KikiKitty678 wrote:
Most people would not say they break the law, because they think “breaking the law” refers to felonies. However, have you ever done one of these things:
*Gotten a speeding ticket?
*Put soda in a water cup at a restaurant?
*Snuck into a second movie?
*Hit a deer?
*Parked illegally?
*Photographed art in a museum?
*Videotaped a theater play?
I would bet most of you have done at least one of these things. So technically, most of us have broken the law once or twice. You (hopefully) haven’t done what most people would refer to as “breaking the law,” but you’ve probably done it in the literal sense.
Putting soda in a water cup is illegal? I need a source for that. Even restaurants encourage it because they have regular cups and coffee cups.
I also need a source for hitting a wild animal on purpose is illegal. I have not heard of anyone going to jail for it or getting a ticket for it.
Is it illegal to photograph at a museum or play? Just because something is a rule doesn't make it the law. I don't think sneaking into a second movie is illegal. It's just breaking the cinema rule. Can they have you arrested for it? They can only have you arrested for trespassing if you refuse to pay for the second movie.
I have only done two of the above. Plus I got a parking ticket once but it was a memorial weekend and I am pretty sure lot of parking tickets were handed out that day because many people parked on the side of the road where it wasn't a parking spot. But I did not park where it said no parking and I didn't park anyone in like some cars did. This happened in a National Forest when I took my kids to the Ape Caves.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.