God is Evil
alba wrote:
This is, of course, pure conjecture...sometimes truth is stranger than fiction..
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
You need professional psychological help. I'm sorry.
claire333 wrote:
Sand wrote:
There are many ways other than words to communicate ideas. Static pictures...
When I was a child, I saw a painting of hell. It was a beautiful painting of a young woman pouring urns of water into a larger urn, which would never fill due to a leak on its side. I am not certain how I knew this was a depiction of hell, but I did and I knew the woman would be performing this task for all eternity. But who knows, maybe it was just a painting of a woman pouring water into a leaky urn.That is an archetype of the Aquarius. It's interesting that you would see such a clear vision of that before knowing of it. I assume you didn't know of it, but I may be wrong? Were you familiar of the Aquarius symbol at the time you had that vision/hallucination? So many people have had that same vision. Why is that?
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Magnus wrote:
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are characters created by people. I think that is a pretty well known fact. What is not known is how we got here and why we are here.
Who says there must be a reason behind our being here? Existence requires no justification. Some people are obsessed with the notion that there is some mysterious and profound explanation for the human race. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are, of course, made up. If you look at the gods carefully, their emergence can be quite easily traced back to specific times in history. There is nothing inexplicable about that.
Magnus wrote:
That is an archetype of the Aquarius. It's interesting that you would see such a clear vision of that before knowing of it. I assume you didn't know of it, but I may be wrong? Were you familiar of the Aquarius symbol at the time you had that vision/hallucination? So many people have had that same vision. Why is that?
I still do not know much of archetypes, so no, I would not have known. I am also not certain how old I was; I know it was less than seven, so I am not clear of my understanding of hell at the time either. I do not see it as a vision/hallucination becasue the painting was real and what I wrote was my interpretation of what the artist said to me. Although, looking back, it was most likely a statement of an exercise in futility, or maybe it was just hell. But my comment was more in response to Sand's statement about other forms of communications, as they still can communicate the same messages, although more likely to be confusing or misunderstood.
I totally misread your post Claire. I thought I clicked on the Dreams thread.
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Sand wrote:
alba wrote:
This is, of course, pure conjecture...sometimes truth is stranger than fiction..
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
You need professional psychological help. I'm sorry.
I agree with alba. Archons=Aliens
She is definitely one of the nicest people on this forum who is seeking knowledge and wishing to better herself, so I don't think she deserves that kind of disrespect. Sand, if you had any balls or if you really cared about her mental well being, you should PM her instead of acting like an ass.
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Magnus wrote:
Sand wrote:
alba wrote:
This is, of course, pure conjecture...sometimes truth is stranger than fiction..
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
I do not believe in a creator god, a personal god, or an alien god. I do believe the Reptilian aliens exist, but they did not create humans. In many ways the Reptilians are far advanced of us. In other ways, they lag behind. But generally speaking they are [or were] technologically superior and considerably more intelligent.
When the Reptilian aliens discovered Earth, primitive humans were already here. The Reptilians wanted to stake claim on Earth. Breeding with Earth humans was their way of claiming this planet as their own. Through combining their DNA with the humans they found here, the Reptilian aliens catalyzed/expedited our evolution in terms of overall intelligence. They raised the bar for us. I believe the humanoid form is very common in alien civilizations, so it wasn't a surprise when the Reptilians found humanoid creatures on this planet. They pretty much had surpassed us in technological skill as Earth humans had no technology to speak of, when they first encountered us. The Reptilians colonized Earth and claimed all of Earth's resources as their own. They control humans the way humans today control cattle. We are their slaves. Almost.
The Reptilians are very evil in the sense that they have no concern whatsoever about the Prime Directive. They have chosen to interfere with planet Earth for their own benefit and have little concern for our welfare. What they have done is simply an example of space colonization. If Earth humans continue to evolve on this planet, we will probably embark on space colonization ourselves within the next 200 years, if not this century. It is highly doubtful we will consider ourselves evil for doing so.
The Reptilians colonized Earth. They have done with us as they will. The problem with their actions relative to Earth humans' natural evolution is-- the Prime Directive really does exist, and what they have done is an illegal occupation. [Sound familiar?] There is also a [Milky Way] Galactic Council. In order to counter the Reptilian's interference with Earth humans' evolution, more benign aliens have had to become involved in Earth's affairs to even up the balance. What these helpful aliens are doing is very ingenious. Whereas the Reptilians seek to enslave us, the helpful aliens are ensuring that this plan backfires. The beneficial aliens are teaching us to use the alien DNA [primarily heightened intelligence] to throw off the yoke of the Reptilians.
