burnse22 wrote:
In the 21st century there has been one President who: embroiled the U.S.A into two military quagmires of his own making; ruined the international reputation of his country; created a extremely partisan domestic political situation, resulting in a an atmosphere of fear and a crippled congress and senate; seriously undermined civil liberties; set back scientific progress; routinely lied (even in the face of all evidence against him); employed ignorant condescending lying control freaks; proved to be useless in the face of any emergency (more than once); publically endorsed torture; led the economy into the worst crisis since the Great Depression (not that I'm saying he caused it, he just led the way); worked to destroy the boundary between Church and State; completely ignored the threat of global warming and generally behaved in exactly the opposite way that a statesman should
In the 21st century there was only one President, period... unless you count the 20 days in 2001 that Clinton was still technically in office