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30 Apr 2009, 4:00 am

phil777 wrote:
...There is some truth in what Ahmadinejad says when the Israel state is "racist", but it's kind of a pity he's so incoherent (and somewhat angsty) that people ignore him...
I wouldn't go as far as saying he's incoherent. I'd say he waffles. He certainly lacks that 'western leader' tendency to talk in soundbites.

If people persevere and try to listen beyond the waffle, he actually makes a lot of valid points about 'Western' hypocrisy, about countries that condemn the likes of Iran and North Korea for wanting to exploit nuclear energy, ostensibly on the basis of fears that they might develop nuclear weapons, while those countries that are protesting against Iran and North Korea's nuclear energy projects have developed - and in the case of the US used - nuclear weapons.

He has a point.

Likewise, he points out the hypocrisy of other countries regarding human rights.


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30 Apr 2009, 6:06 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
hester386 wrote:
Is Judaism even legal in Iran?

There are a few ancient communities, these go back to biblical times - more or less breakaways. I don't know the specific degree of sharia imposed in Iran, most of the time in these situations other religions are tolerated as long as they both 1) pay the dhimmi tax (tax for being a non-muslim) and 2). worship strictly in private - do not speak of their religion at all, otherwise it will be heresy against Islam and any protection that they had been paying for with the tax will be superseded by this.
Islam is one of the three Abrahamic monotheistic religions. Judaism is not heresy against Islam. Moses is considered to be a prophet in Islam, as is Jesus.

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Usually its a very definite second-class citizen role and in the case of the Jewish communities in Iran they most likely refuse to go anywhere just because - their ancestors have held that land for so long that they likely feel that they'd be dishonoring their own heritage as well as letting religious tyranny prevail.
Second class citizens? You mean like Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza and Israel, in many cases living on land long held by their ancestors? You mean like Palestinians trying to avoid letting religious tyranny prevail?

Or perhaps you mean like non-Christians in the US? Muslims subjected to religious/racial profiling, subjected to extraordinary rendition, shipped off to Guantanamo and tortured?

Or perhaps the kind of religious tyranny in the US that sees Christian fundamentalists bomb and kill in the name of 'pro-life' because of their personal, religious beliefs and objections to abortion?

Or maybe you mean second class citizens like the African-American population that was disproportionately so hard hit by Hurricane Katrina? And who were pretty much left to fend for themselves due to the failures of their government and disaster response management?

Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

Yeah, because being a second class citizen is a bummer isn't it? :roll:


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30 Apr 2009, 7:39 am

EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...

"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


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30 Apr 2009, 7:59 am

Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?


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30 Apr 2009, 8:16 am

EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


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30 Apr 2009, 9:44 am

Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

I'm a bit puzzled too. Are you aware that WASP is an acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?


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30 Apr 2009, 11:45 am

Laconvivencia wrote:
Actually Jews are treated well in Iran, there is even a Jewish Member of the Iranian Parliment, Iran is not anti semitic, it is Anti-Israel like i am.

yes. people need to separate jew/zionism.

heres a breakdown:


iran is against zionism, just like america is against communism. and we all know how charming it is, when people realize its just people, like that little american girl who was invited to the ussr, or the astronauts shaking hands and whatnot. the problem is, as is often, the -isms ;)

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30 Apr 2009, 12:22 pm

Sand wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

I'm a bit puzzled too. Are you aware that WASP is an acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

Worst. Abbreviation. EVER! :?

"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


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30 Apr 2009, 12:53 pm

Henriksson wrote:
Sand wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

I'm a bit puzzled too. Are you aware that WASP is an acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

Worst. Abbreviation. EVER! :?

what? ... Protestant it exists

am i missing a joke? :( again :(

it is ugly tho, i see that. now im trying to think out what would be the exact opposite...

black sino-tibetan conformist? i dunno...

