skafather84 wrote:
Sex should be whenever you want, so long as it's not in public places and is consensual.
But in fact it isn't; an awful lot of people don't have sex
whenever they want. In fact,
most people don't have sex
whenever they want. Your proviso, that it should be consensual, makes nonsense of the first "should".
And it is actually the conflict between the two, expressed so often in "Love and Dating" on WP, for instance, which provoked me to post this thread.
A lot of heterosexual people in the Western world seem to think that penetrative sex, the reproductive kind, ( penile-vaginal, as clarified by slowmutant ), is something you have a "right to" as soon as you are 16/18 years old. As if it were harmless/safe entertainment for adults.
Whereas the fact
is that even the most reliable contraceptive, used
conscientiously, is only 98% reliable. There is always a small, but
real, risk that penile-vaginal sex will produce a child.
Most women are aware, however unconsciously, of this risk, and their behaviour towards potential sexual partners is guided, consciously or not, by the consideration; " Will this guy be ready, willing, and able to support a child, and me, its mother, for a few years at least, if I get pregnant?",
or, at an even more instinctive level, "Does this guy have alpha-male genes to give any child that I might end up having?
This ( risk ) factor will determine which guys turn her on, ... for as long as
penetrative ( reproductive ) sex remains an inevitable/almost automatic part of sexual activity between men and women.
However, if people were brought up with the idea that there were
two distinct kinds of sexual activity, one of them penetrative, ( in the reproductive way ), and the other being all other forms of sex none of them involving the possibility of creating new life, I suggest that women might begin to choose their partners differently, ( and that this might incidentally be of benefit to AS and other so called disordered/disabled etc ) .
If people were taught from childhood to
perceive/distinguish between
two kinds of sex, in exactly the same way that we are currently brought up to see homosexuality as perverted, and transgender as weird/sick, ( both of which attitudes I abhor, by the way ), and to think that certain behaviours are absolutely out of order, ie; with social conditioning, then it is possible that some/many women would choose their sexual partners, for both the long-term and short-term, rather differently;
Not so much on the basis of alpha-male gene selection, nor on the basis of beta-male capacity to protect and support a mother and child, nor influenced by their own fear of becoming a mother, but on some other basis, to do with similar interests and sensitivities perhaps.
And perhaps the number of abortions, and related problems, would drop aswell.
Last edited by ouinon on 03 Dec 2008, 10:37 am, edited 3 times in total.