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05 Apr 2008, 2:46 am

Psychlone wrote:
I think I should also point out that KFC is a major perpetrator of cruelty against animals because they keep their chickens in tiny cages and clip their beaks and force grain down their throats to fatten them up. :x So KFC is an evil restaurant, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they are in some way affiliated with the KKK.

Now who told you this nonsense? Pamela Anderson?

Fast food chains dont raise their own animal products. They pay someone for them. In the example of KFC, the whole chicken parts are bought from sources local to the stores. I know. I used to chop chickens up about 20 miles from the kfc store. There were about 30 people working at the processing plant. Currently there are two KFCs in my city. The plant I worked at supplied them.

Secondly, all chickens raised for stores, restaurants and super markets are raised in cages.

If you want (dubious) free range chicken meat you will have to go to a farmers market.

Here is how hippies raise chickens. notice the "coop". ... ed-Up.aspx

Notice the title they use "all cooped up"

30 years ago my grand father, a farmer, had a chicken coop. it was a little shack just like that, and the chickens were, yes, in cages.

looking at the definition of "cooped up" we find.. "cooped up" is not a new term. its hundreds of years old wrote:
cooped up (Grose 1811 Dictionary)
cooped up

Imprisoned, confined like a fowl in a coop.

Definition taken from The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, originally by Francis Grose.

There are roughly as many chickens in the world as people. Do you think we would have any room at all if they were raised like this?

So basically after Skafather pointed out the other nonsense in your post, and then this, it seems that your complete post was nonsense.


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05 Apr 2008, 3:30 am

Fuzzy wrote:
How much access to discarded food does a street bum in Toronto, Canada have compared to a homeless person in Maputo, Mozambique? A lot more. Even a street bums standard of living is better. Because the standard of living of the middle class is higher.

mozambique has a capitalist economy these days.

?Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.?

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05 Apr 2008, 5:11 am

Doesn't look like too many people here know a great deal about Che and his ideas.

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--"Deja Q"


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05 Apr 2008, 9:01 am

Fuzzy wrote:
Secondly, all chickens raised for stores, restaurants and super markets are raised in cages.

Nonsense. There are many farms that use such cages only for laying hens, while chicks raised as fryers (aka broilers) are packed into large, dense masses inside long, narrow buildings.


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05 Apr 2008, 3:25 pm

snake321 wrote:
Why do so many PC idiots act like Che Guevera is another Jon Lenin? Like communism (which always ends up in violent oppression of the people) is some big happy flower child greatful dead concert? The man is a f***ing murderer. In a lot of ways like a hispanic stalin. I assure you if there are any Guevera fans out there that there was no woodstock going on in Cuba, no free love and acid passed around in the gulags.

Che Guevara ordered almost 2000 people to be executed + the people he killed himself. I can barely wait until the T-shirts with "young, idealistic" Pol Pot hits the stores... :roll:

WP doesn't have a working first amendment.

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05 Apr 2008, 3:56 pm

Psychlone wrote:
MR_BOGAN wrote:
Well I support comminist beliefs without the dictatorship side.

That's an impossibility. You can't have communism without a dictatorship because there will be people who will resist having their property stolen for the "greater good" and the only way to seize their property is with the use of force and that's essentially what a dictatorship is.

So communism can only work as a dictatorship which steals people's property and labor like a parasite. It can't function as a free and democratic system, because the moment where it becomes voluntary is the moment when people start refusing to co-operate with it. People want to keep the fruits of their labor and want to have the freedom to decide for themselves what sort of jobs they can have or what kinds of music to listen to. But communism cannot work if people do not support it, so you either force them to support it (dictatorship) or the whole thing collapses like the rotten structure that it is.

That was why the Soviet Union collapsed, btw. It was never a great system, but it was able to hang on through the totalitarianism of dictators like Joseph Stalin. But then Gorbachev began trying to democratize it with glasnost and perestroika and when people started to have a choice, they immediately decided to abandon Communism.

So as I said, a Democratic Communist system is an inherent impossibility because people who live under communism don't enjoy it and they will vote against it if they have the freedom to do so.

Well it isn't impossible to have Democratic Communism, if people want to vote for Democratic Communism they will have it.

I think people will never choose Communism because of greed. But say when there becomes huge wealth inequality, people will vote for a more communist system.

If you look at USA on wealth distribution.


