Let me start by saying that I do not want to quash discussions about the attractions (or lack thereof) of an ideology, be it Trumpism or communism, or the merits (or lack thereof) of a political figure such as Trump.
However, as per PPR rules:
While it is acceptable to attack and debate beliefs (political, religious etc) it is not acceptable to make generalised attacks on the adherents of those beliefs. It is acceptable to say that Republicanism, Liberalism, Christianity, Islam are stupid but not acceptable to make generalised attacks saying that Republicans, Liberals, Christians or Muslims are morons. You could say that some of these people are stupid because of (reason) but not make generalised attacks on groups of people. Similarly you could not say "Christians are morons" or "Muslims are terrorists" or "People on welfare are bums". Confine your attacks to the beliefs and politics, not the people holding them.
Now I'd like to try, where possible, to interpret remarks as if they were phrased in the way the rules permit. A comment like "Mr X's supporters like him because he is just like them. He is racist." could easily be read as predominantly a criticism of Mr X.
While you might be able to jump through those hoops for one comment on its own, the totality of the OP's comments is clearly unacceptable and impossible to justify. Consequently, I think it is best if this thread is locked.