''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''


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30 Apr 2009, 8:55 pm

Sand wrote:
I am truly impressed with the intellectual potential of humanity's intellect and I find it totally perverse that the intense idiocies have so distorted those potentials as to promote abject ignorances and cruelties that threaten decency and even the existence of life itself on this planet for no sensible reason. It insults me and frightens me.

So to take that as relevant to the earlier post you'd have to be indicating that you see religion as the thesis for that. I'm sorry, I really don't think that any more people will buy into that premise just by your perpetual shin-kicking of theism (and I call it shin-kicking because you have more than enough eloquent arguments thrown at you about many topics and you have no problem with ignoring the bulk of a post to cherry-pick one or two sentences and go off on a tangent to change the topic - thus its never even debate; more of a 'I'll prick em with pins till they bleed out or just get tired of sticking up for themselves when they can't possibly get any sense out of me in return' kind of thing).


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30 Apr 2009, 9:02 pm

EnglishLulu wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
hester386 wrote:
Is Judaism even legal in Iran?

There are a few ancient communities, these go back to biblical times - more or less breakaways. I don't know the specific degree of sharia imposed in Iran, most of the time in these situations other religions are tolerated as long as they both 1) pay the dhimmi tax (tax for being a non-muslim) and 2). worship strictly in private - do not speak of their religion at all, otherwise it will be heresy against Islam and any protection that they had been paying for with the tax will be superseded by this.
Islam is one of the three Abrahamic monotheistic religions. Judaism is not heresy against Islam. Moses is considered to be a prophet in Islam, as is Jesus.

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Usually its a very definite second-class citizen role and in the case of the Jewish communities in Iran they most likely refuse to go anywhere just because - their ancestors have held that land for so long that they likely feel that they'd be dishonoring their own heritage as well as letting religious tyranny prevail.
Second class citizens? You mean like Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza and Israel, in many cases living on land long held by their ancestors? You mean like Palestinians trying to avoid letting religious tyranny prevail?

Or perhaps you mean like non-Christians in the US? Muslims subjected to religious/racial profiling, subjected to extraordinary rendition, shipped off to Guantanamo and tortured?

Or perhaps the kind of religious tyranny in the US that sees Christian fundamentalists bomb and kill in the name of 'pro-life' because of their personal, religious beliefs and objections to abortion?

Or maybe you mean second class citizens like the African-American population that was disproportionately so hard hit by Hurricane Katrina? And who were pretty much left to fend for themselves due to the failures of their government and disaster response management?

Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

Yeah, because being a second class citizen is a bummer isn't it? :roll:

Well, you live in a parallel universe. There's not much to debate aside from...well....if you ever get curious about reality its out there and available for study.


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30 Apr 2009, 9:32 pm

jrknothead wrote:
didn't Iran's leader just recently proclaim there were no jews in Iran? Or was that homosexuals?

Baha'is and homosexuals. Jews in Iran are treated fairly well, having representation in the parliament and voting rights. They are even exempted from the ban on alcohol, along with Christians and Zoroastrians. Mandaens in Iran are classified as Christian.


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30 Apr 2009, 9:52 pm

Looks like reality can be sometimes stranger than fiction, Khomeini actually established a Fatwa for the protection of Jews. I'm guessing this would have to be more of a Shiite habit than Sunni? It seems like that's the pattern between the multicultural makeup of Iran and Iraq vs. the rest of the middle-east.


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01 May 2009, 1:15 pm

ZEGH8578 wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
Sand wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

I'm a bit puzzled too. Are you aware that WASP is an acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

Worst. Abbreviation. EVER! :?

what? ... Protestant it exists

am i missing a joke? :( again :(

it is ugly tho, i see that. now im trying to think out what would be the exact opposite...

black sino-tibetan conformist? i dunno...
Yes, I am aware that Wasp is an acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

That was precisely my point.

That African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up in prison than the white anglo-saxon population in the US. And African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up on death row in US prisons.

You might want to do some research into the statistics about crime and punishment in your own country.

