adb wrote:
Please explain this statement. Private property is a fundamental part of individualism. Without private property, what is the value of the individual? Are you speaking purely of land ownership per your next statement?
Do you define yourself with property? You can't own yourself because you are yourself. All forms of property are theft and coercion, we need to figure out what forms of property are justifiable. Private property causes hierarchical relationships; which kills freedom and individualism.
adb wrote:
What's wrong with owning land or air? If I'm using a certain amount of land or air toward a productive end, should someone else be able to come and remove the efforts of my labor? I can understand that simply planting a flag and claiming ownership might be "crazy", but taking ownership over a natural resource in order to develop it seems entirely reasonable.
Monopolizing power over land and natural resources is not reasonable. I believe you should only own what you are using.
adb wrote:
Please explain this statement also. I don't see how capitalism restricts liberty, much less is a complete opposite.
Capitalism prevents individuals from using land they would otherwise be able to use. Capitalism forces people to live at the mercy of bosses and landlords.
adb wrote:
Yes, you did say you want to dictate. Your statement that "tyranny is tyranny, no matter how small it is" was in response to ruveyn's defense of a small business owner's right to choose who he or she serves. You are arguing that the business owner shouldn't have that right. This is dictating what another person does.
There is no straw man argument here. My example is a direct application of your argument with your own qualification
If you are a business with open doors, you should be serving everyone who walks in. Otherwise you steal the time of the individuals you refused to serve.