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07 Nov 2007, 6:01 pm

Ragtime wrote:
1. Do you think such a thing would work, without breaking out into riots periodically? I mean, there are some pretty offensive religions around the world -- some of which directly and vociferously clash.

If you are truly for religions having access to public resources, and you truly are for a tolerance (fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose religions differ from one's own) then I don't see how you could not create a free-for-all situation.

Offensive is often in the eyes of the beholder. While Thomas Jefferson said it didn't affect him whether his neighbor believed in 1 God or 20, there are plenty of monotheists out there that would be offended by large statues of Ganesh, Krishna, Shiva and Lakshmi in the town square. Not because there is anything inherently offensive, but because it is a religion that they do not believe in. Christians would whine that there is no reason that Christians should have to put up with such idolatry on government property.

When did "without allowing other religions" enter into this? My position is for the government take no position. Neither promoting nor censoring. This is America, and that's why America was founded.

Not a reflection on what you said, but related to the typical religious group that wants to put up their own symbols, but they certainly don't want to allow other religions to put their symbols up. I have never heard of Christians who want to put up a nativity scene champion the rights of other religions to put their symbols up in the same public spaces. And usually, it is a case of minorities being denied the same opportunities. Which smacks of establishing a religion of the majority, to the detriment of the minority.

I think government should basically stand out of the way, for as long as the individuals can keep the physical peace among each other.

I agree - there should be a free market in religion. Government should not pick winners and losers, either in the sense of banning or supporting/subsidizing any religion. And the demand that government resources be granted to some religions is an affront to this type of freedom. It is a demand that a particular set of practices be elevated above the others - that all religions are equal, but some are more equal.

The American government is our servant, not our master.

Yes, it is our servant, but it cannot and should not do anything and everything that all groups demand. Especially if meeting those demands would result in favoritism towards one religion. I think if local government does things like provide police, fire, courts, and education, religion can take care of itself. If there are 2 people in a particular religious group, they can meet in a house. If there are thousands, they can buy a grand building with a large lot in a prominent location and put up all the decorations and symbols they want. No need for 'our servant' to deal with religious matters at all.


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07 Nov 2007, 8:41 pm

I dont want christian bull s**t pushed on me
I am a wiccan
I don't beleive in Jesus or that nativity scene :roll:
good on them
no one should have religion crammed down they're throats


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12 Nov 2007, 10:35 am

Ragtime wrote:
monty wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Yay!! ! At last, pro-choice America can sleep soundly knowing that, while the blood of 50,000,000 babies is on their hands, at least they won't have to endure seeing this nativity scene. (See link below.)
It's another victory for freedom of religion, and for free speech! Silence the baby Jesus! Go Democrats! :roll:
Of course, the free speech of our mother-murdered infants doesn't matter because they're all dead, ha ha!!

Aren't you dems fricken' proud of yourselves? (Where's the barf emoticon?),2933,308816,00.html

People are welcome to put up whatever religious symbols they want. In their homes, on their house or yard, and on their own church properties. You are whining because you can't get the government to support this particular form of religious celebration.

Wrong. It's not about support, it's about tolerance. America's government stands for freedom of religion and free speech.
Therefore, the last places to be deemed speech restricting and religion suppressing should be American government institutions!

And I brought up abortion to show the hypocrisy of what is and isn't allowed by law.
"Killing 50 million innocent unborn children? Fine, fine. Just don't put up a nativity scene."
Holy sheet! I didn't know it was so many. Who knows but that one of those babies could have grown up to be the doctor or scientist who found the cure for cancer.

Political correctness has reared its ugly head yet again. The episode of South Park with Hankey the Christmas Poo was a perfect example of what happens when attempts are made to celebrate Christmas without offending anybody. In the end, everybody got offended with the compromise.

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12 Nov 2007, 10:36 am

Bonus points for quoting South Park!

I don't pay attention to nativity scenes.


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13 Nov 2007, 9:12 pm

America is depraved. If America and Europe are destroyed, I won't shed a tear. People are naturally heartless savages, and without religion they have no moral compass at all.

There is no greater honor than wearing the martyr's crown. But perhaps, if Atheists gain power, instead of willing deaths we should learn a lesson from our Islamic brothers.


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13 Nov 2007, 10:08 pm

Chuchulainn wrote:
America is depraved. If America and Europe are destroyed, I won't shed a tear. People are naturally heartless savages, and without religion they have no moral compass at all.

