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16 Jan 2009, 5:39 am

why do people always speak of humans and apes when humans are a species of great ape? there's no logic in it, there are not enough differences between us and other great apes to place us in a completely new biological family so why do people do it?

the tools/technology we use do not define nor change our biology, we are still a species of great ape.


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12 Mar 2009, 9:41 am

azulene wrote:
You would have an instant portion of casualties as you removed things like pace-makers, artificial heart valves and transplanted organs. A portion of your test population would be rendered crippled or seriously at risk of death as drugs like ventolin and synthetic insulin would not be available. Glasses and hearing aids and so forth would be removed. Tooth fillings would also be removed.

The problem with this part of your post is that all the ailments you list are actually *caused* by a technological society. Animals in the wild do not get tooth decay, stress related illness, heart disease etc etc. There is evidence that it is the same for humans. Even in recent times, tooth decay, heart disease and cancer have been noted as virtually unknown in 'primitive' societies.

So technology gives us back a portion of the good physical health it denies us in the first place. Does it give us *any* of our psychological health bach, though?

azulene wrote:
I am talking about what makes humans human. I am saying science and technology do a darn good job at preventing us not only from dieing, but functioning as human beings in a society.

Science takes care of people far, far, far better than most people take care of each other.

Not doing a very good job of taking care of the planet as a whole, though, is it? :wink: Humans are responsible for more destruction and extinctions than any other species. So far 'nature red in tooth and claw' unfettered by science and religion has not resulted in a bleak wilderness. Quite the opposite, it has produced a HUGE diversity of species.
The species that is the single biggest threat to this diversity of life is us.

With every species we destroy, every field we build malls on, every river we pollute, all the time we are getting unhealthier mentally and physically. And we don't see the connection! I don't believe we are we born so 'naturally ill' that science, technology and 'the machine that goes ping' are fundamental to our existence. We destroy our environment - we destroy ourselves - and so on in a feedback loop.

No other species in it's natural environment needs science and technology to prevent it embarking on mass killing spree genocide of the weak. The suggestion that as humans we do need it may well be true, but indicative of flaws in our way of living, not something to be proud of.

We will never be able to eliminate all of the other species on the planet. If we continue along the path we're now on, we will have eliminated ourselves long before this.

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12 Mar 2009, 10:06 am

Sand wrote:
twoshots wrote:
Sand wrote:
And what happens in Saudi Arabia legally in marrying old men to little girls can pretty much be summed up as rape. And Darfur?

Alls I'm saying is that we're just another member of the family.

All things considered we are probably no better than other animals (apes included) at being decent to each other but al lot worse in being nasty to each other.

We are the smartest, baddest apes in The Monkey House.



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12 Mar 2009, 10:49 am

Orwell wrote:
What type of scientist are you? I've never heard of anyone refer to themselves as a "scientist," since that categorization is overly broad.

he might be a "scientist-spirit" "scientist-kinda-guy", "the scientist"

i am a scientist myself.
untrained. unemployed. but i still am a scientist.
i prefer the way of science, and with whatever my means, i do my own research.

you dont NEED a white frock, and a university employment to be a scientist.


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12 Mar 2009, 11:18 am

creationism is why I stay away from christianity lol

plus its totally gay


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12 Mar 2009, 11:28 am

azulene wrote:
I am a scientist from my first atom to my last, so here is what I think:

Without science and technology humans would not exist.

Observing nature, and realizing that sharp rocks could be put to use, apes took the first step towards becoming humans. This was the first piece of science. The sparks that were emitted by lapping stones could be used to make fire, to cook beasts that could only be willfully killed and consumed with those sharpened rocks. Such a food supply gave more time to improve associated technology. Fur could be stripped from beasts to make clothes so new environments could be survived and explored. The surviving, evolving mind required to generate and apply such realizations was needed to make language. Language allowed skills to be passed on and improved. Everything we know, and the very fact we know anything comes from this. Science and technology made us, not the other way around. We would still be hairy animals crawling around on our knuckles without science. The greatest achievement of humans was not splitting atoms or going to the moon, it was coming to earth by splitting rocks!

The following is designed to illustrate the reliance of modern humans and society on science technology rather than some very sick real life experiment. Imagine (thought experiment only) you went to a modern first world city and took 100 people at random for a de-sciencing experiment. It would start by removing all pieces of technology from their bodies and progress to de-sciencing the environment which contained them. You would have an instant portion of casualties as you removed things like pace-makers, artificial heart valves and transplanted organs. A portion of your test population would be rendered crippled or seriously at risk of death as drugs like ventolin and synthetic insulin would not be available. Glasses and hearing aids and so forth would be removed. Tooth fillings would also be removed. Then the surviving population would have their clothes removed and be placed in an otherwise inhabitable area theoretically capable of supporting humans, where the closest piece of existing technology was 1000km away. The theoretical test subjects would be allowed to make their own new technology using what they could find in nature. In the first few days there would be many more "passive" casualties as the "weakest" died of exposure and lack of the medicines.

