Orwell wrote:
DentArthurDent wrote:
I got a moderate preference for white over black. I tried a few of the other test and the methodology is the same. They take the opposite skin colour to your own then associate bad with that colour. They imprint this on your brain, switch it and when you trip up the test calls you racist, personally I would say the test is seriously flawed
That's the gripe I've had since the test was first introduced a few years ago. It was worse at the beginning, though. They set you up to form associations and then call you racist for doing so successfully. Well, what, is the human brain supposed to merely reset after doing one part of this test?
Yes, I agree, it is indeed flawed, I actually had that problem, even though I was slow, I can't do this fast, so any test like this that requires one to answer fast, doesn't work for me.
It looked to me that the expressions of the black faces compared to the expressions of the white ones, were tricky, the black faces looked like they were though people, while the whites faces didn't look like that, more like in a friendlier tone than the black ones, which makes it look biased.
However, if you strongly opposed any of the presidential candidates, taking that test can reveal that you would correlate 'good' with the one you like and 'bad' with the one you dislike, I admit that, but that is quite obvious, even though I actually failed on some answers that would be suppose to be the candidate I would like more.
Anyway, I conclude that tests like this are very unreliable.
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