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06 Nov 2007, 7:53 pm

Although I am not a Taoist, I occasionally follow a macrobiotic diet, which is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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06 Nov 2007, 11:54 pm

Hmmmmm.... Interesting, how come?

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07 Nov 2007, 9:02 am

Averick wrote:
Hmmmmm.... Interesting, how come?

Are you asking me about the macrobiotic diet? When I am in NYC visiting my father and sister, there is an excellent chain of macrobiotic restaurants (Souen). I eat there regularly. However, I abandon that diet when I return here to the Kansas City area. I simply don't have the patience to make the food myself.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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08 Nov 2007, 8:23 am

What's a microbiotic diet included? I mean, what does it do?

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08 Nov 2007, 8:51 am

Averick wrote:
What's a microbiotic diet included? I mean, what does it do?

The macrobiotic diet is based on traditional Taoist ideas concerning foods. The view is that there are yin (negative) foods, yang (positive) foods, and foods in the middle. The objective is to eat mostly foods in the middle or, for instance, if one has a yin food to balance it out with a yang food.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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10 Nov 2007, 12:54 am

I don't consider myself a Taoist, but I've read the Tao te Ching and think it's great.


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18 Nov 2007, 1:13 am

Taoism is a religion to those who feel persecuted by religion. It is nature based, full of psychology and deep meaning to relationships. Highly integretigious.

I love wordsmithery.


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19 Nov 2007, 10:25 pm

Name or person,
which is nearer?
Person or property,
which is dearer?
Gain or loss,
which is drearier?

Many loves entail great costs,
Many riches entail heavy losses.

Know contentment and you shall not be disgraced,
Know satisfaction and you shall not be imperiled;
then you will long endure.


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20 Nov 2007, 7:08 pm

Revearsal is the movement of the Way;
Weakness is the usage of the Way.

All creatures under heaven are born from being;
Being is born from nonbeing.


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21 Nov 2007, 10:45 am

Heaven is long and earth is lasting.
Heaven and earth can be long and lasting
because they do not live for themselves.
They can be long-lived.

For this reason,
The sage
withdraws himself
but comes to the fore,
alienates himself
but is always present.

Is this not because his is free of private interests?
He can accomplish his private interests.


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22 Nov 2007, 5:49 am

do not stop
until you die
and when you are reborn,begin again

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle


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22 Nov 2007, 9:23 am

Do you believe in reincarnation?


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22 Nov 2007, 11:06 pm

Very Tough Question :!:
I could slip out of it and say that,like the idea expressed in the Kevin Smith movie "Dogma"
I don't believe,I have an idea

but honestly,sometimes i do & sometimes I don't,depending.
I have raptures,anticipating life after life after life.The joys of the flesh
Of all the proposals for an afterlife,reincarnation,to me,is the only one with a shred of logic & actual consideration of the laws of the Universe.
When a bit flips from zero to one & back again,
When an electron spins around a nucleus
When a woman gives birth to a son whose wife bears a daaughter,
when the Moon is full & then new & again full,
when the Milky Way has completed a rotation
each inexorable day

It is also repellent,as a compassionate person,to contemplate that we are born to suffer,suffer through this life of quiet desperation,facing,or denying,the abyss,into which we shall all be tripped,
only to return & suffer in turn
and again and again and again.To what end?
It is as tragic as the saying “To be born drunk & die without waking”

Do you believe in reincarnation?
What does the Tao have to say?

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle


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22 Nov 2007, 11:56 pm

Yes, i personally do, but i don't know what the tao has to say about it. I can see the implication of reincarnation in many texts which speaks of life in a cyclitic nature. And foremost this philosophy has kindled Buddhism and Hinduism.


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23 Nov 2007, 6:52 pm

That's a tricky subject, reincarnation and the afterlife, and one that nobody can judge with authority.
Those who speak do not know. Those who know do not speak. :D

My personal belief is that the dead go back to rejoin nature but are still present in a fashion, at least for a time, something like the Shinto tradition.

I do not believe that a dying human always comes back as another human, because there's more humans now than there have been in the past so that begs the question of where the spirits of all the currently living humans came from.


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23 Nov 2007, 7:28 pm

The subject of reincarnation is VERY interesting. But even more interesting is the cause to keep reincarnating yourself human every life.