The thought experiment thus far has been focussed on the casualties resulting from the direct consequences of de-sciencing. Having removed science completely, what would be left of the people? How human would they be? Are you familiar with William Golding's "Lord of the Flies"? Let's face it, people would start murdering each other in no time. The voice of reason would be the first thing to go. The beast within would awake.

I am talking about what makes humans human. I am saying science and technology do a darn good job at preventing us not only from dieing, but functioning as human beings in a society.

Science takes care of people far, far, far better than most people take care of each other.

The notion of "human nature" is extremely confined. Although one tiny aspect, for example, of what is misconstrued to be "human nature", is to force social conformity and destroy those who do not comply. This behavior is prevalent in almost all social animals starting at ants and bees. Why do ants and bees have human nature, unless this nature is in fact not human?

People who excuse what is really bestial behavior by saying "it's human nature, you can't change it" are wrong wrong wrong. Simply by believing the notion it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. "Human nature" is not human to start with, and it is unnatural for us to be non-human. If science changed us from being apes on the outside (now that is a tough one to change!), it can, and has done the same from within. Even if people don't recognize it. Even if they are unaware of it, or think they can reject it, it still does its job.

So I am an Aspie scientist. Although I am clearly on the wrong planet I consider myself a human being. A human being questioning what it means to be human, yet not belonging amongst them...

Not entierly ture all science has realy done is helped us in our survival...

But now you gotta woner are we any better off then we were back like in the 10,000BC when there was practicly no science... they had spears yeah... But now we have Guns, Chemical weapons, adv explosives, airplanes, tanks, warships, nuclear weapons... so the fact is its just a matter of oppinion :?

~Aaron, the professional doormat.


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12 Mar 2009, 11:36 am

Theo-graphic creatures, capable of language, thought, mathematics, construction, etc.


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12 Mar 2009, 11:38 am

and murdering thousands of their own kind over invisible men and books


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12 Mar 2009, 2:03 pm

Kilroy wrote:
and murdering thousands of their own kind over invisible men and books

Also for land, loot and women.



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12 Mar 2009, 4:40 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
and murdering thousands of their own kind over invisible men and books

Also for land, loot and women.

I wonder if there's a total score so far of lives lost in religious wars vs. those lost in mere land grabs? Hard to separate because many times the leaders use religion to stir the emotions of the masses, yet really it was a land grab.

I'm no supporter of organised religion (or disorganised religion), but if all religions disappeared from the earth tomorrow, I'm amazed that anybody thinks Science could keep the conflict at bay. Admittedly we have plenty of conflicts of a religious nature, but the worst atrocities of the 20th C were not in the name of religion. The blame rests with political and economic scientists. Do they not count as proper scientists?

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12 Mar 2009, 4:52 pm

The most advanced animal on the planet.

So simple, it's complicated


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12 Mar 2009, 5:32 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
and murdering thousands of their own kind over invisible men and books

Also for land, loot and women.

Women are also human, so do women kill for women in the thousands?


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12 Mar 2009, 6:32 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
and murdering thousands of their own kind over invisible men and books

Also for land, loot and women.

Women are also human, so do women kill for women in the thousands?

Heh heh - I can see where this is going!! No, generally the women don't kill. Because they don't have to, the men do it for them. In both first and second world wars, in the UK, the women were prime motivators in encouraging men to join up. In some cases, women *demanded* their men went, even their own sons, such was the level of shame attached to not signing up. Humiliation of male conscientous objectors was conducted by both genders. I'd guess it was the same in Germany, Russia, Japan, China etc too.

If anybody is harbouring the image of aggresive, warlike men going off to butcher each other while the peace loving women are pleading for them all to stay home and look after the kids, well it's just that: an image. It is not the reality. Women support war maybe not to the same extent as men, but not far off it.

Propaganda works on the minds of both genders. Women want the nice land and the nice houses as much as men, perhaps more so due to the maternal instinct.

Circular logic is correct because it is.


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12 Mar 2009, 6:40 pm

Social_Fantom wrote:
The most advanced animal on the planet.

We are the smartest, baddest apes in The Monkey House.



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12 Mar 2009, 6:48 pm

Grays are the smartest birds.

Dolphins are the smartest whale.

Cats are the baddest mammal.

And velociraptors somehow learned how to fly and now live in the Delta Quadrant.






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12 Mar 2009, 6:52 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Grays are the smartest birds.

Dolphins are the smartest whale.

Cats are the baddest mammal.

And velociraptors somehow learned how to fly and now live in the Delta Quadrant.





Cats are not bad. They are just themselves. I have often wondered what it would have been like if felines evolved as the most advanced and intelligent mammal.
