The difference (obviously) between Christianity and Islam is that Jesus didn't tell His followers to kill people. Mohammed did. In writing.
Also, whereas Christianity has had some bloody times in its history, Islam has had NOTHING BUT bloody times since its inception. Their has never been "peace and goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:14) in Isalm, but rather the exact opposite. This is, again, due to the differing natures of the two religions' respective texts. The Qu'ran tells its readers to kill everyone who isn't Muslim, while the Bible teaches the opposite: Jesus said to LOVE our enemies and to PRAY FOR them. The Qu'ran teaches hate toward, and killing of, all non-Muslims; the Bible teaches love and respect toward all non-Christians.
So I say again, any American holiday celebrating Islam is most appropriately set for September 11th. All 19 hijackers were frevent Muslims, and they believed religiously in what they were doing. And, unlike with the Christian Crusaders, the religious book which the 19 Muslim hijackers adhered to backs up their murderous actions completely. They were only being good Qu'ranic Muslims in their terrorist attacks on 9/11. Whereas it's Biblically obvious that the Christian Crusaders were bad Biblical Christians.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.