That was precisely because the (in-)justice system in the US is loaded against African Americans. In many respects, African Americans are treated as second class citizens in the US. In terms of being denied educational and employment opportunities. In terms of being disproportionately more likely to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than their white counterparts.

Why is that, do you think? Do you think that African Americans are intrinsically more likely to be more criminally inclined than their white counterparts? Or do you perhaps think that maybe, just maybe, it's because of institutional racism in the US, the justice system treating African Americans as second class citizens?

Some of you Americans here are coming over all superior about how another nation apparently treats people of different religions or ethnicities as second class citizens, weighing in with your opinions about how abhorrent such treatment is, when the reality is that your own country is similarly institutionally racist and/or 'religion-ist' against other groups of people, treating them as second class citizens, due to racial and religious profiling.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and all that.

Are you people up to speed now? Or is it still too hard for you to understand, do you need diagrams? Or maybe you need me to put it into nursery level language? :roll:


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01 May 2009, 1:18 pm

EnglishLulu wrote:
ZEGH8578 wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
Sand wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
EnglishLulu wrote:
Or second class citizen African-Americans who are disproportionately more like to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than the Wasp population?

I really hope that was a freudian slip...
Why? What's Freudian about it? :?

I hope you're not seriously suggestion that African Americans are more likely to end up on death row that... wasps.

I'm a bit puzzled too. Are you aware that WASP is an acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant"?

Worst. Abbreviation. EVER! :?

what? ... Protestant it exists

am i missing a joke? :( again :(

it is ugly tho, i see that. now im trying to think out what would be the exact opposite...

black sino-tibetan conformist? i dunno...
Yes, I am aware that Wasp is an acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

That was precisely my point.

That African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up in prison than the white anglo-saxon population in the US. And African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up on death row in US prisons.

You might want to do some research into the statistics about crime and punishment in your own country.

That was precisely because the (in-)justice system in the US is loaded against African Americans. In many respects, African Americans are treated as second class citizens in the US. In terms of being denied educational and employment opportunities. In terms of being disproportionately more likely to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than their white counterparts.

Why is that, do you think? Do you think that African Americans are intrinsically more likely to be more criminally inclined than their white counterparts? Or do you perhaps think that maybe, just maybe, it's because of institutional racism in the US, the justice system treating African Americans as second class citizens?

Some of you Americans here are coming over all superior about how another nation apparently treats people of different religions or ethnicities as second class citizens, weighing in with your opinions about how abhorrent such treatment is, when the reality is that your own country is similarly institutionally racist and/or 'religion-ist' against other groups of people, treating them as second class citizens, due to racial and religious profiling.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and all that.

Are you people up to speed now? Or is it still too hard for you to understand, do you need diagrams? Or maybe you need me to put it into nursery level language? :roll:

kaboom :S

all i did was point out that "wasp" was a real abbrevation :(

*runs away sobbing*

''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''


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01 May 2009, 5:19 pm

EnglishLulu wrote:
Yes, I am aware that Wasp is an acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

That was precisely my point.

That African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up in prison than the white anglo-saxon population in the US. And African Americans are statistically and disproportionately more likely to end up on death row in US prisons.

You might want to do some research into the statistics about crime and punishment in your own country.

That was precisely because the (in-)justice system in the US is loaded against African Americans. In many respects, African Americans are treated as second class citizens in the US. In terms of being denied educational and employment opportunities. In terms of being disproportionately more likely to end up in prison, more likely to end up on death row than their white counterparts.

Why is that, do you think? Do you think that African Americans are intrinsically more likely to be more criminally inclined than their white counterparts? Or do you perhaps think that maybe, just maybe, it's because of institutional racism in the US, the justice system treating African Americans as second class citizens?

Some of you Americans here are coming over all superior about how another nation apparently treats people of different religions or ethnicities as second class citizens, weighing in with your opinions about how abhorrent such treatment is, when the reality is that your own country is similarly institutionally racist and/or 'religion-ist' against other groups of people, treating them as second class citizens, due to racial and religious profiling.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and all that.

