Christianity Today Demands Trump's Removal from Office.

Anything other than anarchy (for rich, straight, cis, Christian, white males only) is considered socialism.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
"White evangelicals still view support for Trump as ‘spiritual warfare’ against the ‘demonic forces’ pushing for his impeachment"
Although President Donald Trump has plenty of critics in Christianity -- some Catholics, some Mainline Protestants -- he is still quite popular among far-right white evangelical fundamentalists. So when Mark Galli, the retiring editor-in-chief of the evangelical Christianity Today, wrote a scathing anti-Trump op-ed last week, many of Trump's white evangelical supporters were furious -- including Franklin Graham, son of the late Christianity Today founder Billy Graham. And journalist Ed Kilgore, in a December 23 article for New York Magazine, stresses that Trump's critics shouldn’t think white evangelical support for him is softening -- they still view Trump as their champion.
White evangelical support for Trump, Kilgore observes, goes beyond Trump putting so many far-right judges on the federal judiciary: as they see it, fighting Trump's impeachment and getting him reelected in 2020 is a form of spiritual warfare.
"Many Christian Right leaders and members of their flocks view political battles involving Trump as spiritual warfare between holy and demonic forces, with the crude, self-idolizing and heathenish POTUS treated as unquestionably the champion of the Prince of Peace," Kilgore explains...
(Source: This Alternet Article.)
So ... not only are those of us who are opposed to Trump considered "Liberals" and "Socialists", but now we are also considered "Demonic Forces".
When the Washington Post visited an evangelical church in Wisconsin, most people there hadn't read the Christianity Today editorial and had no intention of doing so. One congregant complained that the magazine has been taken over by the "Social Justice Movement" and therefore should be considered as the voice of "nonbelievers."
Obviously, the "belief" in question here has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ, who talked at length about valuing the downtrodden. It's a belief in the "moral superiority" of white conservatives and their "right" to rule over others, even when they are vastly outnumbered.
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