Sand wrote:
It's an interesting attempt to incorporate legend into a proposal for a survivable society but unfortunately it ignores huge sectors of possibility that technology has opened to humanity if humanity would use it wisely.... At the moment the outcome is very doubtful.
Ah, yes, the WISE use of technology, there's the rub. Technology is used (a. for profit, (b. for power, and (c. for the benefit of a small fraction of those who could bave benefitted provided it does not interfere with (a. or (b. Quinn was right, we made a wrong turn somewhere a long time ago and we cannot correct it without reversing course. Was it agriculture? I don't know but it was something that occurred about the same time, maybe power structures, maybe population growth, maybe inequality, maybe something else. Quinn's theory is about as good as any I've heard. Jared Diamond also seems to share it, Love and peace.
Nun: I believe I am God.
Meister Eckhart: Praise be to God!