Orwell wrote:
a foetus (spelling this way to please the leftist pragmatist)
I'm pleased to have raised the etymologic understanding of at least one uncouth yank. Careful with the LP accusation; the party does not have a sense of humour and I might get kicked out
As you can see, each side's conclusion follows quite easily from their assumptions. You should not be arguing over the conclusion, but instead over whose definitions are correct. Too often I see these debates and neither side will address the foundation of the disagreement, preferring a shouting match of old, tired arguments.
yes all well and good but shouting is so much fun. I doubt that either side will ever agree on a correct definition, manly because we are right and they are wrong
For myself, I certainly see the pro-lifer's point. And like most people, I do feel uncomfortable with the idea of abortion. I certainly don't think it's a good thing. However, there are some situations where there is no better option. To look at young women who have found themselves in an incredibly difficult and painful situation and to make it that much harder on them by passing judgment is incredibly callous. Place me in the "pro compassion" camp.
Who gets to decide ? We either have legal abortion or we don't. If we don't then back street abortions will go through the roof with all the accompanying problems.
I agree that prevention is better than cure, so it does make sense to promote safe sexual practices, and by this I do not mean those bloody ridiculous celibacy vows that seem to be in vogue. For starters, that idiot in the white robes who sits on his mountain of wealth could pontificate that his underlings fornicate with condoms and other forms of birth control, instead of relying upon the rhythm method.
"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx