azulene wrote:
You would have an instant portion of casualties as you removed things like pace-makers, artificial heart valves and transplanted organs. A portion of your test population would be rendered crippled or seriously at risk of death as drugs like ventolin and synthetic insulin would not be available. Glasses and hearing aids and so forth would be removed. Tooth fillings would also be removed.
The problem with this part of your post is that all the ailments you list are actually *caused* by a technological society. Animals in the wild do not get tooth decay, stress related illness, heart disease etc etc. There is evidence that it is the same for humans. Even in recent times, tooth decay, heart disease and cancer have been noted as virtually unknown in 'primitive' societies.
So technology gives us back a portion of the good physical health it denies us in the first place. Does it give us *any* of our psychological health bach, though?
azulene wrote:
I am talking about what makes humans human. I am saying science and technology do a darn good job at preventing us not only from dieing, but functioning as human beings in a society.
Science takes care of people far, far, far better than most people take care of each other.
Not doing a very good job of taking care of the planet as a whole, though, is it?

Humans are responsible for more destruction and extinctions than any other species. So far 'nature red in tooth and claw' unfettered by science and religion has not resulted in a bleak wilderness. Quite the opposite, it has produced a HUGE diversity of species.
The species that is the single biggest threat to this diversity of life is us.
With every species we destroy, every field we build malls on, every river we pollute, all the time we are getting unhealthier mentally and physically. And we don't see the connection! I don't believe we are we born so 'naturally ill' that science, technology and 'the machine that goes ping' are fundamental to our existence. We destroy our environment - we destroy ourselves - and so on in a feedback loop.
No other species in it's natural environment needs science and technology to prevent it embarking on mass killing spree genocide of the weak. The suggestion that as humans we do need it may well be true, but indicative of flaws in our way of living, not something to be proud of.
We will never be able to eliminate all of the other species on the planet. If we continue along the path we're now on, we will have eliminated ourselves long before this.
Circular logic is correct because it is.