Well, it's surely a better visit than what the UK got with that orange turd. At least Biden has the proper manners for his hosts.
Mountain Goat wrote:
babybird wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
What do you mean by "glue your faces to the road"?
You are all driving somewhere for a holiday?
The protesters are gluing their faces to the roads. Insulate Britain because of climate change.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/i ... e-25292579I dont get it? Is the glue enviromentally friendly?
Wow. I wasn't expecting that to be literal. I thought that was just a turn of phrase that's generally understood in the UK, but not so much elsewhere. I'm assuming what we're seeing is a progression of the road-block style of protest, where protesters block roads to make a point. While I generally sympathize with environmental initiatives, I can't get behind this type of protest because it tends to cause traffic to back up, and so many vehicles spend more time idling than they should, thus increasing CO2 emissions.
Of course, these protests usually end with cops breaking them up, and anyone who refuses to move tends to get arrested. I've seen footage of people just laying down on a road, and the cops have to literally carry them, but they will do that if need-be. I'm guessing the face gluing in this case is a way to prevent the cops from being able to carry them away. The only problem with that is, they have to eat, sleep and do other things that I'm not going to mention, so they can't actually stay there forever, and if the cops can't pry them from the road, I wish them luck in being able to move period.