eamonn wrote:
tokaia wrote:
Illegalizing abortion? I should hope the hell not. Shouldn't it be up to the woman to make that decision for herself? It is, afterall her body that is being parasitized.
While im not a big fan of George Bush. I would like to see abortion made ilegal for the most part. The comparison of babies with parasites is quite offensive to me too. And since your asking no, it shouldnt be up to a woman to kill a human life just because she didnt have the sense to either use contreception, take the morning after pill or just keep her legs shut in the first place.
Ah, but its not for you to decide, now is it? Accidents still happen. What about rape? If a woman were raped and forced to bear the child and she didn't want to, it would be a slap in the face of the victim. Contraception isn't 100%. Condoms completely cut off stimulation to some people. And I don't think people should have to abstain from sex with their partner or whatever, just because of the intense fear of becoming pregnant and not being able to abort if they so wish. There are already too many children that nobody wants up for adoption, especially among minorities. Poor parents who didn't want to put the child up for adoption would keep it and suck more welfare money out of the system unnecessarily, like so many already do.
Sex is an important part of any man/woman, man/man, woman/woman relationship. However, since only a man can get a woman pregnant, I'll stick to that. They may use contraception, for all you know. They should not have to worry about getting pregnant. They should not have to abstain at the cost of their relationship. If they wish not to put the baby up for adoption, they should be allowed to have an abortion if they so wish. I sure would. The world doesn't need another unwanted mouth to feed. And as far as putting up for adoption goes... Women are not brood mares for infertile couples! They may, as I have said before, not wish to put the child up for adoptions for reasons you wouldn't understand.
The bit you spewed about a woman "needing to keep her legs closed" is a mighty crappy thing to say. What if I were to say that "men should keep their dicks in their pants"? If you were a man (I don't know if you are or not), I think you'd feel the same way.
Not all women can get the morning after pill. Have you thought of that?
Getting one's "tubes tied" isn't always an option either. Most doctors will not perform this surgery on anyone under a certain age or unless they are married.
Lets say I were pregnant (that will never happen). Now lets say that given my stance on adoption, I wanted an abortion, because I don't ever want children. That child is in MY body, which I hold all rights to, and is part of my body. I deserve an abortion if I so choose.
I could debate this until my fingertips are worn to the bone. So I'll save time and post some links in the hopes that you'll get it.
http://www.now.org/http://www.now.org/issues/abortion/index.htmlI really suggest that you fully explore the site. It has some very compelling messages.
And besides... Its not like women who want abortions are forcing it on you! You have noting to lose.
eamonn wrote:
It used to be a civil right for a 32 year old man to marry a 12 year old girl but that didnt make it right then or right now.
Thats a matter of cultural opinion. In some countries, it is not frowned upon. Frankly, if both parties consent, I think its fine. Thats going to get me flack, but oh well.