ducasse wrote:
Accelerator wrote:
theism (which includes A-theism).
you keep saying this but i've yet to read a coherent explanation of why you think this obvious absurdity is true? )
The only absurdity is that.. in this day and age.. people are still arguing over whether supernatural beings exist.. or not.
Isn’t it obvious.. ?
It has been known for a long time.. certainly more than 2000 years.. that religious scriptures are symbolic.. poetic.. metaphorical.. and not intended to be read literally. The scriptures themselves explain this quiet clearly.
To read the mythological stories of the bible.. and to understand them as being supernatural.. and then take the position of disbelieving.. is about as sane as saying “I disbelieve in Santa”
(which reminds me.. I need to get my chimney cleaned.. and get a carrot for the reindeer

Theism and A-theism are both based on the same illogical presumption that scripture should be read literally... which is why.. in my mind.. I place them together.. as being felow literalists.. getting in bed together.
Yet neither camp can provide the slightest bit of evidence.. if asked.. to back up such bizarre claims..
Therefore.. theism and A-theism are just a matter of blind faith.
The blind leading the blind.
"Hence they said to the blind man again: "What do you say about him, seeing that he opened your eyes?"
The man said: "He is a prophet."
And Jesus said: "For this judgment I came into this world: that those not seeing might see and those seeing might become blind."
John 9:13