Actually it's a myth that it is natural for the males of our species to have male-on-female sex, to be able to actively express sexuality with a female. Studies of chimpanzees etc show that many of the males NEVER get to have reproductive sex.Having male-on-female sex is reserved for the genetically advantaged, whether in muscles or brain power or something which puts them amongst the successful members of the group.There would be no evolutionary advantage in all males passing on their genes. Only the most fitted get to do it!! And they pick, generally , the "fittest" females.
Which means that in fact human males ( and some females ) through hundreds of thousands of years led heterosex-free existences. Until paternity became an issue with the division of resources after began settling and labouring land, when the "less" advantaged females began setting up with other "less" advantaged males ,(who were no longer being driven away from the group or being killed in fights, because could help on farm, represented valuable labour etc,) thus putting our genetic patrimony in peril ! !
One of the reasons many men suffer from not having sex in modern society is not so much sexual frustration, as loss of self-esteem because sex is 'sold" as sign of success, because once upon a time it WAS a sign of success, LITERALLY ( genetically).
"Not getting any" CAN be experienced as a label saying " you are a failure". But to let oneself think that would be retrogressive/old-fashioned because now that heterosexual-sex has become separated from reproduction, there is no reason why evolutionary determinism should continue to colour the image of "sex" ; it could begin to be seen as the sign of boring people, who can't find anything better to do, or are driven by pure boring biological drives!!
It is not sex which a human might be able to claim as a human right so much as physical affection, massages, hugs, touch.