AntiEverything wrote:
I think that behind closed doors a lot of Muslims are in support of terrorists.
and you know this how?
Antieverything wrote:
There is also a rift between young and middle-aged/old Muslims in the UK - most Muslims of your age, rumio, are denouncing the terrorism and supporting the British government whilst more young Muslims are wanting to see radical action against people who fraternize with their most hated enemy the United States. My 25-year-old sister has had 3 boyfriends who were Muslims and when they came to stay they said they made it clear they really hated Americans, this was before the Iraq invasion by the coalition forces. None of them were particularly political.
there's a big difference between being opposed to what's going on in the Middle East and blowing people up with suicide bombs
AntiEverything wrote:
Bin Laden, following his fighting against the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, was lauded as a hero among those Muslim guerrilas who had fought in the war.
and by the CIA
AntiEverything wrote:
After the war he established a new militant group which we now refer to as al-Qaeda which included many of the more militant members of the guerrila fighting force he had met.
and who had been trained, funded and backed by Western security forces to fight against the Soviets
AntiEverything wrote:
Bin Laden and other Islamic militants were profoundly shocked when during the Gulf War US troops were deployed to the sacred Muslim cities of Mecca and Medina being dubbed by the Saudi government as guardians of these holy cities.
I never heard of this, do you have a source?
You know what I find really scary? when I hear BlairBush and their cronies regurgitating the line about how these people are 'evil' and 'hate freedom' and want to destroy 'our way of life', and how about its nothing to do with Iraq (Palestine, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir...). That's what's scary - these are political acts, not religious and the longer the West tries to deny it the worse it will get. I read some early reports about what one of the guys they arrested was saying, (although who knows how accurate any of that is) but it was all about watching news footage of Iraq. People don't just sit around reading the Qu'ran and suddenly decide to go and set off bombs, they really don't. There's a reason and we need to wake up and do something about it.
Long afloat on shipless oceans,
I did all my best to smile...