Examining the precise nature of transformation
Joined: 31 Jan 2019
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I more or less agree with you.
I just can't help but have the thought "classically conditioning my breathing constantly while engaged in ambitious life struggle and exercising calm presence while learning/doing and recharging with focused, relaxed dissociation will make me think as a Genius does."
Perhaps I am incorrect and mad. Application of hypothesis and observation of results is the only method certain to find greater clarity on the issue.
We seldom realize, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society - Alan Watts
dyadiccounterpoint wrote:
I more or less agree with you.
I just can't help but have the thought "classically conditioning my breathing constantly while engaged in ambitious life struggle and exercising calm presence while learning/doing and recharging with focused, relaxed dissociation will make me think as a Genius does."
Perhaps I am incorrect and mad. Application of hypothesis and observation of results is the only method certain to find greater clarity on the issue.
I just can't help but have the thought "classically conditioning my breathing constantly while engaged in ambitious life struggle and exercising calm presence while learning/doing and recharging with focused, relaxed dissociation will make me think as a Genius does."
Perhaps I am incorrect and mad. Application of hypothesis and observation of results is the only method certain to find greater clarity on the issue.
BTW the scientific method doesn't allow for hypothesis testing based on subjective self-reflection done by the tester. But I think the important point is if it's working then you should continue using it.
dyadiccounterpoint wrote:
I just can't help but have the thought "classically conditioning my breathing constantly while engaged in ambitious life struggle and exercising calm presence while learning/doing and recharging with focused, relaxed dissociation will make me think as a Genius does."
I would just separate out the two and treat each separately.
Neutralize the stress and bring your body back to a state of homeostasis. In general stress is stored in 6 regions of the body. These are the two legs, the two arms, the neck and the core. There are techniques to vent the stress in these area and provide a long lasting relief.
But when stress exceeds the limit for which your body can tolerate and you move into distress, use a variety of techniques to contain the panic. IMHO (in my humble opinion) these are: deep breathing techniques, vagal maneuver, avoiding triggers, retreat and restore, systematic desensitizing exposure therapy, hold-my-hand therapy, and the alternative approach I call the "Spock Anomaly".
If you can learn to dissociate the two parts of your outer brain (the social brain), to completely turn off your emotional part under stress. Then the chemical energy that is normally directed at the 6 regions of the body that store stress is diverted. It is diverted to the analytical portion of your brain. And your brain spins up, like you are traveling at light speed. You can consider thousands of solutions to the problem that is producing the stress. It is all done in an instant. Then all you have to do is pick the best solution and then implement it. This is the genius that you seek.
The analytical portion of your outer brain can absorb this chemical stress energy and light it off like a rocket.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Fnord wrote:
I have read a lot of New Age ideas in this thread; but so far, nothing really transformative.
Actually there has been. Aghogday suffered from years of stress. It finally broke him. He went off on a personal journey seeking a solution. And he found some. He learned to roar like an ape, like a lion and his roar was so loud that it vented the stress energy that had built up in his neck and he found relief. He also learned to perform a type of wild dance that vented the built up stress energy in his arms and legs, perhaps even the core. And those processes transformed his life. So it has been transformative.
Aghogday speak up if I got any of this wrong.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
jimmy m wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I have read a lot of New Age ideas in this thread; but so far, nothing really transformative.
Actually there has been...jimmy m wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I have read a lot of New Age ideas in this thread; but so far, nothing really transformative.
Actually there has been. Aghogday suffered from years of stress. It finally broke him. He went off on a personal journey seeking a solution. And he found some. He learned to roar like an ape, like a lion and his roar was so loud that it vented the stress energy that had built up in his neck and he found relief. He also learned to perform a type of wild dance that vented the built up stress energy in his arms and legs, perhaps even the core. And those processes transformed his life. So it has been transformative.
Aghogday speak up if I got any of this wrong.
You Are Correct; Indeed, Fully Correct, Jimmy J...
And Indeed, 'The Transformative Process'
is Not NeW; iT iS oNly Old and Forgotten;
In FAct, Lost in so many
Layers of CuLTuRal Clothes...
For This Freedom; This Transformation
is Inherited All Free Naked Born on Date
Still Now, Indeed.
And The Transformation Process is
Available to Most All Who Are Healthy Human Beings;
Even The Ones, Fallen like me as Detailed here For so
Many Days as Written Testimony of What is Possible
In All Natural Transformation of Human BacK NoW
To Wild And Loving Free; True, No Different Now
Than Wolves, Similarly Domesticated, Transforming
Back to their Natural Way of Life, Wild, Loving True.
