slowmutant wrote:
Ragtime, you seem to have forgotten about John 3:16.
That verse is the answer to your question and it is quite succinct.
I'm referring to modern times, between the First and Second Comings.
Both of those visits have both declared and hugely-important purposes. I'm saying that there might be a reason why
we don't physically see and hear more of God than we do, and suggesting that there's a reason
why Jesus ascended into Heaven at age 33, instead of deciding to live to 100 or even ~2,000 in order
to be with us for a longer span of time in the flesh. I believe the reason He left so soon might be connected with Him being holy -- set apart from us because we sin and He does not. But it could also be to better try our faith. Then again,
had He remained here for 2,000 years, performing many miracles, there would
still exist some obstinate, at-least-outward doubters and conspiracy theorists. That's because real belief in the truth involves a willingness to be rational regardless of rationality's implications.
Yes, He loves us all, repentant and unrepentant,
but He obviously chooses to not exist on Earth in the flesh for the time being.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Last edited by Ragtime on 19 Feb 2009, 11:06 am, edited 4 times in total.