Oldavid wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Oldavid wrote:
Heh!heh! I suppose that if you need brain surgery you'll go to Al Gore. He should be able to fix you right up!
No, I'll go to a brain surgeon who actually believes in science.
Do you mean "jump-on-the-band-wagon-and follow-the-cheering-mob" kind of "science" or the kind of science that involves actual observations of reality?
I mean the legitimate science that proves the earth is in the billions of years in age rather than in the mere thousands, or that life had evolved rather than being zapped into existence, etc.
Incidentally, I consider creationism to be a pseudo-science that fits in with the "jump-on-the-band-wagon-and follow-the cheering-mob," as it's adherents have preconceived notions that the science hating fundies out there eat up.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer