magz wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Many men of that era grew up with fathers like Hitler.They didn’t kill millions.
Actually - the argument is: they did.
They didn't massively protest. They did obey orders. Little of them did use their own conciences to contest the law. Many enthusiastically accepted what was happening.
Without all these people's support, Hitler would have been just a harmlessly unknown mediocre painter.
You can apply that argument to indict the European 'invaders' for the genocide of the Native Amerikans.
My mother was 7 when Hitler came to power, btw.
Her family weren't Nazi supporters.
You are aware that most Germans didn't know about what was happening to the Jews, in terms of genocide, right?
Codes were even used to hide the fact.
"Arbeit macht frei."
Even the initial victims of the gas chambers didn't even realise what was going to happen, and they thought they going to showers.
Hitler didn't want "The Final Solution" to be connected with him, after the war.
It was heavily censored.
But look on the bright side.
The allies got even via the eisenhauer's death camps and the man-made famine which murdered millions of civilians.
In the two years after the war, Germany had one of the highest death rates of children, if not the highest, in those days.
There was a plan to poison the water supply, with the intention to kill more than 6 million Germans, but the famine was decided instead, obviously.
It was a 'better' look, as stalin knew.
Saul wanted to drop the atomic bomb on Berlin.
Had the allies done so, I wouldn't be here today!
A missed opportunity for me.
It could have saved me a lot of grief.