iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
Christianity was VERY different 1500 years ago-they cut a third out of the bible so it really makes no sence
Are you referring to the Reformation and the 1546 Council of Trent where the Apocrypha (or "deuterocanonical writings") were accepted by the Catholic Church in response to teachings of Martin Luther? Or what event in 500 AD are you referring to? Council of Nicea? What?
it was a generalization
I didn't mean literally 1500 years ago
my point is...in the middle ages-the christians began to chage the bible (translating it over and over) changing things-removing the sex, the violence, anything that would make God look less perfect and powerful
I don't beleive any deity is perfect, mine certainly aren't and neither is God
at this time they also made the image of satan (it is never said what he looks like in the bible) they used pagan gods like Pan and Cernunnos to create his "image".
The crusades and the pagan slaughters...
Christianity lost it in the middle ages
and now (especially catholosism) has completely lost touch with people these days.
Point being-the bible, even if the stories are true or not, they are just stories
I think it is just to learn from, not to be taken literaly
like the 7 day thing
we think its 7 of our days because we don't know what "heaven" is really like
Heaven's day could be a billion of our years...
the way our earth was made took millions of years-evolution-etc