Sand wrote:
Once you're dead and out of the way you can do nothing for personal freedom. To oppose superior military force to guarantee your martyrdom is idiotic and naive and a theatrical demonstration, not of your will to win but merely that you have seen too many cowboy movies. There are better ways to fight for freedom.
Read up on some social psychology there, buddy. Just one person willing to stand up against oppression against impossible odds will serve as an example and embolden others to do the same. When enough people stand up against evil, it will be defeated.
Also, how do practical concerns involve themselves in ethics and morals? You shoulod stand up for what is right
because it is right, not because it is convenient or because you risk nothing in doing so. Enough sunshine soldiers and summer patriots. To quote a true patriot, Patrick Henry, "Is peace so sweet, or life so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"