In the United States, in the last survey year, 1998, the richest 1 percent of households owned 38 percent of all wealth.
The top 20 percent owns over 80 percent of all wealth. In 1998, it owned 83 percent of all wealth.
The bottom 20 percent basically have zero wealth. ... wolff.html

Once the gap between rich and poor gets to big, people will vote more left wing, well you would expect them to.

Anyhow capitalism only works in the USA and Europe because they own most of the worlds wealth



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05 Apr 2008, 4:51 pm

Reodor_Felgen wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Why do so many PC idiots act like Che Guevera is another Jon Lenin? Like communism (which always ends up in violent oppression of the people) is some big happy flower child greatful dead concert? The man is a f***ing murderer. In a lot of ways like a hispanic stalin. I assure you if there are any Guevera fans out there that there was no woodstock going on in Cuba, no free love and acid passed around in the gulags.

Che Guevara ordered almost 2000 people to be executed + the people he killed himself. I can barely wait until the T-shirts with "young, idealistic" Pol Pot hits the stores... :roll:

Yeah, because apparently it's only inhumane and evil when white people do these things, right? lol Man, some people are just clueless :roll:
You'd never see those mindless liberals wearing Stalin or Hitler on their shirts in stores. Not saying mindless conservatives are any better though.


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06 Apr 2008, 10:29 am

Reodor_Felgen wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Why do so many PC idiots act like Che Guevera is another Jon Lenin? Like communism (which always ends up in violent oppression of the people) is some big happy flower child greatful dead concert? The man is a f***ing murderer. In a lot of ways like a hispanic stalin. I assure you if there are any Guevera fans out there that there was no woodstock going on in Cuba, no free love and acid passed around in the gulags.

Che Guevara ordered almost 2000 people to be executed + the people he killed himself. I can barely wait until the T-shirts with "young, idealistic" Pol Pot hits the stores... :roll:

or that handsome go-getter Joseph Stalin :lol:


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07 Apr 2008, 3:15 am

Kilroy wrote:
Reodor_Felgen wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Why do so many PC idiots act like Che Guevera is another Jon Lenin? Like communism (which always ends up in violent oppression of the people) is some big happy flower child greatful dead concert? The man is a f***ing murderer. In a lot of ways like a hispanic stalin. I assure you if there are any Guevera fans out there that there was no woodstock going on in Cuba, no free love and acid passed around in the gulags.

Che Guevara ordered almost 2000 people to be executed + the people he killed himself. I can barely wait until the T-shirts with "young, idealistic" Pol Pot hits the stores... :roll:

or that handsome go-getter Joseph Stalin :lol:


WP doesn't have a working first amendment.

Fuck. This will override the swear word filter.


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08 Apr 2008, 8:24 am

I agree. I think it's sick that so many rebelious teens wear t-shirts with his picture on them. Do they really know who they are representing? I'm going to get a t-shirt with a picture of Nero on it I guess.



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08 Apr 2008, 8:40 am

snake321 wrote:
Yeah, because apparently it's only inhumane and evil when white people do these things, right? lol Man, some people are just clueless :roll:
You'd never see those mindless liberals wearing Stalin or Hitler on their shirts in stores. Not saying mindless conservatives are any better though.

I'm not following you. Castro and Che are/were both white; both are very Spanish from a genetic standpoint. They are as white as Johnny Depp and Hitler.


Notice that it really isn't Johnny Depp, but one of the mindless millions of hormonal adolescents that emulate him.


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08 Apr 2008, 10:38 am

Plus Che is actually of Irish ancestry.


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08 Apr 2008, 11:26 am

Didn't Che write incredibly racist thoughts about black people in some of his diaries?

WP doesn't have a working first amendment.

Fuck. This will override the swear word filter.


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08 Apr 2008, 4:19 pm

Reodor_Felgen wrote:
Didn't Che write incredibly racist thoughts about black people in some of his diaries?

Yes, and he wasn't too complimentary about the Indeos in Bolivia where he made his last stand. They were supposed to be joining him in world revolution, but they were stupid, primitive people too concerned with growing things to eat and other mundane tasks of daily life.

But I'm still not sure that Che was worse than the pirates. Yet Pittsburgh named it's baseball team in honor of the murderous thugs and Tampa has a big pirate festival every year. Sad.


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08 Apr 2008, 8:28 pm

this is hilarious :lol:



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11 Apr 2008, 7:43 pm

I thought Che was hispanic? Well, either way it doesn't matter, he's a murderer.