I used to be center-left, but the Biden-19 scamdemic caused my political views to shift to hard-right. Heck, I joined QAnon to get my social life back, and fit in them swimmingly. When I saw law-abiding citizens get confined in their homes, had to drive out of state for a banal haircut and a restaurant meal, as violent looters and arsonists got arrest immunity, the jig was up! I realized that "Duh Virus" and the lootings were planned by The Left and their rich sponsors since the beginning. So I became a virulent (pun highly intended) right-winger ever since. All my current friends are staunch conservatives; any former liberal friends are now distant acquaintances at best.
86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!
Last edited by Aspie1 on 20 Aug 2022, 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.