The Transformative Process
Is Getting Back to Nature;
For Nature Deficit Disorder
Is No Different than God Deficit Disorder;
For God Is Nature and Nature is God; Some
Folks See and Become More of this Nature;
But Those Cynical oF LiGHT; and Those
Afraid of their Wild Shadows,
Real For Strength and
Will Coming Out
of the Mammalian
Foundation of Love
From Very First Suckling
of Mother's Milk; and Balance
Required as Grace to MoVE iN A Way
As Nature Does to Conserve Every Calorie for Life
in God's Language
Yes, Nature's Rule;
The Rule
Nature of Balance;
i've already Provided the
Proof on this Website; but only
As A Labor of Love For When one Sets
Themselves Free Back in Nature Wild of
Love Shadow Free And Naked too;
It's Just An iNViTaTioN for
others to find
THeiR Ways
out of the PRiSoN
of Every Layer of CuLTuRaL
Clothes, Spoon-Fed to Them From Birth;
Wild Love Free is the Transformation that is Nature and God Real iN US;
Of course, some Folks Now, Will Never Understand until they too go
Back Home to the Nature of God Loving Real Wild Within Free; Generally
SPeaKinG At least, Face to Face; i will intuit Which Path a Human is Currently on...
It's not
the Nature of the
Beast; the CuLTuRaL
Clothes so far lost in the
Mechanical Cognition of
Abstract Constructs;
only missing
Breath of Wild and Living Free Love..
On Top of that Science already Proves as
More Open Minded and Bodied Sacred Texts
of Religion Illustrates; Flow is Just a Metaphor Like
Tao of escaping the Neo-Cortex Lighting up the Rest
of Our Mind and Body Soul Real Potentials as even Brain
Scans Show Do Happen; Where With Bio-Feedback one becomes
'Autotelic', In FloW, in Terms of Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
Assessed that Do Generate a Kingdom of Heaven We Master as the All in
All That is
the Love
We aRe; This
Way The Force;
The Energy of God
Within the Synergy
of all the Material Reductionist
Parts as We become the Masters of Love
to Give and Share For Free With Least Harm;
But as always one Might lead a Horse to Water;
But they have to Decide to Be Free Again; They
Gotta Do what it takes; They Gotta Seek and Find
THeir own Real Gold (God WiTHiN) Free And Wild as LoVinG Again to Breathe...
There Are Reported Men Who Set Themselves Free in Deserts; Or Just Sitting
Under a Tree; the Cave Doesn't seem to work Very Well; as Plato relates too...
For me, A Naked Beach; As on 7.19.2013, once Again, i Became the Emerald
Green Waves, Swaying Sea Oats, Sugar White Sparkling Sands Every Grain
of me; Wings of Seagull Just Spiraling Around the Sun in Golden PHI Spiral
Pattern Mean Ratio of 1.618 as My Public Dance for 13,616 Miles in 84
Months continues to StaY iN Balance This Way; WHere Folks Four Decades
Younger than me get out of Breath trying to Keep up with me on a Metro
Dance Hall When Open; as my Marathon in Balance This Way Went Three
Hours Without
A Break or even
a Cup of Water;
But this is what
Happens when one
Becomes FRiEnDS with
GRaVitY iN Balance Effortless
Traveling with Least Calories consumed;
Moving my 246 Pound Body as the Weight
of the Gym Towel. i Dance With Too; Just another
Way; Just another Method to Become a Feather in the Wind, Wild and Free Loving Again...
'You' See; Some Folks won't Believe; No Matter What; until they become Super Normal Again...
Simply our Wild Loving
Birth Right As Mice Become
Both Woman and or Man Again;
Just Understanding that We Share
the Same Rodent Ancestor 75 MiLLioN
Years ago; and there is No Separation
in Terms of all that is God Now;
Just a Blanket of Love
For Love is the
Ability to truly
Breathe Wild and Free Again;
For some; they never experience it for a second
in this sadly Domesticated Clothed Life; Oh the Freedom,
the Flag
That never
Needs to Stand For It Always Flies Free...
How Do You Measure 'the Wind'; You Show What it does....
oF aLL THaT iS..
Anyway You Are ALL Welcome
to Visit Me and 'EVE; iN the
Garden of Eden Any Day;
or Night;
But until then;
i NaTuRaLLy
Come to You..
Thanks, Jimmy J..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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Joined: 31 Jan 2019
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 464
Location: Nashville
Fnord wrote:
jimmy m wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I have read a lot of New Age ideas in this thread; but so far, nothing really transformative.
Actually there has been...Mental Sobriety. Correct breathing and presence to achieve optimum blood flow to the brain while conscious focus is on present reality, including while learning. Dissociate into fantasy and rumination selectively with understanding that "I am writing a narrative of what I want in life based on my current logical interpretation of the symbols of vitality in society."
Write that narrative. It will be different from mine. Achieve sobriety from false symbolic representations of bodily health and neurological serenity/optimum stable blood flow. These are achieved here and now by classical conditioning to associate "bodily ease and mental sobriety from fantasy" with euphoria of your biological organism.
The only reasonable way is to apply it and test results. I am not encouraging you to take strain upon yourself or commit to a lifetime of doing something that "doesn't click for you."
We seldom realize, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society - Alan Watts