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25 Nov 2007, 6:58 am

But really, who gives a stuff about Clinton anyway? It's all history, and the sooner everyone forgets him and moves on, the sooner you can get on with worrying about who is gonna replace Bush. Some say Hilary, some say Paul; don't really care here anyway because we've had our go and voted in someone the country thinks will do a better job than the conservative puppet we had before.

Anyway, Hilary won't pass the old boys' network. Glass ceiling exists well and truly.

Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!

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25 Nov 2007, 7:51 am

I am against Libertarianism, it often turns out to be dominated by corporations and contemptuous of the poor even more than US Republicanism.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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25 Nov 2007, 9:37 am

snake321 wrote:
Do you people understand that this "conspiracy theory" is not a theory anymore? It's not a theory, it's a fact. There is a world of evidence here now.

No, I don't understand that swill to be fact. The tin-foil ideas in that video are largely lies and fabrications. They were developed and pushed by people like Jerry Fallwell, who is a major crackpot.


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25 Nov 2007, 4:53 pm

Your really not worth discussing this with. Your so closed minded no amount of proof would mean jack squat, in the next few years when people are being v-chipped you'll probably go right along with it and still think I'm a "conspiracy nut".


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25 Nov 2007, 6:53 pm

And you really want to 'discuss' it? Maybe you could reply to my charges that it was pushed by Jerry Falwell, that the producers admit to distortions and falsehoods to sensationalize things, and that the people involved in this film who claim to be 'non-partisan' and unpaid were in fact political operatives who were paid? Or maybe the fact that it hinges on the uncorraborated testimony of 1 person. All of these points undermine the credibility of the film - to the point where most people have chosen to ignore it.


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25 Nov 2007, 7:09 pm

Same goes for that BS film 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Why should we take seriously the propaganda of an ex-politician and ex-presidential candidate who got flogged by a warmonger like Bush? Gore is only in it to get another 15 minutes of fame, and the theory is just a lot of speculation and bunk anyway.

Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!

Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.


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25 Nov 2007, 7:12 pm

Between me and RichardBenson, you have seen politicians ADMIT to this. I don't know where you get this jerry falwell s**t from, there was no right wing bias being exempted in those clips, there was barely if any mention of god or jesus, I highly doubt it was jerry falwell. And even if it were, it's not who says it or who produces it, it is what is said.
I mean you look at everything 9/11 does for a police state, when they launched an illegal war that could not be won "war on terror", that is principally like saying "war on murder", you'll never stop it from occuring. Now matter how horrible it is, s**t happens. Also, define a terrorist? According to some people the US might be terrorist for dropping the hiroshima bomb in WW2, or kidnapping and raping women in Viet Nam.
So we go into an illegal war, on false information none the less, we've got a president who is a billion-aire in the oil industry yet our gas prices are through the roof, they pass the Patriot Act which shreds half our constitution. And what about HR 1955?
Going back to the oil industry, you are aware it is a publicly documented fact that the Bush family goes waaaaayyyyyy back with the Bin Ladens and the royal saudis in the oil industry that has made them all billion-aires, and also that Prescott Bush funded and financed Adolf Hitler.
I mean, why is it so hard to believe that your not any more special than Ivan who lived in Russia in the 30's? What ego influx makes you think that your so much more special that it can't happen to you the same way? If you died tomorrow, the world would still turn.


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25 Nov 2007, 7:17 pm

Even if it did turn up to be falwell (which I am 90% certain it wasn't him) but even if it was him, would that not make you wanna ask "why?"


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25 Nov 2007, 7:19 pm

I'm down to earth enough to understand the fact that history repeats itself, that I'm not so cosmically special that the natural order will freeze for me and wait for me to die off.


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25 Nov 2007, 7:33 pm

What REALLY needs to be done to tackle climate change is to stop widespread deforestation, and plant more trees.

I knew about global warming a long time before Gore's scare story. The problem is that the majority of people are ignorant and ill-educated. And they want it to stay that way. Ignorance is the enemy of the masses and the ally of the few. Global warming can be easily slowed, and people are just going about it like it's the end of the world, which it isn't. Yes, global warming is an inconvienent truth, but it should be approached properly and rationally. You have people relating Nuclear Power to causing global warming, I'm like wtf. That's sheer ignorance for you.

The NWO, I hope that it's just me being paranoid. But it is possible.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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25 Nov 2007, 8:04 pm

snake321 wrote:
Between me and RichardBenson, you have seen politicians ADMIT to this. I don't know where you get this jerry falwell sh** from, there was no right wing bias being exempted in those clips, there was barely if any mention of god or jesus, I highly doubt it was jerry falwell. And even if it were, it's not who says it or who produces it, it is what is said.


Fallwell did appear in the film and his role as a distributor and marketer is well documented. Fallwell produced a commercial for the movie where a 'journalist' was interviewed with his face obscured - and the 'journalist' talked about his concern for his his own life because they had just set up an interview with a 'source' that was mysteriously killed on the way to the interview with the Clinton Chronicles investigators. Later, to Salon magazine, the producer (Matrisciana) admitted that he was the person hiding in the shadows, and that the mysterious death of a source was something that was made up at the suggestion of Fallwell to sell more films.

Matrisciana has done other first-class work for his right wing evangelical book and video company, including films that bash the theory of evolution, Halloween, Mormonism, gays, Harry Potter, and stem cell research. He is not concerned with objective reality; he is more interested in using film to advance his peculiar religious agenda, and with making money. Please don't ask us to buy into a conspiracy theory when the only source is so transparently biased.