Speaking of myself politicly, I've gone through various stages, as I've matured personally, and gained perspective based upon my life experiences. When I first became interested in politics, at the tender age of about 11, I thought that I was a conservative, when in reality I just tended to resent authority in general. And then after alternating between Communism, and right-libertarianism, I've finally settled upon the left, broadly speaking. I seem to favor social democracy, pragmaticly, and left-libertarianism, idealisticly. I also support the ideas of eco-socialism, and identify with the Green Party. In my opinion, autists tend towards libertarianism, due to our love of personal pursuits, and personal freedom, and on the other hand, towards socialism, because of our love of order, and personal security. So I feel that generally speaking, libertarian socialism is a synthesis of these counter balanced sentiments. But I've met a number of Communists, on this one message board I frequent, whom turned out to be aspies.