2008 election

Joined: 1 Oct 2007
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Barracuda wrote:
I think it's too conspiracy theory. Besides, no tangible proof. Which, ya know, ya need to prove that. I'm just sayin'.
As for the current candidates, McCain is too old, and Obama sounds too inexperienced. (Socialism? This is bloody America! What are you, a Commie? </kidding>)
I think Bush taking over might be a good thing. But a lot of people really, really want him gone.
As for the current candidates, McCain is too old, and Obama sounds too inexperienced. (Socialism? This is bloody America! What are you, a Commie? </kidding>)
I think Bush taking over might be a good thing. But a lot of people really, really want him gone.
It is a conspiracy theory. There is no proof!

That's the fun!
I'm angry about the U.S.A Patriot Act. But as I said, it certainly hasn't been exploited.
The language in the Halliburton contract is interesting; but like I said a proverbial drop in the bucket in terms of funding. $384 million!!? OMG! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! They're building concentration camps! AHHHHHH!
But, the government spent $6 (or 60 honestly can't remember right now. It's early.

These are the mentalities that are taking that article and running with it all over hells-half- acre. Like I said... Looaaads O fun to scare the piss out of yourself with, (or laugh at 'em) but not much good for nothin'. (Now, what am I gonna do with all that chef-boy-ardee?)

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
-Walt Whitman

Joined: 1 Oct 2007
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skafather84 wrote:
just wondering...but does the whole russia thing change the potential for elections?
I have to admit, I have been watching this unfold, but I was whopped up side the head from left field by the invasion of Georgia.

Things are getting pretty confrontational in a hurry.
My opinion (for what it's worth) is that if this continues to escalate in terms of Russian and U.S. mutual belligerence into November, it will up McCains chances considerably. Right now though, it's an awful lot of talk that may or may not amount to anything.
What do you think?
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
-Walt Whitman
pheonixiis wrote:
Now, the insinuation of this article would present a scenario more like Argentina, or (Yes. Unanimous eye rolls here. I understand. I really do.) Nazi Germany.
You're not the only one who has thought of that:

I recommend you specify the year. If you refer to after September '39, which is the time most people would be thinking of, you have little chance of persuading anyone. '38 gives you a better chance, but there are still some significant elements missing today. I mean, Jesus Camp is not a government programme and still a fringe phenomenon.
You might be interested in Greg Palast's Armed Madhouse. Gives you an insight in Bush and Cheney's attitude to democracy. I have tried, and failed, to summarize that attitude. "Comparable to Queen Victoria's attitude to a dog turd" is too feeble, and far too genteel.
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