ToadOfSteel wrote:
I would accept the "unions don't get s**t done" argument, as that one would be effectively true, and I know from experience..
It's not that they don't get things done, it's that they don't get beneficial things done. I wish I had my econ book to refer to here, but pretty basic analysis shows that unionization is detrimental to the market as a whole, drives up prices for consumers (and guess what? that hurts the workers too!) and severely harms non-union workers. Basically, a union is a labor cartel.
For one thing, unionization, especially in the NYC area, has accomplished the impossible: they've kept the worst offender against the common worker that is still allowed to operate in the US, namely Wal-Mart, out of NYC. Wal-Mart would make a killing if they could operate a store in NYC. There's nothing in any de jure law that's keeping them out, either. The only thing that holds them at bay is the fact that all of NYC is unionized, so Wal-Mart's only way to get a store open is to compromise its long-standing anti-union policies, which could propagate throughout the entire chain...
What would be so horrible about Wal-Mart? "Worst offender against the common worker?" Please. Most of the people working crappy minimum-wage jobs are just teens and students looking for some spending money. Not a big deal if they aren't paid enough to afford two cars, cable TV, and a house.
PS: I'm not for complete equality. Of course a doctor should get paid more than a janitor (a factor of 5~10 I think would be sufficient, plus a little more to cover cost of insurance, including malpractice insurance). However, when a corporate CEO makes 2 orders of magnitude more than an average worker, I see problems...
The Socialist Party USA has, as part of their platform, a maximum income of ten times the minimum, and you'd probably mesh well with a lot of their other policy positions. Not denouncing you as a commie, just mentioning that you aren't alone in that belief. In a perfect world, I would be happy to see income disparity drop that low. But I don't think there will ever be a workable mechanism of attaining that goal. Free market policies work, and they get good results for the working class as well as the rich. If you want to temper that with some of the amenities of a modern welfare state, that's understandable. But full-on socialism simply can't allocate resources properly. Complete confiscation of income over a certain ceiling would be disastrous.