Are you people up to speed now? Or is it still too hard for you to understand, do you need diagrams? Or maybe you need me to put it into nursery level language? :roll:

I'll be fair and admit that this is at least a very colorful tirade but - content, you won't impress many people with the logic - mainly because anyone can drink pop-culture Koolaid, its not a gift.

Addressing some of the topics you brought up before:

Why do African Americans go to jail more often than their English counterparts? I might have to ask that about that regarding England as well. Here the problem is they were raped twice - first by slavery then by guys like Elridge Cleaver and Saul Alinsky who decided to use them as the prolatariot to institute socialism - that and the poverty they were in created also another layer of problems; mainly the attitude that unless your successful through sports or music, if you go through the 'white man's' system - you'll be hated by your own race to a large extent for being an Uncle Tom, a sell-out, for not being authentically 'black'. That kind of hatred and biggotry toward their own though is political, a larger and larger minority of more conservative African Americans is growing who wants to get off the system and wants nothing to do with the culture that's abounded for the last thirty years through guys like Sharpton, Jackson, and yes - Wright to add another. The most disgusting thing that our lib congress did recently was shooting down the school voucher system in DC - for a second the honor students had a chance to get away from the inner city schools; teachers unions however couldn't have that happen because its really about them not the kids (much like its about the auto unions not GM/Chrysler/Ford).

Why did Katrina disproportionately hit blacks? I have to ask why the flooding in the midwest two years ago that caused so much devastation and destroyed all kinds of property only hit whites? Regardless of what you believe in a religious scope; acts of nature are under no one's control. It is however perfectly fair to ask questions such as "Why weren't these people evacuated?" "Why weren't the levies in better condition?" "Why wasn't FEMA there immediately?". Answering those questions in order the mayor and state governor failed miserably in corroborating the evacuation efforts, the local and state governments barely spent a dime on the levies (Louisiana was a very politically corrupt state up until Katrina - that got people angry enough to vote out the powers that were and clean house enough to flip it around completely). As for FEMA waiting 3 days? We have some pesky provisions in the constitution regarding states rights, military being sent into states - Bush screwed up horribly in the way he always did; barely mumbled a word in his own defense or explained why things were done as they were.

Pro-lifers blowing up abortion clinics - that's a weird one to bring up, especially if you want to bring it up as something symbolic of 'all things American'; mainly on its pure rarity but also that you realize we're looking into laws that will force doctors to perform abortions regardless of what their religious outlook is and to do so could be removal of their right to practice medicine and even jail? Our country fights with words over abortion issue, mainly in the sense of just how much human potential is deleted from existence and there is a *lot* of legitimate ethical concern to be had regarding the practice thereof.

Coming back to again, African Americans/African Brits being in jail more than their WASP counterparts - it is the difference of the amount of crime caused and I'll agree with some of the socialists here that poverty breeds crime, I think those of all colors thrown in jail are thrown in jail over crime not color - the act matters but, true enough, the economic conditions of the cultural group set the stage. Here's where a conservative (likely Republican) and a liberal (Democrat) differ - liberals want to give them more or do things to redistribute income to them by taking it from the rich; sounds noble on emotion impression for all of a minute until you realize that it does absolutely nothing to help them mobilize. A conservative (again, likely Republican) would rather give them the keys to the kingdom in terms of education, all the opportunity to excel, to become upper class or upper-middle class, plenty of African Americans do so. The real institutional racism - its in the race bating business and the handout culture; afterall if a minority ceased to be victimized whether by true racism or evil or by its own shadow - certain parties would lose a huge voting block. Its why people in the U.S. will also speak the same rambling drivel in the U.S. as well about the Evil Empire of the U.S. and how we oppress religions, genders, peoples, and when you do the math and research - the really gruesome thing you find is that its liberalism suppressing and holding these people down because they'll constantly be driving them to extort rather than achieve.

To me, when people run on about the topics you brought up - it sounds like they went to college and got brainwashed rather than taught.