Sand wrote:
Aah Jewish! Even the Jews cannot agree what Jewish is. Jewish humor, apart from Jewish religion is something cultural like German humor, Irish humor, New York humor, sex humor, etc., etc. Nothing to do with religion and if you went into a Jewish temple and demonstrated how funny all those little ceremonies Jews practice to conform to their religion I doubt you would raise many laughs. Religion, like any other totalitarian discipline, sees humor as blasphemy and rewards it with torture or disdain or, as with the Muslims, frequently, death.
Neither Jews nor anyone else can give a verbal definition of Jewish Humor that captures it adequately. However Jews
know what Jewish Humor is by virtue of their upbringing and associations. Even non-Jews have an intuitive grasp of Jewish Humor which is why gentiles laugh their arses off when amused by Jewish comedians.
Sample: What is green, hangs on a wall and whistles?
Answer: A red herring.
But, you say, a red herring doesn't hang on a wall. So nail it to the wall
But, you say, a red herring isn't green. So paint it green.
But, you say, it doesn't whistle. Big deal, so it doesn't whistle.
I might point out the the same is true of Italian Humor, Greek Humor, even Black Humor. The only thing that is not possible is Russian Humor. That is oxymoronic.