the gospel of thomas
Richard, from the apocrhyphal gospels I find the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (which is an unrelated different gospel) one of the most interesting
I can see why this is apochryphal, however I have wondered how a small child with such powers would behave if he gets mad, it would be really very hard to raise a child like that knowing what could happen.
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?
Xfractor Card #351
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intresting. im thinking about buying all the apocryphal books and just tossing out my bible. either way i cant be any worse off than before, also i think in the infancy gospel jesus (when he was a kid) made doves out of clay and they came to life into actual birds
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
The 'discarded gospels' contain a lot of interesting material, but the problem is that a lot of them contain 'problematic' material as well. If you were to consider them all you'd have a very unclear picture of who Jesus was or what he actually said. You can say whatever you want about the selection process and I probably won't disagree with you but at least the four canonical gospels are relatively consistent.
Xfractor Card #351
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Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
They're not written by the same person, it's just that the three synoptic gospels were adapted from the same source material and tailored for their individual audience. This lost source was the 'Q' gospel and likely just contained a list of sayings attributed to Jesus.
Is this accurate? I thought Paul's letters predated the Gospels, and started around AD55. Which would make them the earliest Christian writings. Which would mean that the earliest accounts of Jesus were written by a man who only saw Him in a "vision," which we would describe today as an hallucination -- or as a lie. To me it seems quite possible that the whole thing started with Paul, and that Paul made. it. all. up.
Like most early Christian texts it depends on the camp you fall into. 55-60CE is probably more correct than 80, but there are biblical scholars who feel that the epistles may have come later; IIRC Elaine Pagels argues for early authorship of the epistles; I should have said "between 55-80CE" instead of implying that 80CE was the definite date.
The first century CE was very definitely a turbulent time for the Jewish people, but it was also a time when many people took refuge in what many of us might call "myth and magic"; The cults of Sol Invictus, Mithras, and Isis for example, all had very similar elements to what orthodox Christianity today has, at least in terms of the death and resurrection of a divine figure and the salvific effects of that divine figure's resurrection.
It's also important to realize that Christianity wasn't a monolithic religion in the first two to three centuries CE; there were many competing definitions of Christianity, such as that offered by the school that produced the Gospel of Thomas. A degree of consensus was reached at 325 in Nicea, but it didn't exactly spell the end for competing versions of Christianity.
The Bible as we know it today had a very complex history; revered figures such as Clement of Alexandria often included other books, such as the Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) in the canon, and the first Epistle of Clement was also quite popular in the early church as was the Shepherd of Hermas.
Xfractor Card #351
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Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
It's very hard to prove anything about the distant past with 100% accuracy. All we have is modern scholarship and that's what modern biblical scholarship says about the matter. Do the research and make up your own mind.
Xfractor Card #351
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Q hasn't actually been found yet. The hypothesis is that Mark was derived from Q and that Matthew and Luke were derived from Mark. Many scholars think that Q was similar to Thomas in that it was a collection of sayings; the difference being that a narrative was created around the sayings via Matthew and Luke but not Thomas.
q reminds me of Q
114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."
Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
So apparently Jesus is down with transsexuals.
Yes, of course, and it possibly sort of came true as Mary may have been turned into John!
The only problem with Thomas gospel is the joke at the end, which doesnt fit any gnostic bs I have heard!
The only problem with Thomas gospel is the joke at the end, which doesnt fit any gnostic bs I have heard!
From The Gospel of Thomas:
114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."
Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become
a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will
Enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Just Goes To Show That Toxic Patriarchy Is 'Biblically' Influenced
As It's Obvious, It Continued Well into Last Century, Where Women
Still Were Not Allowed to Vote; And There is the Same Toxic Patriarchy
Now That Doesn't Allow Women to Be Catholic Priests; And In Protestant
Ways Husbands Get to Still Speak For Their Wives First In Spiritual Matters;
And Of Course the Older Ways of Biblical Abrahamic Traditions of Toxic Patriarchy
More Intense in Women Sold Like Cattle Into Child Marriage; Only Virgin Branding Will Do
Still Exists in the More Old Testament Muslim Ways of Countries too; Other than That It is a
Common 'Jungian Tradition' to Balance Animus And Anima In Archetype As Whole Human
Being Where The Greatest Strength of a Lion Comes in The Silence of Chi Energy; Stored
Grace Before
A Roar
And The
End of Another
Antelope's Life Before
The Lion Falls to the Ground
(It's Why i Still Perfect A Mix of Free Ballet
And Martial Arts And So Did Bruce Lee too;
In Public Dance 14,953 Miles in 93 Months; Totally Fearless
And God Yes Still Strong As An Orangutan As Science Shows
Is Still Possible For Humans Who Get Off Their
Couch Potatoes Regularly And Move too; in my
Case Now Still Leg Pressing up to 1520 Pounds
At My Military Gym, Far Beyond What Any Other
Military Dude Even Attempts to Do Turning
Age 61 Tomorrow on June 6th, Stronger Than Ever....
And Ballet For 'Arnold the Governor' Just For Aesthetics
of Posing And Other Martial Artists/Athletes as Well)
{That Was A Rather Long Parenthetical Statement;
Here's the Rest Before That Started too...}
And Feeds The Grass For the Off-Spring
Relatives of 'that Antelope' to Consume In James
Earl Jones' Narration At Least In The Disney Movie
'The Lion King' and Beyonce's Version of Being 'Spirit' Wind too...
By the Way,
Some Scholars
Suggest that the
Gospel of Thomas
Is Not Gnostic at All;
Depends on How We Read the Free
Verse Poetry; It may Be Interpreted As Just
Another Naturist Point of View; Verse
37, Surely Relates this too, Finding God
Naked Within And Treading On the Metaphor
oF All CuLTuRaL Clothes We Separate Ourselves
From As Camels Still Fitting Through Eyes of Needles,
For All the Layers We Wear in NDD Nature Deficit Disorder...
So Lost in the Tools We Create; The Machines And Screens We Become
Where The Other Animals
Simply Live
Now Without
All Our Constructed
Illusory Worries And
Labyrinths Lost We Become Away
From Nature, The Obvious Real Only God Now: ALL;
Yet of Course, Now Imagination And Creativity that
Humans Possess Is the Progenitor of Heaven or Hell Greater on Earth Now For Real too...
A Rather Pandemic Part of Nature or Bliss Our Human Potential Creates And Becomes too...
PS: Happy 'Environment Day'
Celebrated Globally on June 5th, Now;
i'm MaKinG iT Part of my 'Weekend'
Birthday Party Hehe... i Don't Wait Now
For Others to Celebrate EPiC Events; HAha,
This Is of Course, Yes, Part of A Much
Larger "Depth of 'The Story'":
Nature (God)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Last edited by aghogday on 05 Jun 2021, 1:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
[To the origional poster. (Not a criticism. More puzzled)].
What Bible are you reading them from as they differ quite a bit from the ones I am used to. I only got so far into what you wrote and became puzzled. They seem to follow scriptures but then are different? Is a translation I have not come across before which is why I ask. Are you sure it is a Christian Bible? It looks like they are taken from Christian Bibles from various Gospels and altered?
(Note. There is not a Gospel of Thomas in the standard Christian Bible translations. Is it from the Apocrapha?)
Hehe, Yeah,
Just Another
To Add A Lot
Miss Much;
Credit Autistic
Savant Skill of Reading
20 Times Faster Than the
Average Human; All of this,
Just Another Almost Savant
Skill of Typing 130 Minutes
In Flow of Laser Focus Sure
Someone, Somewhere, Does it Better Than me, hehe...
Anyway, i Read The Entire Thread in a Minute of my Brain Speed at least...
Other Than That With Almost A Photographic Memory For Text And
Otherwise A Movie Maker Memory Long Term For Just About Every
Feeling And Sense i've Had in Life; if This Was From Thanks
Giving Day 2010 Or
Later chances
are i wouldn't
Even Need
to Read it Again...
Have A Nice Day Fnord...
Stay Smart And Don't Forget the Art...
True, i Came Here on Thanks Giving Day 2010...
'The Gift' WHO Never Stops Giving
Just Millions, Millions; Words of TL;DR except me;
In Every (Book) Case, in Every Word, No BooK NoW Is Too
BoRinG For me to Finish As 'EnLightening Breathes' Thunder EvenTuAlly CoMes...
OBTW (THiS WaY) That Last Line Is 'Encoded' in the 'Gospel of Thomas' Too For Those Who 'See'...
Yet Not
For those
Who Do Not Read...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !