madbutnotmad wrote:
I personally decided to live outside the political framework
as i have completely lost faith in the power elite politicians using idealism as their bargaining chips which they use to persuade the common people to vote them in so they can then abuse their access to power and resource, and once voted in, they then un-fulfill their promises to the people who voted them and abuse their power and the resources.
I personally now see my self as an altruistic egalitarian humanitarian and try and help human kind, where ever I can, regardless as to what label the power and resources holder holds.
When a good man is in power or office, then they will act on my requests or advice.
When a bad man is in power, they will ignore people such as myself's requests and allow the world to suffer.
But still, we, as human beings must try. As we can help the world get better, if we try.
For me, the problem isn't just politicians, but also people in general who are so politically divided that society can't heal or function properly. I have no problems with liberals or conservatives, but people who are politically extreme can rot for all I care. I absolutely refuse to see middle ground with extremists.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricness offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.