There is no greater honor than wearing the martyr's crown. But perhaps, if Atheists gain power, instead of willing deaths we should learn a lesson from our Islamic brothers.

can someone please just ban this troll already?


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14 Nov 2007, 3:24 pm

Ragtime wrote:
I like what Rush Limbaugh says about liberals and conservatives. He explains it better and more succintly than I have:

This is from his website today:
"Any group, any person that is not by definition conservative will become liberal. Liberalism is the easiest choice in the world. It is the most gutless choice you could make, because you don't have to do anything. All you have to do as a liberal is notice a problem, wail, and whine, and moan about it and claim that you care, and you'll feel good about yourself and you'll convince others that you have a big heart. Conservatism is an intellectual application that requires action to implement, to maintain, and to explain. It's tough. Liberalism, the most gutless choice a human being can make."

That's about the silliest thing I've ever read.


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14 Nov 2007, 4:55 pm

and just a point on the topic as a whole:

if all you're concerned about is some stupid nativity scene, your finger is far away from the pulse of important issues and shoved deeply up your ass.


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14 Nov 2007, 4:56 pm

think it's a separation of church and state deal

not like x-mas means that much (it's sooooo comercialized now)

im not a christian... but am not offended by it's original placing...

but to play devils advocate.... would they have allowed for displays from other religions on the government property... side by side with the nativity scene?

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14 Nov 2007, 5:10 pm

Sedaka wrote:
think it's a separation of church and state deal

not like x-mas means that much (it's sooooo comercialized now)

im not a christian... but am not offended by it's original placing...

but to play devils advocate.... would they have allowed for displays from other religions on the government property... side by side with the nativity scene?

Ya, I was just saying I don't think it's a big deal either way, as in: Don't put it there, but if you find it there, don't scream and holler like it's some emergency.

I'm not for the government endorsing anything -- I'm for them staying out of things. I'm the "small government" proponent. My basic attitude toward government is: "I can take care of myself, thank you. In fact, what are you doing here anyway? Make yourself useful, or shrink yourself down and stop wasting my taxes."

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.


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14 Nov 2007, 5:28 pm

I dont want to see a nativity scene's at Yule


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14 Nov 2007, 8:42 pm

Interesting thread.

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14 Nov 2007, 8:46 pm

Ragtime wrote:
And I brought up abortion to show the hypocrisy of what is and isn't allowed by law.
"Killing 50 million innocent unborn children? Fine, fine. Just don't put up a nativity scene."

And you also brought up abortion to show the "hypocrisy" of people who are against circumsicion, nice work!

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14 Nov 2007, 8:50 pm

Ragtime wrote:
I wouldn't vote for the removal of a nativity scene on government property. Allowing it to remain is a way the government can show that it's still tolerant of Christianity. There's nothing offensive about a historical depiction of Jesus being born in a manger.

At least not compared with baby body chop shops where their parts are variously sold for research and carcases thrown in garbage cans. That's what "offends" me. Abortion is the ultimate child abuse. If you're for it, you have no grounds to complain about being "offended" by anything else.
You should be offended at yourself!

I don't know, but this sounds like an intolerant attitude.

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Last edited by greenblue on 14 Nov 2007, 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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14 Nov 2007, 8:52 pm

Anubis wrote:

Stupid politically correct bullcrap. People should be allowed to express their religion in public.

Liberals probably are proud of themselves.

yes people are allowed to express the relligion in public, but congress isn't allowed to establish a religion for the people which is why this display was disallowed. That's a right given to all people by the US constitutiuon and is no doubt why those michigan residents who choose to act o another right given to them by our government the right to vote, nixed the idea.. Sure you don't like it because its your religions display tha was taken down ,but how would you like it if it were a display for a religion that went agianst almost every aspect of your religion that you valued?

Further, if you truly think its valubable to have this display, and aren't doing it just to insult other religions, or show off an air of "my religion is better than yous" then why do you even care about having it at city hall instead of across the street in the first place? After all, if its located across the street it would serve the same purpose there.


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14 Nov 2007, 8:58 pm

Pandora wrote:
Holy sheet! I didn't know it was so many. Who knows but that one of those babies could have grown up to be the doctor or scientist who found the cure for cancer.

That's true, but also, one of those potential babies could have grown up to be a mass murderer, a rapist, a terrorist. 50/50.

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