Why should the government "help" people with Aspergers?

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Sea Gull
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31 Mar 2015, 10:05 pm

noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:10 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.

please take it from this old fart, aspie to aspie- if you continue eating such foods for much longer, you WILL have health problems later in life, I know because it happened to me and nobody [sufficiently] warned me.

Sea Gull
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31 Mar 2015, 10:18 pm

I'm aware, it's just what's practically affordable to me at the moment. I have a budget of $1098 a month, $525 goes to rent, $80 goes to phone and then $70 to 31 day transit pass. So yeah....


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31 Mar 2015, 10:24 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
I'm aware, it's just what's practically affordable to me at the moment. I have a budget of $1098 a month, $525 goes to rent, $80 goes to phone and then $70 to 31 day transit pass. So yeah....

I hope that you get more financial breathing room ASAP :)

Sea Gull
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31 Mar 2015, 10:28 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
I'm aware, it's just what's practically affordable to me at the moment. I have a budget of $1098 a month, $525 goes to rent, $80 goes to phone and then $70 to 31 day transit pass. So yeah....

I hope that you get more financial breathing room ASAP :)

Me too, once my facebook ban is done, I'm gonna post in the facebook group for my small 50k people town that I'm looking for a part-time job.


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01 Apr 2015, 12:43 am

auntblabby wrote:
I shop there mainly because it is the only department store in my little town.

While my wife and I do on occasion shop at Walmart, for the most part we spend our money - at least for groceries - at Winco, or the Grocery Outlet, both of which usually have better prices. Plus, they lack Walmart's evil rep.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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01 Apr 2015, 12:58 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I shop there mainly because it is the only department store in my little town.

While my wife and I do on occasion shop at Walmart, for the most part we spend our money - at least for groceries - at Winco, or the Grocery Outlet, both of which usually have better prices. Plus, they lack Walmart's evil rep.

I wish I had that stores here, walmart is honestly the lowest price place around here.


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01 Apr 2015, 1:41 am

wallyworld is where I for ages had to get my pharmacy drugs, as they were the cheapest. the closest grocery outlet for me is in the next county over an hour's drive away, in oly.

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01 Apr 2015, 1:41 pm

All Hail Wallyworld and GoodWill!


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01 Apr 2015, 1:44 pm

goodwill was my first exposure to the world of work. I shop there often. wallyworld saves me a long trip to the next county.

Sea Gull
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01 Apr 2015, 2:20 pm

Ha, Dollarama is good too. I managed to buy a months worth of art supplies for $27


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01 Apr 2015, 2:30 pm

I don't know, don't they help people who are wheelchair-bound by having ramps going into buildings and handicapped parking spaces?

Sea Gull
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01 Apr 2015, 2:35 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
I don't know, don't they help people who are wheelchair-bound by having ramps going into buildings and handicapped parking spaces?

Handicapped doesn't have to be for wheelchairs - It can be for anyone with walking issues, my mom is a stroke survivor she can't walk properly so she gets the parking permit.


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01 Apr 2015, 4:42 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I shop there mainly because it is the only department store in my little town.

While my wife and I do on occasion shop at Walmart, for the most part we spend our money - at least for groceries - at Winco, or the Grocery Outlet, both of which usually have better prices. Plus, they lack Walmart's evil rep.

yeah wal mart's prices have really been slipping ie going up. winco is cheaper for a lot food, bestbuy has better electronic prices then walmart. so clothes, house goods, pet food, is what I mainly go to walmart for then buy food since I'm there if its not cheaper at winco. that and blue bunny ice cream since they only ones who sell it.

grocery outlet can be ok, but i've found some of their prices to be higher then winco. they compare themselves to albertsons and safeway, which are 2-3 times higher then winco, so pretty easy to be cheaper then them. that and they never have the same stock.
interesting sad subject in my area apparently albertsons bought the safeway :( so good by competition and cheaper fries. what they going do open another albertsons half on other side of street. o.O plus imagine now albertsons can jack their prices to 6 times winco, that or we drive to winco/walmart :twisted:

hate company greed.

anyone know who haggens is? apparently they bought the safeway.


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01 Apr 2015, 5:05 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.

please take it from this old fart, aspie to aspie- if you continue eating such foods for much longer, you WILL have health problems later in life, I know because it happened to me and nobody [sufficiently] warned me.

I eat a lot of cheap food too. is it just that he mainly only eating pasta that concerns?

i eat $1 tv dinners, pizza, hamburger helper when i can afford it. hamburgers, chicken patties, nuggets, strips, chickens bit cheaper then beef, potatos lots of potatos. lasagna once in a while.

only have 150ish each month for food.


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01 Apr 2015, 5:19 pm

sly279 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.

please take it from this old fart, aspie to aspie- if you continue eating such foods for much longer, you WILL have health problems later in life, I know because it happened to me and nobody [sufficiently] warned me.

I eat a lot of cheap food too. is it just that he mainly only eating pasta that concerns? i eat $1 tv dinners, pizza, hamburger helper when i can afford it. hamburgers, chicken patties, nuggets, strips, chickens bit cheaper then beef, potatos lots of potatos. lasagna once in a while. only have 150ish each month for food.

from one brother aspie to another, I have only about that amount to spend on food each month also. what I was saying, is that the choices one makes in what food one eats, has real health effects that I experienced. I ate a typical SAD [Standard (north)American Diet] for decades until I was about 50# overweight, high blood pressure/cholesterol/triglycerides/arthritis/fatty liver/CRP/metabolic syndrome/chronic infections etc. came to a head about 5 years ago. was on the edge of having ticker trouble/heart attack. the choice in front of me, was keep on going and start on having heart attacks and all the rest and end up just like my dear old departed dad [who had 5+ heart attacks until he had quadruple bypass surgery which almost killed him], or change my diet. I opted for the latter because it was cheaper and easier than bypass/chronic disease which is very costly here south of the border. so out went the ramen and white rice and white potatoes and white sugar/starch/wheat of any kind/white anything, for that matter. replacing such with brown/wild rice, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, veggies, veggie juice, inexpensive nuts and seeds, tomato sauce [contains lycopene]. within a year my overweight, hypertension/cholesterolemia/chronic infections went away. and it didn't cost me any more food money than I was spending before, I am just spending more discerningly for healthier food choices. healthy doesn't have to cost more. and it will save in the long run via avoidance of typical middle-age diseases like I just mentioned.