nirrti_rachelle wrote:
I've been a member of this forum for some time now and sometimes, I just have the urge to ask you.....Do you, by any chance, have as part of your wardrobe, a white sheet with a pointed hood with eye-holes? Because, correct me if I'm wrong, you tend to lean so far to the right I hope you wouldn't want Bush to nuke me much less another country. You have, after all, made some very inflamatory remarks about certain *coughblackcough* individuals who have a "defect in their culture" and frankly, your insensitivity is getting on my last nerves.
I have never had any association with any white supremicist group.
nirrti_rachelle wrote:
I should've addressed it the first time but I figured you just didn't know any better. But the fact that you see destroying human beings as "pacifying" them........That's just....sick. I know one thing, you say your a Christian? Then I hope someday, its founder's words finally sink into you.
I am a Christian. However, I don't recall ever saying that I make a good one and I really don't want to go back to depending on my own devices. You only think I'm insensitive and hostile now.
Sometimes you have to fight for your existence. The doctrines of radical Islam are built around the elimination of other religions as well as cultures incompatible with Islam. Therefore, there can be no peace treaty with them that would be worth the paper it is written on. Radical Islam must be destroyed before they destroy us.