"Love not hate" indeed,but then you said something similar.
Don't feel guilty. If that's your thing go ahead enjoy, but now you need to decide. Do you want us liberals praise the president, or do you want us to cry like five year olds that he got elected? Can't have both. Whatever choice you make, you might want to consider the real issues.
By the way, it's nice of you to attack LoveNotHate for liking the elimination of the law that straight up raped me of my income, forcing me to buy something useless that I could not afford. So I would have to agree with that, the very few people it helped don't acknowledge how many millions it hurt. I am the dirt poor, that law made me even more dirt poor!
Had you been in a liberal state you wouldn't have had to pay the penalty, because, you could have gotten medicaid and believe me that's not useless. I had to relay on it for a time as I myself am slowly but surely crawling out of poverty. Whatever you may say about us liberals, we are trying to help.
I know this wasn't at me but...
See?! This is why we need more government intervention to alleviate poverty. At the moment I cannot "adopt" you, because I am struggling myself, and plus I don't know you. You are most likely a nice and honest person, but truthfully I cannot know that for sure, so I am hesitant.
If there is some other way I might help you, we can talk about it, but I can't promise anything at the moment.
1. Enriching oneself.
(By all means, if you want to give all your money to one person go ahead, but absolutely no excuse to blame anyone but yourself after.)
2. Uniting people all over the globe in disgust over a despicable "leader".
BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
Beautiful, sweet, gentle, playful, loyal
simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy
Stop the wolf kills! ... 3091429765
Mostly what irratates me is how democrats are criticizing Trump for things they themselves fabricated or their lack of comprehensive skills to understand what he talks about. I would be more interested to hear people criticize him for things he has actually done, every now and then I hear someone have a legit criticism, mostly it's just stupid things and lies like he is a Russian agent, he called asylum seekers animals, he is a divisive person. The way I see it, all the liberals running around making things up and labeling anyone that disagrees with them as a white nationalist, even when they are minorities, are the extremely divisive people, you can't fairly blame trump for wacky minded people being extremely divisive.
It's not all democrats but it is a large portion of them that have this divisive thing in pattern, you are either with us or you are against us and the enemy. That is what I call divisive. Some of these wacky democrats will disown family and friends simply because they support Trump, that is what's divisive.
The lowest numbers since 1969.
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969
The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped to a 49-1/2-year low last week.
The data pointed to sustained labor market strength that could temper expectations of a sharp slowdown in economic growth.
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 196,000 for the week ended April 6, the lowest level since early October 1969. ... laims.html
There Are Four Lights!
One of the biggest economic booms in U.S. history was in the 90s under Clinton.
I don't see many conservatives lining up to worship him.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969
The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped to a 49-1/2-year low last week.
The data pointed to sustained labor market strength that could temper expectations of a sharp slowdown in economic growth.
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 196,000 for the week ended April 6, the lowest level since early October 1969. ... laims.html
Do those stats apply to ALL people getting benefits, i.e. include those who have been on benefits for some time? Or do the stats only apply to new applications? The last line quoted above says “initial claims “.
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It's not all democrats but it is a large portion of them that have this divisive thing in pattern, you are either with us or you are against us and the enemy. That is what I call divisive. Some of these wacky democrats will disown family and friends simply because they support Trump, that is what's divisive.
Trump has stirred up nativistic fear of immigrants, and not just illegals. He's lumping refugees and asylum seekers in with illegal when they are nothing of the sort. And he's been listening to the Jewish Nazi, Stephen Miller, hissing in his ear, now planning to deny citizenship to legal immigrants if they take part in perfectly legal benefits such as food stamps, or Obamacare. Miller has forgotten how his own family had been refugees fleeing from Antisemitism. We Americans pride ourselves for being the sons and daughters of immigrants. Trump and Miller feeding that ugly element that has always hated anyone who speaks, looks, or worships differently.
This Trump accomplishment is hardly anything to be proud of, and is definitely not the product of liberals.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Trump is destroying healthcare, undermines trust in the judiciary, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, he undermines the constitution (most clearly the 14th amendment, but also by promising a pardon if caught breaking the law on his instruction), undermines the EPA and many environmental protection laws, undermines consumer protection, redistributed wealth to the richest, and massively increased the deficit. For those who want an authoritarian state that protects corporations more than citizens, those are outstanding achievements. Add Mitch McConnell undermining the functioning of the senate, and they make an amazingly effective team. If that's your thing, you have much to celebrate.
Trump's accomplishments
1. Appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:
Gorsuch is as good as a judge as it gets. This conservative justice ruled in favor of the unions based on the definition of an employment in a 1929 law at the time of the law. Gorsuch rules based on what the law says and not what he thinks it should say. Conservative and liberal justices alike could learn from his rulings.
2. Pushed through a major tax reform
Opinions may differ on whether this was a good tax reform or not, but I'm listing it as an accomplishment here, because many of the people who voted for Trump were in favor of it, and it was a difficult piece of legislature to pass. In summary Trump did what a politician is supposed to do, even though I personally don't agree with increasing our deficit spending by a trillion dollars.
3. Engaged Kim Jong Un on nuclear weapons to ease international tensions
We'll give him partial marks on this as the situation is far from resolved, but meeting with Kim Jong Un was absolutely the right move. Trump gets even more credit for walking away from the second summit, and showing that he wouldn't be bullied and exploited.
Trump does things but can't necessarily say they're accomplishments
1. Appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court:
Objectively this should probably count as an accomplishment, but the whole situation seems to have increased politicalization of the justice appointing process. While Gorsuch is an outstanding judge with an impeccable record that the democrats were foolish to fillibuster, Kavanaugh is more of a mixed bag and the confirmation process should not have been as rushed as it was.
2. Takes on China in trade
I'm very much for free trade and think this was a really bad idea, but Trump did take action to try and bring some jobs back to the U.S. How well its working is highly debateable.
3. Border security and illegal immigration
Can't call this a win for the Donald. He got some funding for his wall, but declared a national emergency anyway after getting worked by Pelosi in the shutdown fight. The hardline zero-tolerance policy has mostly backfired on him and his immigration executive orders have been struck down left and right. Nevertheless, you can't say Trump hasn't done anything on immigration.
Things that happened under Trump's watch but I give him no credit for
1. Any jobs, economy or unemployment metric getting better. People put an outsized importance on the government and influencing the economy. Obama gets no credit either, the economy is doing its thing regardless of who occupies the white house.
"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."
It's not all democrats but it is a large portion of them that have this divisive thing in pattern, you are either with us or you are against us and the enemy. That is what I call divisive. Some of these wacky democrats will disown family and friends simply because they support Trump, that is what's divisive.
Trump has stirred up nativistic fear of immigrants, and not just illegals. He's lumping refugees and asylum seekers in with illegal when they are nothing of the sort. And he's been listening to the Jewish Nazi, Stephen Miller, hissing in his ear, now planning to deny citizenship to legal immigrants if they take part in perfectly legal benefits such as food stamps, or Obamacare. Miller has forgotten how his own family had been refugees fleeing from Antisemitism. We Americans pride ourselves for being the sons and daughters of immigrants. Trump and Miller feeding that ugly element that has always hated anyone who speaks, looks, or worships differently.
This Trump accomplishment is hardly anything to be proud of, and is definitely not the product of liberals.
What a stupid statement, the Jewish nazi? Sorry friend, addressing illegal I migration is not stirring up anything other than the logic of stopping illegal I migration. Once again, I see you are fogging the line between illegal immigrant and immigrant, Trump is a 2 generation immigrant??? And as for my opinion, should someone who broke our laws entering our country illegally be allowed citizenship to get on welfare? No. I'll change my mind when our country actually focuses on helping the people out who are already American citizens. I don't think immigrants waiting in line to become citizens will take too kindly to giving citizenship to people who stepped in front of them illegally.
Trump is destroying healthcare, undermines trust in the judiciary, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, he undermines the constitution (most clearly the 14th amendment, but also by promising a pardon if caught breaking the law on his instruction), undermines the EPA and many environmental protection laws, undermines consumer protection, redistributed wealth to the richest, and massively increased the deficit. For those who want an authoritarian state that protects corporations more than citizens, those are outstanding achievements. Add Mitch McConnell undermining the functioning of the senate, and they make an amazingly effective team. If that's your thing, you have much to celebrate.
Actually it was Obama who screwed insurance up, it's Trump that's trying to fix Obama's mess. Also, I see you left out the part where wages are rising and small business are doing better with his 'tax breaks for the rich & middle class'.
1. Appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:
Gorsuch is as good as a judge as it gets. This conservative justice ruled in favor of the unions based on the definition of an employment in a 1929 law at the time of the law. Gorsuch rules based on what the law says and not what he thinks it should say. Conservative and liberal justices alike could learn from his rulings.
2. Pushed through a major tax reform
Opinions may differ on whether this was a good tax reform or not, but I'm listing it as an accomplishment here, because many of the people who voted for Trump were in favor of it, and it was a difficult piece of legislature to pass. In summary Trump did what a politician is supposed to do, even though I personally don't agree with increasing our deficit spending by a trillion dollars.
3. Engaged Kim Jong Un on nuclear weapons to ease international tensions
We'll give him partial marks on this as the situation is far from resolved, but meeting with Kim Jong Un was absolutely the right move. Trump gets even more credit for walking away from the second summit, and showing that he wouldn't be bullied and exploited.
Trump does things but can't necessarily say they're accomplishments
1. Appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court:
Objectively this should probably count as an accomplishment, but the whole situation seems to have increased politicalization of the justice appointing process. While Gorsuch is an outstanding judge with an impeccable record that the democrats were foolish to fillibuster, Kavanaugh is more of a mixed bag and the confirmation process should not have been as rushed as it was.
2. Takes on China in trade
I'm very much for free trade and think this was a really bad idea, but Trump did take action to try and bring some jobs back to the U.S. How well its working is highly debateable.
3. Border security and illegal immigration
Can't call this a win for the Donald. He got some funding for his wall, but declared a national emergency anyway after getting worked by Pelosi in the shutdown fight. The hardline zero-tolerance policy has mostly backfired on him and his immigration executive orders have been struck down left and right. Nevertheless, you can't say Trump hasn't done anything on immigration.
Things that happened under Trump's watch but I give him no credit for
1. Any jobs, economy or unemployment metric getting better. People put an outsized importance on the government and influencing the economy. Obama gets no credit either, the economy is doing its thing regardless of who occupies the white house.
I would have to say that president actions do effect the economy. You don't think his 'buy american, hire American ' infranstructure policy effected the economy or employement? Our steel companies are doing better because of that policy, surely it hired more Americans also.
Finding credible statistics on the web is a major challenge in this day and age, according to the northwest indiana times (which I guess is the only publication that actually tracks this):
U.S. Steel Production 2016: 87.9 million tons (81.4 million metric tonnes)
U.S. Steel Production 2018: 95 million tons (86.1 million metric tonnes)
Price U.S. Steel 2016: 517.96 per metric ton
Price U.S. Steel 2018: 833.1 per metric ton
Source: ... /steel-usa
Making the ridiculous assumption that all changes in the steel industry are due to Trump's tariffs, Trump has
Increased Domestic Production: 8.07%
Increased Domestic Cost: 60%
It doesn't take a PhD in economics to know that the increased cost is bad for any industry that buys steel. Now let's look at the GDP hit:
Price times production 2016: 42.1 billion dollars
Price times production 2018: 71.7 billion dollars
So we're looking at a 70% increase in the steel market in the U.S. and an overall increase in 29 billion dollars. That may seem significant, but the change in GDP over that time:
2016: 18.62 Trillion dollars
2018: 20.89 Trillion dollars
The US Economy GDP increased by 2.27 Trillion dollars. The US Steel Industry increased by 29 billion dollars. The change in Steel Industry accounts for 1.27% of the change in GDP. Furthermore the 60% increase in the price of Steel almost certainly hurt the production of other industries.
My point is not to bad mouth Trump, but to point out people give government policy WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT for changes in the economy.
"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."
I'll bite. How? To fix anything, he'd need a plan. For about three years now, he has been saying he has a beautiful plan. What is it? Do you seriously believe he has a plan, beyond tearing down anything Obama has done? Nothing I have seen of the man persuades me that, for three years, he could keep his mouth shut about a beautiful plan if he had one. Especially when he would benefit from showing it off.
I am glad we agree that the Trump/McConnel tax reform redistributes money to the rich. Also, I see you left out any objection to my saying that Trump undermines the constitution, and that his and Mcconnell's policies take the USA closer to becoming an authoritarian state. Do you think authoritarianism is a plus?
Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Posts: 48,592
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
It's not all democrats but it is a large portion of them that have this divisive thing in pattern, you are either with us or you are against us and the enemy. That is what I call divisive. Some of these wacky democrats will disown family and friends simply because they support Trump, that is what's divisive.
Trump has stirred up nativistic fear of immigrants, and not just illegals. He's lumping refugees and asylum seekers in with illegal when they are nothing of the sort. And he's been listening to the Jewish Nazi, Stephen Miller, hissing in his ear, now planning to deny citizenship to legal immigrants if they take part in perfectly legal benefits such as food stamps, or Obamacare. Miller has forgotten how his own family had been refugees fleeing from Antisemitism. We Americans pride ourselves for being the sons and daughters of immigrants. Trump and Miller feeding that ugly element that has always hated anyone who speaks, looks, or worships differently.
This Trump accomplishment is hardly anything to be proud of, and is definitely not the product of liberals.
What a stupid statement, the Jewish nazi? Sorry friend, addressing illegal I migration is not stirring up anything other than the logic of stopping illegal I migration. Once again, I see you are fogging the line between illegal immigrant and immigrant, Trump is a 2 generation immigrant??? And as for my opinion, should someone who broke our laws entering our country illegally be allowed citizenship to get on welfare? No. I'll change my mind when our country actually focuses on helping the people out who are already American citizens. I don't think immigrants waiting in line to become citizens will take too kindly to giving citizenship to people who stepped in front of them illegally.
YES, Stephen Miller is pretty much a Nazi, despite being Jewish. He has had a record of bigotry going back to his high school when he and his buddies would bully ethnic minorities, exchange students, and the disabled. As Trump's Reichsfuhrer, he's the piece of sh*t who came up with the Muslim ban, and who has demonized all immigrants who aren't European. In fact, his own family hates him! You know who doesn't hate Stephen Miller? Real Alt Right Nazis, who support him 100%.
Reread what I wrote. I was talking about legal immigration. Yes, even refugees and asylum seekers are legal.
I could care less that Trump's mother was an immigrant from Scotland, or that his grandfather was a pimp kicked out of Germany (the fact that Trump says his father was born in Germany is proof that he's suffering from dementia, or that he obfuscates when he's faced with uncomfortable truths, like about his grandpa being a piece of sh*t pimp).
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Finding credible statistics on the web is a major challenge in this day and age, according to the northwest indiana times (which I guess is the only publication that actually tracks this):
U.S. Steel Production 2016: 87.9 million tons (81.4 million metric tonnes)
U.S. Steel Production 2018: 95 million tons (86.1 million metric tonnes)
Price U.S. Steel 2016: 517.96 per metric ton
Price U.S. Steel 2018: 833.1 per metric ton
Source: ... /steel-usa
Making the ridiculous assumption that all changes in the steel industry are due to Trump's tariffs, Trump has
Increased Domestic Production: 8.07%
Increased Domestic Cost: 60%
It doesn't take a PhD in economics to know that the increased cost is bad for any industry that buys steel. Now let's look at the GDP hit:
Price times production 2016: 42.1 billion dollars
Price times production 2018: 71.7 billion dollars
So we're looking at a 70% increase in the steel market in the U.S. and an overall increase in 29 billion dollars. That may seem significant, but the change in GDP over that time:
2016: 18.62 Trillion dollars
2018: 20.89 Trillion dollars
The US Economy GDP increased by 2.27 Trillion dollars. The US Steel Industry increased by 29 billion dollars. The change in Steel Industry accounts for 1.27% of the change in GDP. Furthermore the 60% increase in the price of Steel almost certainly hurt the production of other industries.
My point is not to bad mouth Trump, but to point out people give government policy WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT for changes in the economy.
I wasn't attacking you or anything, I was asking a legitimate question. The policy only counts towards infranstructure, and it handles all materials within infranstructure not steel only, I picked that one material because China has been dumping cheap steel, among many other things, into our economy. We cannot compete with them because they can push slave labor and we cannot. Sometimes it's a little more expensive to insure your economy dosen't crash by trying to compete with a country on a free market which pretty much pushes slave labor. It also just took into effect a few months ago, maybe only two months ago. I'm not saying a president drives the economy and everything is dependent upon him, I'm saying that a president choices and policies definitely effect the economy, meaning it's not as if what the president does has no effect on the economy.