anna-banana wrote:
DentArthurDent wrote:
I do not support their actions but it is important to understand what has caused all this. Very simply when somalia became a failed state in the early to mid 90's fishing fleets form around the world realised that there was no-one to protect Somali fishing grounds. They went in en-masse and wiped the area out. So now you have families that have no income and are employed by organised crime to attack the ships. If the money being spent on the naval presence was instead put into the rebuilding of these communities the problem would go away very quickly.
ok I didn't know that. that makes perfect sense actually.
heck, that sounds like something that I could support!
the thing is though- more than half of the people from my town work in the shipping industry. all of my close friends work in the shipping industry. everyone I know knows someone who's uncle/friend/dad works on the ships that routinely take the route via Somalian coast. 10+ people from my town have already been on one of the hijacked ships. all I hear here is how much those a-holes from Somalia are going to cost us. so it's hard for me to make an unbiased judgement...
I'll have to think some more about this one.
now, as to the nuclear pirates that glow in the dark- watch this:
as you can see, nuking them already didn't work, only made things worse.
its easyer to understand the pirates etc, when you consider somalia being... well... a synonym for a non-country.
borders and politics stop at ethiopia, kenya and somaliland (which is separate from somalia, only nobody cares.)
as far as i know, piracy is THE only income that the country has, whatsoever. and so what, if piracy isnt OUR idea of a good income for a country? somalia has nothing else. and so what if the pirates keep what 90% of the loot? 10% is more money than somalia will ever dream of, as of this moment. its ALL they got, its like afghan poppy growers, and everything else we white eurosnobs complain about, without thinking of an alternative.
its like telling a beggar to stop begging, cus it bothers us. "then what do i do?" he says.
"i dont f*****g care, just stop begging. you're stinking up the place" we say :]
''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''