Tim_Tex wrote:
I am a Christian, so I feel that God exists, but that he isn't the proverbial "white-bearded stranger" that people expect (this was probably a personification that began with later civilizations). No visual depiction of God is described in the Bible/Torah/Quran, so it is subject to speculation.
Rather, my view is that God is more of a powerful wave of energy that permeates one's mind, body, and spirit, and motivates us to do certain things and have certain feelings.
God is anthropomorphized in Genesis, as he comes walking in the cool of the day, looking for Adam. The Elohist writer (who wrote Genesis 1), used an empirical style, but the Yahwist writer (who wrote Gen 2 & 3) uses anthropomorphism as a literary mode.
There are other stories where God is portrayed as discussing things, like his discussions with the devil over Job.
I used to be Christian too, but I had to reconcile all such ideas, and after decades of trying, I decided you have 3 choices: cherry pick, accept it all, or toss the lot. Cherry picking works as a stop gap, but then it grows like a cancer.
I'm not blind to your facial expression - but it may take me a few minutes to comprehend it.
A smile is not always a smile.
A frown is not always a frown.
And a blank look rarely means a blank mind.