In the process, our evolution has been accelerated [through having our DNA combine with the Reptilian DNA]. Thus the net effect of the Reptilians' interference is a positive one. And the Reptilian Agenda regarding planet Earth is grinding to a halt. They are gradually and indirectly being expelled. No, they aren't being forced to leave, nor asked to leave. They are leaving because their plan has failed and there is no use them remaining here. We will have evolved techologically to the point where they can no longer use us to their advantage. The window of opportunity is closed for them. We will, instead, use our technology for our own benefit....that is, if we don't annihilate ourselves. The beneficial aliens are interfering to keep that from happening.
When the Reptilians first began making visitations to Earth, they chose to have primitive Earth humans believe they were gods. They were, and still are, on a power trip. Many, if not all, early Earth civilizations, fell prey to the belief that the Creator God was, in fact, a Reptilian space alien. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of primitive art showing alien creatures and their space vehicles... primitive art from all over the world.
I totally realize how this sounds. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
You need professional psychological help. I'm sorry.
I agree with alba. Archons=Aliens
She is definitely one of the nicest people on this forum who is seeking knowledge and wishing to better herself, so I don't think she deserves that kind of disrespect. Sand, if you had any balls or if you really cared about her mental well being, you should PM her instead of acting like an ass.
If she really believes what he wrote my comment was quite appropriate. She is suffering under a serious and quite paranoid delusion.
greenblue wrote:
Jono wrote:
First of all, it assumes the moral argument for the existence of God as a basis, which I never found very convincing to begin with. Secondly, I don't see why fear of God and punishment should be the reason why people should have ethical and moral values as claimed by the video. If someone has rely on fear of punishment, either by society or by God, in order to care about the difference between right and wrong then that says a lot about the moral character of the person. Also, even if God didn't exist society would still need to have rules in order to be functional.
well, the issue is how morality would be better justified according to some, I think one interpretation of Nietzsche regarding morality, if I'm not mistaken, is to point out that without God we have nihlism (without God life and everything would be meaningless), and the view that morality could only be justified through the belief of God, one interpretation of Nietzche's The Madman is believed to be a criticism towards the enlightment movement and atheism back then.
In any case, will it be easier to justify morality through God than without God?
*This could be seen as playing devil's advocate, but really, I don't seem to have any concrete position on this, actually, I don't seem to have any.
Sorry, I haven't replied to this post because I haven't been on-line for a week. To answer your question, I don't think that we would have nihilism, if God did not exist. There are systems of ethics that could be constructed objectively without needing God to justify them, for example utilitarianism. Personly, I just think about how my own actions affect others and don't think about any particular ethical system.
Note: I'm not really disputing God's existence, I'm just disputing a particular argument for God's existence.
Sand wrote:
If she really believes what he wrote my comment was quite appropriate. She is suffering under a serious and quite paranoid delusion.
Wether something is delusional or not is subjective. I believe the real litmus-test for someone needed psychiatric help is wether they are a danger to themselves or others and wether they can function in day to day life. If you wish to medicate people based on their beliefs then you are just as bad as the soviets who medicated dissidents with haldol in the gulags.
Michjo wrote:
Sand wrote:
If she really believes what he wrote my comment was quite appropriate. She is suffering under a serious and quite paranoid delusion.
Wether something is delusional or not is subjective. I believe the real litmus-test for someone needed psychiatric help is wether they are a danger to themselves or others and wether they can function in day to day life. If you wish to medicate people based on their beliefs then you are just as bad as the soviets who medicated dissidents with haldol in the gulags.
If you think it's oppressive to help someone convinced the world is being taken over by alien reptiles then you and I have different concepts of repression.
Sand wrote:
If you think it's oppressive to help someone convinced the world is being taken over by alien reptiles then you and I have different concepts of repression.
If you truly believe she is delusional, then you would realise you cannot convince someone with any amount of logic that they are incorrect. The only solution would be an antipsychotic, which returns us back to my last post. If you believe people should be medicated solely on their beliefs as opposed to their functionality and danger to self and others, then you are indeed oppressive.
Michjo wrote:
Sand wrote:
If you think it's oppressive to help someone convinced the world is being taken over by alien reptiles then you and I have different concepts of repression.
If you truly believe she is delusional, then you would realise you cannot convince someone with any amount of logic that they are incorrect. The only solution would be an antipsychotic, which returns us back to my last post. If you believe people should be medicated solely on their beliefs as opposed to their functionality and danger to self and others, then you are indeed oppressive.
Evidently you believe that people with obvious severe delusions should not be helped. I disagree.
Sand wrote:
Evidently you believe that people with obvious severe delusions should not be helped. I disagree.
There are plenty of people who still believe the world is flat, would you place them on anti-psychotics as well? Would you place christians on anti-psychotics? Where do you draw the line? As i said, what constitutes a delusion is subjective. If you are treating people based on their beliefs alone, then you are denying them their own free-will and rights. That is oppression.
zena4 wrote:
Put all the children who believe in Santa Clauss on medication!
... That will make a lot of them but who cares?
They need to be helped!
... That will make a lot of them but who cares?
They need to be helped!
What, it's going to increase fertility?

"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.